
The Third Annual Forum on ELT titled Modern Teaching English Strategies was held on 14 April 2018 at the Mercure Hotel in Khamis Mushait, Saudi Arabia. The event was organized by the Faculty of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University in cooperation with Al Khaleej Company. The primary aim of the forum was to share ideas about modern pedagogy. The program consisted of two sessions and ten presentations. The first session commenced with Ian Albert’s presentation titled Use of Visuals for Use with Touchstone. He showed how to effectively use the coursebook in terms of the use of pictures in teaching grammar. Ian’s presentation was followed by Myles Michael who, in his presentation titled Motivation in the Classroom, focused on how classroom activities could cater to proper motivation and how extrinsic motivation could be shifted to intrinsic motivation. In the next presentation titled Games Related to Touchstone, Anhar Redmond showed how to make practical use of games and activities in class with the help of the coursebook titled Touchstone 1. Abubakar Elasha, on the other hand, spoke about Multiple Intelligence and what teaching strategies language teachers should apply according to their type of intelligence. He focused on logical, verbal, interpersonal, naturalistic and many other types of intelligence. The final presentation in the session was delivered by Murshid Haider Choudhury who spoke on the subject of Teaching Target Culture to Saudi EFL Students in the 21st Century. He emphasized the judicious integration of local and L2 cultures in textbooks, and the need for EFL teacher training on how to teach culture in a pedagogical manner. The second session began with a workshop titled Cooperative Learning Groups: More Than Just One Group Work by Sheila Simpkins, who showed how to engage learners in group work in reading lessons. She primarily emphasized cooperative group work in which each learner would be actively involved in the learning process. The next presentation was delivered by Mohammad Adil who emphasized the Use of Discovery learning in Teaching Content Courses, which could make content lectures easier and more fruitful for students. Discovery learning, he concluded, could promote learner autonomy and facilitate lecture comprehension. Sara Huseynova, on the other hand, spoke on the subject On Cultural Differences in Learning and Teaching & Why and How to Promote Group Work Education. She emphasized that collective culture should become better at adapting to group work and therefore learning from others should be encouraged within this culture. Harry Ernest gave the last presentation titled Teaching EFL from Psychological and Cognitive Perspectives. It was primarily based on neurolinguistics. He showed how positive emotion and a relaxed teaching environment could facilitate learning. The forum undoubtedly was a great success. Date: 4/16/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique Multimedia Source: Ahmed M. Karamalla
The Scientific Research Committee organized a seminar entitled "Translation is the Art of Failure" on Monday, April 2, 2018. The seminar included two presentations by Ms. Sarah Alateeg and Ms. Safia Asiri. The target audience was comprised of level seven and eight students as well as postgraduate students. Ms. Safia started with clearing up top myths about translation. Also, she highlighted how students could contribute to this big industry. She guided students to useful information on websites and journals specialized in translation. Ms. Asiri also talked about international translation certificates and awards. In the second part of the event, Ms. Sarah Alateeg spoke about her journey with translation as a researcher, interpreter and freelance translator. She advised the students to remember that “their teachers are their target text readers” and to adhere to their teacher's instructions and techniques. Date: 9/4/2018 Source: Amal Metwally – Scientific Research Committee Coordinator
The Scientific Research Committee of the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized a two-hour workshop on Monday, April 9, 2018. The workshop was held to introduce staff members and MA students to Rbrul software. It was given by Dr. Khairia Abudadi where she delivered a presentation about Rbrul software. Dr. Khairia practically explained the material and the handouts distributed to the attendees. "Rbrul is a variable rule program that enables its users to plot, crosstab and run a regression analysis of the data,” Dr. Khairia said. She added, “the good thing about Rbrul is that once it’s up and running, it will ask you questions with multiple choice answers so that you don’t have to know the right things to type into R. Users don’t need to remember a large number of codes." Dr. Khairia talked about Rbrul installation, how to start using Rbrul, modeling and excel sheets. The attendees asked many questions, and they asked Dr. Khairia to organize another practical session to begin using the software. Among the attendees were Dr. Salma Al-Qahtani, the vice dean, and Dr. Mona Alsheri, the head of the department. They enriched the discussion with their comments and their background experience in the field. The scientific research committee thanked all participants for attending this workshop and will announce the next session in the near future. Date: 10/4/2018 Source: Amal Metwally – Scientific Research Committee Coordinator
