
A freshmen orientation was held in the Science College Theater on the 16th of September under the supervision of Academic Advisor, Ms. Sarah Alateeg, and Extracurricular Activities Coordinator, Ms. Norah Alqahtani. It began with a welcoming speech presented by Ms. Safiah Asiri on behalf of Dr. Salma Alqahtani. Alateeg then presented the list of student rights and duties. Following after, Ms. Aisha Nussir and Ms. Aisha Alvi explained the different facets and benefits of academia and blackboard. Students were then introduced to the Activities Club and planned events for the semester by Ms. Norah Alqahtani which concluded with a tour of the college and campus. Date: 10/11/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Dr. Eyhab Bader Eddin delivered a presentation titled 'Multiplicity of Different English Functional Semantic Realizations of the Translation of the Arabic Preposition ب' at a seminar organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University held on October 10, 2018. His presentation was about his research on a particular Arabic preposition, namely ب and its diversity of meaning when translated into English. The seminar, originally a published paper in a refereed specialized journal, throws a spotlight at an uncharted territory in the field of translation and grammatical analysis, taking the fact that the semantic functions of the preposition ب in Arabic have been the cynosure of all linguists’ and translators’ eyes for decades as the point of departure. The different realizations in English of the same preposition in Arabic are meant to enrich translators’ and linguists’ appreciation and critical understanding of the different semantic functions of the preposition ب. Failure to correctly understand the semantic functions inherent in the preposition ب in different contexts definitely washes away meaning, and causes translators to bog down in unanswered questions pertaining to the exact meaning intended. Dr. Bader Eddin first compared Arabic parts of speech with English ones. The English word class of ‘nouns’ covers in Arabic the word classes of nouns, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs, he exemplified. Particles in Arabic, referred to as حروف, can be further divided into two types of particles, namely حروف مبنى (alphabetical letters) and حروف معنى (prepositions), he added. He went further to say that the tri-classification of Arabic parts of speech does not mean that English has more parts of speech than Arabic does. It is noticed that the semantic behavior, expressed by بـ in Arabic is richer than that in English, and thus cannot always be transferred through a one-to-one correspondence into English. The seemingly same ب in Arabic can be said to be an overloaded preposition in Arabic that no one particular preposition can be predicted in English. This linguistic phenomenon is context-bound in that the same preposition ب behaves semantically different, and thus cannot be dealt with according to watertight criteria predictably. In Arabic, particles are divided into ‘effective or operative’ and ‘passive’ عامل وعاطل. By the former, we mean that their occurrence before the noun it accompanies brings about what is grammatically known as ‘declension’ الإعراب. This means the last morpheme or inflection of the word carries a marker (diacritic mark) showing its grammatical case and category. Such particles, depending on what particles are used, may make the word they precede in the nominative, accusative, dative or apocope case, that is حالة الرفع أو النصب أو الجر أو الجزم respectively. Prepositions are considered one type of ‘effective or operative particles’ as they transform the noun following them into the dative case. Dr. Bader Eddin also explained in detail the various types of Arabic preposition ب their semantic functions and possible English realization. He particularly adduced evidence from the Holy Qur'an for this research out of the firm belief that the Holy Qur'an is the model of linguistic excellence whose style is described as ‘sui generis’. He highlighted the fact that one preposition in Arabic can be realized differently in English. His research, he believed, would enrich translators’ and linguists’ critical understanding of different semantic functions of the preposition. Some of the semantic functions carried by the preposition ب are ‘physical contact, instrument, transitivity, causal, substitution, oath administering, etc. A volley of questions were posed at the end, and answers were provided. You may have a look at the PowerPoint presentation by clicking here. It is worth mentioning that the King Abdullah Road campus attended the seminar online. The seminar was very informative and overall successful. Date: 10/10/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique Multimedia Source: Mohammed Jabir