Last week the department celebrated the graduation of the Spring 2018 class. It is with our deep appreciation to the English Club for sponsoring this important event. We marked this auspicious occasion with a wide variety of speakers and activities. The host for the evening, graduating senior Ahmed Eid, was very gracious and made sure that the celebration proceeded very smoothly. Graduating senior Sohail Al-Madkli marked the blessing of this event with a stirring recitation of Sūrat Ibrāhīm. Next, our esteemed Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, delivered a poignant graduation address in which he stressed the importance of educating future generations while imploring our graduates to continue that glorious tradition. The President of the English Club, Ali Saeed Daif Allah, delivered the graduation speech in Arabic thanking the Dean and staff. He then recognized the students' efforts to complete this long and arduous journey. Graduating senior Abdullah Al-Klthmi then gave his speech entirely in English inviting the students and faculty to reflect on the journey they had together and the difficulties they had to overcome. Abdullah advised his fellow students that their life's journey was really just beginning and many opportunities and difficulties lay on the road before them. He encouraged his fellow students to seize those opportunities and not to be overwhelmed by the challenges ahead. Graduating senior and noteworthy poet Abdulaziz Al-Shahrani offered an inspiring spoken word poetry performance thanking all faculty members of the department for helping the students succeed. The evening's festivities included a traditional dinner and social gathering. The Faculty of Languages and Translation is exceptionally proud of our graduates and honored to have participated in their education and development. Our faculty and staff eagerly anticipate stories of widespread success among these new graduates. The Kingdom will greatly benefit from the skills, abilities, and drive of these young men. Date: 4/8/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
The 13th Annual Research Day, under the supervision of Dr. Ismail Al-Refaai, Director of the Language Research Center, was held on April 04, 2018 at King Khalid University. The program commenced with a recitation of the Qur'an and a welcome speech by Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean for the Faculty of Languages and Translation. In his opening remarks, he encouraged the faculty members to take part in academic events and at the same time emphasized its importance. He highly appreciated the faculty members who contributed their research work for the event and recognized their hard work. He also conveyed his heartfelt thanks to the organizing committee who had worked behind the scene. The theme of the first and second session was English Language Teaching and Learning. The first speaker of the first session was Dr. Munassir Alhamami whose presentation was titled Beliefs Enable Learners to Succeed in Language Learning Environments. His research substantiated that language educators should investigate language learning from students’ perspectives in order to understand learners’ beliefs. This was followed by Dr. Dawood Mahdi’s presentation titled Improving Speaking Skills through Interactive Multimedia Environments which was based on the impact of multimedia technology on learning instruction development. He concluded that a lack of speaking skills among students correlates with a poor speaking learning process. Dr. Ismail Al-Refaai, who appeared third, spoke on the topic of Exploring the Relationship between General Self-confidence and Test-taking Strategies among EFL Graduate Students which emphasized that test-taking strategies are teachable and this can enhance learners’ self-confidence. Dr. Najmus Sarifa’s topic was Techniques for Teaching Professional Vocabulary, with Special Reference to Vocabulary Used in the Media. Her comparative research project concluded that vocabulary teaching and learning could be labeled as ephemeral and therefore for proper learning, vocabulary must be contextualized. The last speakers Ms. Sanjida and Tanzina Halim’s presentation was tilted Application of Elicitation in the Language Classroom which emphasized that elicitation is the primary technique that should be used regularly in class to enhance learner-involvement. The second session started with Dr. Abdul Wahid Al Zumor’s presentation titled The Implications of the Test Results for Action Research: A Case Study from the English Program at KKU which emphasized the importance of immediate investigation into the statistical differences in test results for the male and female campuses for accreditation. Dr. Sara Huseynova appeared second with her presentation titled On the Application of High-impact Communicative North American ELL Teaching Methodologies. She, while highlighting various approaches associated with the Communicative Language Teaching, emphasized the effectiveness of Communicative Language Teaching. Dr. Ali Mohammad Al-Asmari and Mr. Shamsur Rabb Khan’s paper was titled Connecting Saudi English Language Learners to the Outside World. Mr. Khan highlighted the significance of enhancing Saudi Learner exposure to outside world for better learning. Ms. Sufia Sultana, on the other hand, spoke on the topic of Humor: A tool to Enhance EFL Learning which concluded that humor in the language classroom increases the strength of human connections that helps with successful learning. The fifth presenter, Ms. Tanzin Ara Ashraf’s presentation, was titled Strategies to Overcome Speaking Anxiety among Saudi EFL Learners which explored the leading causes of speaking anxiety among the target group and concluded that some remedial measures must be taken. The last speaker Mr. Mazharul Islam, in his presentation titled Interlanguage: A Case Study of a Korean Learner, shared his research outcomes that focused on the appearance of Interlanguage during second language acquisition. The theme of the third session was Translation and Literature. The first presentation was by Ms. Amal M. Metwally, which was titled An Investigation of the Success of Machine-Aided Translation. Her study explored the history of Machine Translation (MT) and the breakthroughs achieved in the field of translation and concluded that MT is a sophisticated technology the success of which can only be achieved by the harmonious involvement of both man and machine. Dr. Eyhab Bader Eddin, who appeared second, spoke on the topic of Different Linguistic Functional Behaviors of the Conjunction هل Bring about Translation Deviations. His study pinpointed an area which had been neglected by most translators of the Qur'an and concluded that they had an inadequate understanding of the function of the conjunction his research was based on. Dr. Hasan Jaashan’s presentation was titled Stylistic Study of Onomatopoeia in Arabic Poetry. His study aimed at making a stylistic study of onomatopoeia to ascertain how sound and meaning are interconnected in Arabic Poetry and concluded that the combination of high-ranking phonemes is an effective way to consider the leading role of sounds in understanding the meaning of a poem. The fourth speaker, Ms. Irin Sultana, in her presentation titled Treatment of Marxism and the American Depression in Clifford Odets’ Waiting for Lefty, highlighted the fact that the working classes of the world would feel an urge to rise up in order to systematically fight for a better living, and she concluded that Waiting for Lefty showed the ways common people can fight against repression. The next presenter Dr. Sayed Bilal Kadiri highlighted the way Islam is represented in a TV show in his presentation titled The Representation of Islam and Muslims in a British Television Program. He concluded that Citizen Khan reinforced negative stereotyping of Muslims. Ms. Qudsia Zaini, the last presenter, spoke on the topic of Shakespeare and the Art of Living in the Modern Times, where she emphasized that studying Shakespeare could help in building the imagination and developing cultural awareness among learners and concluded that understanding and appreciating Shakespeare is essential for contemporary students. Besides oral presentations, there were posters as well. Mr. Ali Albashir Alhaj, Ms. Alvina Yousaf, Mr. Salahud Din Abdul Rab, Ms. Batoul Abdullah Ismail, Dr. Haseeb Ahmed, Dr. Rizwana Wahid, Dr. Oveesa and Farooq, Ms. Rukhshinda Jabeen, Dr. Wafa Saud, Ms. Samar Y. Alnmer and Mr. Mohammad Siraj made posters titled Cultural and Lexical Problems Encountered in Translating some Selected Qur'anic Euphemisms into English: A Comparative Conceptual and Stylistic Study, Enhancing Critical Reading of EFL Learners by Using the SRL (Self-Regulated Learning) Approach, Investigating the Role Played by Reading Speed in Increasing the Reading Comprehension of English Major Students of King Khalid University, Arabic and Western Lexicography - a Comparative Historical Study, Juxtaposing Philosophies: W.B. Yeats and Islam, The Influence of Derivational and Inflectional Morphology on the Writing of EFL Undergraduate Students, Literature in EFL Classroom: An Analytical Study, Collocation Error Analysis of EFL Learners, Perspectives on the Impact of Arabicisation on Identity Preservation: Views of Arab Students at the Postgraduate Level and Efl Learners’ Engagement in an Online Environment Enhances the Learning Outcomes in King Khalid University Respectively. The 13th Annual Research Day was a great success, and it gave the participants an opportunity to discuss and share their thoughts. Date: 4/7/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique  Multimedia Source: Sayed Karim