The E-Learning Unit of the faculty organized a Blackboard workshop for students of ENG 015 (Fully Online Course)  on  Monday, October 8, 2018, and Wednesday, October 10, 2018.   Delivered by Mr. Mohammad Taisir, ENG 015 Instructor, and assisted by FLT E-Learning Unit Supervisor, Mohsin Khan, the training session was a success drawing in a large number of students. Mr. Taisir exposed students to the course contents of the ENG 015 and pointed out the requirements of the course. He explained how students could explore the course materials and submit online assessments.   A wide range of topics were addressed in an effort to ensure students are prepared for the unique challenges of online learning. Date: 10/10/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
An e-learning orientation session was organized on 9/27/2018 for all new faculty members that have joined the college this semester. This event, held each semester, provides our new colleagues with an overview of the administrative and e-learning responsibilities that apply to every faculty member. In his introduction to the event, Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi provided a warm welcome to the new faculty and spoke about the vital role King Khalid University’s learning management system holds. He encouraged all in attendance to familiarize themselves with Blackboard and Academia. During this live-demonstration workshop led by FLT E-Learning Unit Supervisor, Mohsin Khan, participants had the opportunity to practice: Accessing and Navigating Blackboard Organizing Content Uploading Documents Communicating With Students Through Announcements Understanding How to Use Academia Date: 9-29-2018 Source: E-Learning Unit Multimedia Contribution: Javed Ahmed
Erich Beer presented a short seminar titled "Some Practical Considerations Regarding the Teaching of Reading Comprehension," organized by the Language Research Center at King Khalid University, on September 26, 2018. The presentation was based on his experience of teaching reading comprehension in the Faculty of Languages and Translation over the past five years. Beer began his presentation by briefly describing his philosophy of teaching, and explaining the approach to teaching Reading Comprehension he had gradually arrived at. He maintained that teaching students the process of arriving at answers was crucial. He had come to think of reading comprehension as essentially being text navigation – students finding their way around texts and extracting basic meaning with ever greater ease and fluency. He explained that higher-level thinking would spontaneously arise once the necessary conditions for attaining ease and fluency were created. He spent the remainder of the presentation giving pointers for choosing, using and reusing texts. The presentation was thought-provoking, resulting in a lively response afterward. Date: 9/26/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique
Under the patronage of Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi and the supervision of the Vice Dean for Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Mohammed S. Assiri, the E-Learning Unit of the faculty organized the “13th E-Learning Awareness Campaign” for level 1 students from Sunday, September 16, 2018, to Thursday, September 20, 2018. Mr. Abdullah Al-Rezgi, ELC director, accompanied the E-Learning Unit Team during the awareness campaign in some of the e-learning labs. He helped students in Arabic translation wherever it was required. Dr. Munassir Alhamami, English department chair, appreciated the efforts of the E-Learning Unit. Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, e-learning unit supervisor, explained that the awareness campaign organized numerous training workshops for students in the labs and contacted them in their classrooms while providing informative guides to students who were unable to attend any of the workshops. "The campaign encouraged students to use Blackboard effectively. We included an e-quiz competition for students to get them motivated," said Khan. The Faculty of Languages and Translation offers a round of applause to the following individuals for their contributions: Mr. Eric Beer Mr. Javed Ahmed Dr. Karem Abdullateef Mr. Muhammed Kamaluddin Date: 9-24-2018 Source: E-Learning Unit Multimedia Contribution: Javed Ahmed
Dr. Munassir Alhamami delivered a presentation titled "Attention to Intention" at a seminar organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University held on September 19, 2018. His presentation focused on predicting academic achievement from classroom behaviors. Dr. Alhamami first explained the significance of 'intention' in achieving good grades. He talked about the factors involved in 'intention'. He emphasized that intention is an indicator of performance. Grades, he added, overwhelmingly reflected the effectiveness of teaching methods, course books, exams, and quizzes. Dr. Alhamami also explained the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in detail. After analyzing the multiple regression analyses applied to the outcomes of his research questions, Alhamami explained that TPB could help language educators gain insight into the underlying cognitive foundation of their students. In doing so, the relative contributions of attitudes can lead to the prediction of student achievement. He conducted his research on both male and female students of the English Language Center. At the end of the seminar, Dr. Alhamami emphasized the need for qualitative research in this field, which could help students obtain better grades and improve the entire curriculum. The seminar was practical, informative, and entertaining. Date: 9/20/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique Multimedia Contribution: Sayed Abdul Karim