Dr. Abdulrahman Abdullah Almosa delivered a presentation on April 03, 2018, at a seminar organized by Faculty of Languages and Translation, King Khalid University. His presentation was based on his current Ph.D. thesis. In the presentation titled Multimedia Assisted Language Learning (MMALL) Facilitating L2 Listening Comprehension in an EFL Classroom, he highlighted the difficulties learners experience in listening comprehension and how MMALL could help to overcome them.  Dr. Almosa stated that the primary goal of his study was to investigate the effect of the use of Multimedia Assisted Learning Modalities in facilitating listening comprehension in the context of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Saudi Arabia. Modalities, he explained, are various forms of technology that creates a multimedia environment (e.g., video displaying transcripts). The study that he made on Saudi Elementary students showed a significant difference between pre-test and post-test results. His research substantiated the fact that audio-visual modalities (captioned videos) helped students comprehend better than those without captions.    Multimedia Modalities, Dr. Almosa said, helped students overcome comprehension difficulties usually encountered. The accompanying transcripts, he added, could improve learners’ linguistic competence as well, which eventually helped with overall comprehension.   The presentation was very informative and overall a success.  Date: 4/4/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique  Multimedia Source: Mohammad Sherajul Islam
Under the supervision of the Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, and the Vice Dean, Dr. Yahya Asiri, Dr. Mohammad Asif Ishfaq organized a workshop titled "Speaking Skills" for students at the Language Enhancement Program (LEP). It was held on 2 April 2018 in A/3/1 from 11 am to 12:00 pm. Supported by Mr. Mohammad Kamaluddin, the event was very interactive for nearly 35 students. Dr. Mohammad Asif encouraged students to embrace the 7 Cs of effective communication as follows: (1) completeness, (2) conciseness, (3) consideration, (4) concreteness, (5) clarity, (6) courtesy, and (7) correctness. He showed how these principles could be used effectively to ensure the importance of the message is delivered. At the end of the event, participants were assembled into groups and delivered mini-presentations that included peer feedback. Date: 4/2/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Source: Javed Ahmad
The English Club at the Women's College of the Faculty of Languages and Translation conducted a developmental awareness program entitled "New Beginning" on Wednesday 28/5/1439. The program lasted from 10 am to 12 pm. The program included four parts, and the first segment was delivered by Assistant Dean, Dr. Soad Al-Naqir, from 10 am to 11 am where she talked about the steps of success, its causes, and how to overcome failure. Following after, a presentation entitled "What If I Was a Student Again" was held from 11 am to 11:15 am in which two female students from the college talked about their experiences, problems encountered, and strategies they used to prevail over adversity. Next, an appreciation and awards ceremony was held for the best students of the college from 11:15 am to 11:30 am. At the end of the event, a motivational talk was delivered entitled "I Think I Can Fly, I Think I Can Touch the Sky" that concluded with a balloon release ceremony where students wrote their wishes and watched them soar into the sky. Date:4/8/2018 Source: Media & Public Relations Office
The Female Campus's Scientific Research Committee at the Faculty of Languages and Translation received an invitation from the Society Service and Continuous Learning Committee of the Faculty of Society in Khamis Mushait for a group of distinguished students to attend a workshop entitled Scientific Research Skills on Tuesday, March 27, 2018. The workshop was presented by Dr. Rasha Mamoun, assistant professor of artificial intelligence. The two-hour workshop was a practical exploration of the methods of research, writing a research proposal, and online database searching. Students of the Faculty of Languages and Translation who attended the workshop were excited about the new experience. Sarah Abdullah Al-Shehri said, “the workshop is about how we can perform a perfect research proposal, and it was helpful and beneficial for me.” Another student Maha Ibrahim said, “It was very useful and we would like to participate in more events of this kind”. She added, “I would like to thank the organizers.” Salwa Saeed said, “the scientific research workshop was really helpful as I learned new techniques to use in the future.” The participation of the students was supervised and encouraged by Assistant Dean, Dr. Suaad Al-Qahtani. The Scientific Research Committee Coordinator accompanied the students, and they met other students from other departments. Overall, the event proved to be very beneficial and engaging. Date: 2/3/2018 Source: Ms. Amal Metwally, Scientific Research Committee Coordinator
Abdullah Omar, the recipient of the First-Class Honors Award for his outstanding academic performance in the M.A. in Applied Linguistics Program, says he obtained his most important life lessons and ambition to succeed from his mother. From his perspective, “This achievement not only brings honor to my mother– it brings honor to the Faculty of Languages and Translation, and I hope it will have a positive impact on other students in the college.” Dean of the FLT, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, said that his most important duty on the 20th Graduation Ceremony sponsored by His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Khalid was to offer a warm welcome to honored guests, faculty members, and graduating students. He then related he was moved by many stories of students where he learned about the distances and obstacles they overcame to graduate. "As 2018 concludes, I would like to thank our faculty members, students, and staff for another extraordinary semester filled with numerous accomplishments. Abdullah Omar's award is one example among many that illustrate the upward trajectory of the Faculty of Languages and Translation." The CIO of King Khalid University, Dr. Salem Aleyani, said in a tweet: "His Royal Highness, the Prince of the Asir Region, is honoring our distinctive colleague for achieving first-class honors in his master's degree. Abdullah is one of the best IT employees for the University in his work ethics. I wish all the best to my friend." Date: 3/30/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Mr. Salahud Din Abdul Rab delivered a presentation on March 28, 2018, at a seminar organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University. His presentation was more of a workshop on how to use a software program for research management than simply a seminar. In the presentation titled Introduction to Mendeley: A Software Tool for Management of the Research Work, he highlighted its use and the main features. Salahud Din started with an overview of the program called Mendeley. The program, he said, helps organize research documents and references. It also helps a researcher collaborate with others by joining or creating groups and discovering statistics and recommendations. Salahud Din later showed how to create a free account and set up a library, and explained in detail how Mendeley’s desktop functions. He also showed how it operates on a small device such as an android phone. The presentation also covered how to add documents, save and synchronize them, manage the library, create folders and work on references using this program. The presentation was very informative and overall a great success. Date: 3/30/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique Multimedia Source: Abdul Qadeer Abdul Hameed
The Faculty of Languages and Translation launched a community service oriented English language course this Sunday, March 25, 2018, in cooperation with the Abha General Prison. The 6 hours per week month-long course is devoted to providing meaningful learning opportunities for inmates to prepare them for life outside of the correctional facility. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation and Instructor of the course, Dr. Yahya Asiri, said he decided to set up the program after visiting the Abha General Prison. "Everyone deserves a second chance; we wanted inmates to have practical educational opportunities so that they can successfully integrate back into the workforce after their release and become law-abiding citizens," he said. This story was also featured in the SABQ Online Newspaper. Date: 3/28/2017 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
A training course was recently held at the First Quran Based Intermediate and High School in Abha by the Supervisor of the Community Service Committee at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Ms. Asma Alqahtani.The subject of the training session was "Self-Study of the English Language by Modern Methods." In that training, Ms. Asma Alqahtani introduced teachers to the online learning resources on the Faculty of Languages and Translation's website that will help further their language studies. She also introduced students to popular mobile phone applications that make studying English more engaging and fun. At the conclusion of the event, Asma trained students on other well-known language learning strategies that they can utilize in their pursuit of learning English as a foreign language. Date: 10/7/1439 Source: FLT Female Campus
At the Women's Campus of the Faculty of Languages & Translation, the 2nd session of the Sister to Sister Program was organized by the Scientific Research Committee. The program was held on March 19, 2018. The purpose of the program was to motivate and encourage undergraduate students through real-life examples; these examples were presented by M.A. students who enthusiastically shared their experiences of facing and overcoming the challenges that they encountered in reaching their goals. In this session of the Sister to Sister Program, three M.A. students volunteered to deliver inspirational talks. The program started with a brief introduction given by Ms. Lama Hussein and then Ms. Alanoud Abdullah introduced the speakers to the audience. The 1st speaker was Ms. Rawan Mushabab Hussein who shared her experiences of college life with the audience. The message of her