Hanan Al-Subaiai, an MA student, delivered a presentation titled Linguistic Hegemony of the English Language in the Medical Context of Bisha King Abdullah Hospital at a seminar organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University held on September 12, 2018. The seminar was held at the King Abdullah Road Campus. In her presentation, she focused on the impact of English on patients and staff members working at King Abdullah Hospital in Bisha. Hanan began her speech with the factors that motivated her to conduct the research. She stated that even though English had become a common language in the Kindom's hospitals, Saudis are more comfortable with Arabic. Her research questions centered on the impact of English on service delivery to patients, challenges medical practitioners encounter, the attitude of patients towards English, whether English should be abolished in hospitals, how patients’ education level affects their attitude towards English and so on. While talking about her research, Hanan mentioned four variables she used – understanding, satisfaction level, policy and rights, and language and communication. According to her data analysis, a high percentage of the medical staff believed that the use of English in the medical context is not effective in service delivery. Hanan concluded, “Policymakers and the management of King Abdullah Hospital in Bisha can use the empirical evidence in this study to make informed decisions.” She emphasized further research in this field so that the major problem associated with the use of English can be successfully identified. The seminar was very interactive, engaging and overall successful. It is worth noting that Graiger Campus also participated in the seminar through video conferencing. Date: 9/12/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique
Under the supervision of FLT Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, and organization of the English Club, first-year students in the Faculty of Languages and Translation arrived bright and early on Wednesday, Sept, 12, for the Academic Year 2018-2019 Freshman Orientation Day. The Class of 2022 assembled for the first official time in the room A/3/60, welcomed by a variety of administrators, teachers and the president of the English Club. Dean Al-Melhi and FLT Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, were joined by Dr. Basim Kanaan, academic advisor, Naser Al-Hawamdeh, registrar, Mohsin Khan, e-learning supervisor, LEP Administrators Dr. Charles Forman and Hassan Costello, and student Abdulaziz Al-Shahrani, the president of the English Club whose area of responsibility include extra-curricular activities and hosting student events. The FLT holds a variety of extra-curricular activities each semester, including academic and sports competitions, available for students to join, become active, and leave their mark. Freshman Orientation provided students an opportunity to (i) understand the academic and community expectations of a King Khalid University student, (ii) feel more prepared to transition into the University, (iii) become acquainted with the resources available, (iv) meet with the academic advisor and registrar to learn more about academic expectations, and (v) have a better understanding of the Faculty of Languages and Translation student experience. All the speakers encouraged the new students to get involved. They delivered seven important tips: To attend lectures on time; to complete assignments on time; to check announcements; to utilize Tawasol for course and final exam schedule inquiries; to contact the academic advisor if help is needed, to attend academic advising support meetings, and to visit the college website for helpful links. Dean Al-Melhi said he welcomed the Class of 2022 as a fellow graduate of the same college. He is himself a graduate of the FLT, a member of the Class of 1987. “We want you to be successful, and though you will find that the transition from high school to college different, we have plenty of ways to support you along the way,” said Al-Melhi. “There will be challenges, of course, but we are here for you, and our doors are always open." Date: 09-12-2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: Abdulaziz Al-Shahrani and Mohsin Khan
The Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education collaborated with the Faculty of Languages and Translation to deliver an introductory level short course to primary, secondary, and high school teachers who work for the Ministry of Education.  Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, and Dr. Omar Alwan Aqeel, Dean of Community Service and Continuing Education, led the program.  Over the course of 4 weeks, nearly 100 registered participants were deeply engaged in a mix of active lesson types. The practical sessions involved a variety of communicative formats with a focus on grammar and vocabulary that utilized pair work, group work, and class activities. At the end of each week, participants had the chance to test their abilities to use collocations, complex grammar, and discourse markers in a tailored IELTS speaking exam workshop.  Director of the English Language Center, Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Rezgi, Hashim Ali Asiri, lecturer, Khalid Mater Asiri, lecturer, and Hassan Costello, language instructor, delivered the program. Date: 8/12/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Source: Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education
This year, for the first time, students applying to the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FLT) were required to participate in an English language proficiency test. The exam was rolled out to serve as a critical post-admissions measure to understand students' English language and academic skills. The exam was jointly supervised by the Faculty of Languages and Translation and the Deanship of Admissions and Registration. Nearly 400 prospective freshman applicants sat for the exam in three auditoriums. Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of the FLT, explained that the post-admissions measure was designed to provide students with appropriate and effective language and academic support that will help them fully realize their academic potential. A key component of that measure was an accelerated grading procedure, which allowed prospective freshman to receive their results within 24 hours. Dr. Saad Muhammad Du'ajim, Vice Rector of Academic and Educational Affairs, and Dr. Abdulmohsen Al-Qarni, Dean of Admissions and Registration, echoed Dean Al-Melhi's comments and indicated that the exam was a great success. Date: 7/25/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
During the spring 2018 semester, postgraduate student, Ibrahim Mesfer Alhelali, represented the students of the Faculty of Languages and Translation at numerous interactive workshops designed to improve literacy skills at the Riyadh International Book Fair. Alhelali proudly took part in the "translation marathon" where he was asked to translate important stories that focused on Saudi culture. His work caught the eye of many on the panel of judges when he provided a translation describing the door of the Kaaba and its improvements throughout history in the presence of more than 500 publishers from 27 countries. " I am grateful to have had the opportunity to represent the Faculty of Languages and Translation and receive an excellence award for my work," added Alhelali. Date: 6/28/2018 Source: FLT
Dr. Mohammed Alward received an appreciation letter from our Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi‎, for his design of a calculator using Microsoft Excel. Dr. Alward’s calculator has proven to be a time and effort saving tool in producing grade distributions that are necessary for completing course reports. Congratulations to Dr. Mohammed Alward and special thanks to Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi‎ Date: 6/5/2018 Source: Dr. Mohammed Shuaib Assiri
The 13th Annual Research Day was held on April 04, 2018 under the supervision of the Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, and the Director of the Language Research Center, Dr. Ismail Al-Refaai. This event successfully achieved 3rd place according to the evaluation made by the Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University. This success was the result of dedicated efforts made by the members of the organizing committee led by Dr. Abdullah M. Al Melhi and Dr. Ismail Al-Refaai. The committee members included Erich Beer, Javed Ahmed, Mohammad Adil Siddique, Mohammad Sherajul Islam, Sayed Karim, Salahud Din Abdul Rab, and Shahrear Talukder from the male campus. From the female campus, Amal Abdelsattar Metwally and Ivy Sultana exceptionally organized and coordinated the event. In total, there were 17 oral presentations and 10 poster displays. Date: 4/27/18 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique & Salahud Din Abdul Rab