speech was: ' Learn every day'. The speaker encouraged all the undergraduate students to pay close attention to the four essential skills in the English language. The 2nd speaker, Ms. Messadah Shaye Al-Qahtani, also shared her experiences of her student life. Her message to the students was: 'Believe in yourself ', 'Work hard', 'You can do it', etc. The speaker's message was very stimulating for the students. The 3rd speaker, Ms. Aliah Khudaish Muqri, emphasized the vital importance of having a strong determination to be successful in life. Towards the end of the program, there was a brief question/answer session conducted by Ms. Rowa Abdullah. In this session, Ms. Shanjida Halim, Member of the Scientific Research Committee, shared some motivational words with the undergrads. The Sister to Sister Program was concluded with the Coordinator of the SRC, Ms. Amal Metwally, who on behalf of the Assistant Dean, Dr. Suaad Al-Qahtany, and the Head of the English Department, Dr. Mona Al-Shihry, distributed certificates of appreciation to the three M.A. students who made the program a success. Throughout the program, Ms. Tanzina Halim, Member of the Scientific Research Committee, supervised the attendance of the participants. Around 29 students from different levels participated in the 2nd session of the Sister to Sister Program. Date: 3/19/2018 Source: Ms. Shanjida Halim
Under the supervision of the Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, and the Vice Dean, Dr. Yahya Asiri, Mohsin Khan, e-learning supervisor, organized a workshop titled E-Reading Strategies for students at the Language Enhancement Program (LEP). It was held on 21 March 2018 in A/3/1 from 9 am to 10:30 am. Supported by Mr. Javed Ahmed, Dr. Mohammed Asif Ishfaq, and Syed Asif Abbas, the event was very beneficial for the full-capacity crowd. Mohsin showed how, as opposed to the traditional way of reading, students could develop their critical reading skills by reading faster and more efficiently. He focused on getting more out of the material by understanding it in the broad context. Participants in the workshop completed a series of interactive worksheets which targeted knowledge of reading strategies; this enabled them to enhance their understanding and retention of the topics learned during the presentation. Date: 3/22/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Dr. Mihaita Horezeanu delivered a presentation at a seminar organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University held on March 21, 2018. His presentation was titled The Gaps that Speak for Themselves or How to Create a Cloze (T). . ., which was primarily based on cloze test and its practical use. Dr. Horezeanu started with a brief history of the cloze test followed by different types and their advantages and disadvantages. While focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of a fixed-rate cloze test, he pointed out the fact that such a test is the easiest for the test writer to make. Such a type of cloze test, however, may result in a number of gaps which are both virtually impossible and unnecessarily difficult for test takers to fill in, he added. He also talked about the modified fixed-ratio cloze and the rational-deletion cloze and their advantages and disadvantages. Dr. Horezeanu also shared his experience in applying some of those tests. He emphasized that to design a rational-deletion cloze test, the teacher or the test writer should think about what he or she intends to assess. He concluded that it is a great challenge for the test writer if the test is to measure ‘the effectiveness of communication’, since communication is a two-way process. He also added, while concluding, that testing and teaching are interrelated and therefore, the best test writer is the teacher himself or herself. The presentation was very informative and overall a great success. Date: 3/21/2018 Source: MD Adil
Dr. Munassir Alhamami, assistant professor, was honored for excellence and achievement in research, service, and extracurricular activities at an awards ceremony held earlier this week. In support and recognition of academic excellence, Rector Al-Solamy congratulated Alhamami for the significance of his contributions and the long-term impact of his research during his time at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.  Conferred by the Office of the University Vice Presidency for Academic Development and Quality, the Excellence Awards program recognizes faculty who exemplify a commitment to enhancing the university experience for their peers and colleagues. Date: 3/15/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
At the seminar held on February 28, 2018, arranged by Language Research Center, Mr. Bandar Altalidi delivered a presentation titled Institutional Fansubbing: A Case Study of the Fansubbing Initiative ‘Autrjim’. His presentation was primarily based on his MA research project. Bandar began his presentation with his research objectives – exploring the decisions and strategies implemented by volunteer translators, studying fansubbers’ attempts to achieve their own goals and focusing on the technical aspects of audiovisual translation and fansubbers’ approach to it. The research also attempted to explore the impact of the procedural and technical consideration followed by Autrjim on its subtitling aims. Bandar, while talking about his literature review, emphasized the fact that audio-visual translation had acquired its own identity and had been used as a standard term in university programs, research, and publications. Fansubbing and amateur translation, Bandar added, were neglected research areas while quoting Pérez-González, 2007. This particularly inspired him to research into Fansubbing. Finally, he defined autrjim and how this group of fans contributed to subtitling videos according to his research findings. The presentation was very informative, and it successfully engaged the participants. Date: 3/1/2018 Source: MD Adil
Lourdes Ortega, Professor of Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University, delivered a presentation as a part of the Faculty of Language Translation's Webinar Series on February 19, 2018. The webinar, supported by the E-Learning Deanship of King Khalid University, drew a crowd of nearly 170 participants from around the Kingdom.  Ortega’s webinar, entitled “Aptitude and Motivation in Second Language Acquisition,” examined the relationships between aptitude and motivation with a special focus on the best-researched SLA works on motivations and the complex set of constructs that follow. A relatively recent paper that was discussed in the webinar is also Dr. Fakieh Al-Rabai's -- Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at King Khalid University -- most well-known research article in the field. The 2013 paper, titled The Effects of Teachers’ Motivational Strategies on Learners’ Motivation: A Controlled Investigation of Second Language Acquisition, was cleverly devised as related by Professor Ortega. From the abstract of the webinar: In this webinar, I discuss the wealth of research on aptitude and motivation that has become available in the field of second language acquisition and which can help teachers answer some important questions: Are there special cognitive abilities (aptitude) and certain personal predispositions (motivation) that could help explain the large difference we all see in how successful students are in learning a new language in our classrooms? How much does the surrounding environment contribute to shaping aptitude and motivation: the classroom, family and peers, a society's message about the new language, its value, and its difficulty? And to what extent can aptitude and motivation to learn a new language change with experiences inside and outside of the classroom? I also point at ways in which this research can help language teachers strategize so they can support their students' aptitude and motivation and enhance their odds of lasting success with English, in the language classroom and beyond. Delivering official closing remarks, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Chairman, advised participants to implement the lessons learned during the webinar. Ortega’s academic and research interests are broadly in second language acquisition, particularly sociocognitive and educational dimensions in adult classroom settings. Her research utilizes insights from bilingualism and from usage-based linguistics to the investigation of second language development. Date: 2-19-2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean, and the supervision of Dr. Mohammed S. Assiri, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, the E-Learning Unit of the faculty organized the “12th E-Learning Awareness Campaign” for level 1 department students from Sunday, February 11, 2018 to Thursday, February 15, 2018.  Appreciating the efforts of the E-Learning Unit for organizing the campaign, Dr. Mohammed S. Assiri, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, said that these are the types of activities that help students attain academic excellence. Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Chairman, accompanied the E-Learning Unit team during the awareness campaign in some of the classes. Dr. Munassir provided simultaneous translation wherever it was required.    Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, FLT E-Learning Unit Supervisor, said that the awareness campaign aimed to make level 1 students aware of the necessity and practical use of the King Khalid University E-Learning system (Blackboard).  "To achieve the aim of the campaign, students were contacted individually in their respective classrooms. An e-learning booth was set up, and e-learning brochures and booklets were distributed," said Mr. Khan. Furthermore, he stated, "The Campaign encouraged students to use Blackboard effectively. We were excited that students actively participated in the campaign." The Faculty of Languages and Translation offers a round of applause to the following individuals for their significant contributions and involvement: Mr. Jawed Ahmed Mr. Kamluddin Mr. Matthew Paul Dr. Mohamed Asif Ishfaq Date: 2-18-2018 Source: E-Learning Unit Multimedia Contribution: Javed Ahmed