On April 25, 2018, the Department of English at the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized a farewell party in honor of the faculty members who are leaving. The ceremony began with a welcome speech by Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation. He praised all the departing faculty members who had made a substantial contribution to the college with their sincerity and dedication. Dr. Al-Melhi expressed his mixed feeling of sadness and happiness. “Though we are sad, at the same time we are happy that you will be meeting your original family. You will reunite with your family, which is very important,” said Dr. Al-Melhi while encouraging the departing faculty members. He emphasized that change is part of life and opens up new opportunities and possibilities. The college, Dr. Al-Melhi said, would always remember them for the profound impact they made. One of the departing faculty members, Mr. Muhammad Saiful Islam, later delivered a speech on behalf of the rest. He shared the pleasant memories associated with his teaching experience over the past ten years in the Faculty of Languages and Translation. He talked about the amazing teacher-student relationship at KKU and praised his Saudi colleagues as well as those of his and other nationalities. “Our Saudi faculty members here are amazing hosts, amazing people, very considerate, very kind. I always felt that I was staying in my own country,” said Mr. Islam. He thanked the college for accepting him and giving him the privilege to teach here. At the close of the ceremony, the faculty members who are leaving were honored with certificates. The departing faculty members were Dr. Mohammed Amin Mekheimer, Dr. Muhammad Gulfraz Abbasi, Dr. Haseeb Ahmed Abdul Majeed, Dr. Manoj Kumar Yadav, Mr. Muhammad Saiful Islam, Mr. Mohammad Sherajul Islam, Mr. Weatherford Braden Thomson, Mr. Shamsur Rab Khan, Mr. Rehan Khan, Mr. Md Shahrear Talukder, Mr. Matthew Paul and Mr. Gavin Phillip Louch. Date: 4/30/2018 Source: Mr. Mohammad Adil Siddique
On April 25, 2018, the Language Research Center of King Khalid University organized a seminar that included a presentation by Dr. Mohammad Osman titled Humor is Mark Twain’s Fiction. Dr. Osman’s presentation highlighted the way humor was expressed in Mark Twain’s fiction. His presentation commenced with a brief introduction to the author with a Hemingway (1935) quote – “All modern American Literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.” He stated the fact that Twain’s style had a profound impact on American literature. Dr. Osman also explained the difference between humor and satire. Humor, he said, provokes laughter and provides amusement. Satire, he added, ridicules vices, abuses, and highlights shortcomings through sarcasm. Twain’s humor was expressed through his hilarious characters, dialogs, events, and words he chose, said Dr. Osman. He concluded that Twain is usually remembered as perhaps the most celebrated writer in all of American Literature. That's how he was mainly valued in his day, and that's how he tends to be valued today as well. After the seminar, there was a Certificate Award Ceremony in which all the seminar presenters of the academic year 1438-39 were honored with certificates. Date: 4/26/2018 Source: Mr. Mohammad Adil Siddique
On April 18, 2018, the Language Research Center of King Khalid University organized a seminar that included two presentations – The Concept of Poetry: T. S. Eliot versus I. A. Richards by Dr. Manoj Kumar and Re-appropriating Magical Realism in Arabic Narratives by Dr. Mahmoud Radwan. Dr. Manoj’s presentation was based on his study that aimed at highlighting the contradictory opinions on the concept of poetry and how both are suitable and witty to two different readers. In the beginning, he talked about the etymology of the word ‘poetry.’ He stated that this word was derived from the Greek word ‘poiesis’ that means ‘making.’ He discussed in detail the overall concept of poetry. He focused on forms, genres, compositions, etc. Dr. Manoj explained Eliot’s classism and theories of impersonality, and later I.A. Richard’s theory of literary criticism and T.S Eliot. He also compared Eliot’s and Richard’s language of poetry. Dr. Manoj concluded that T.S. Eliot and I. A. Richards belong to the galaxy of critics who are also well known as poets. Dr. Mahmoud Radwan started his presentation by defining Magical Realism. The term, he said, had been coined by Franz Roh in 1925. It denotes, he added, crossing, overlapping and effacing borders between paradoxical codes and elements of realism and fantasy. Dr. Radwan explained the reason why writers embrace Magical Realism. He stated that marginalized native writers utilize Magical Realism as a mold through which they enter the literary mainstream to deconstruct dichotomous paradigms and projected images created by the advocates of the dominant culture, represent their repressed narratives, and recuperate lost and minor voices. Finally, he mentioned Arab writers who were inspired by Magical realism – Naguib Mahfouz, Ghairi Shalabi, Edwar Al-Kharrat, Emile Habibi, Ibrahim Al Kuni and Ghadah Al Samman and so on. Dr. Radwan concluded that re-appropriation of Magical Realism in Arab narratives emerges as an example of how in adopting such a mode, the act of writing becomes an act of survival, rescuing fragments of the Arab culture from oblivion, shedding light on history, tradition, and reality. The seminar was overall a great success. Date: 4/20/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique Multimedia Source: Dr. Iustin Sfariac and Dr. Mihaita​ Horezeanu
The English Club at the Women's College of the Faculty of Languages and Translation held the "Towards a Clean Educational Environment Program" on Wednesday 26/6 / 1439H in the foyer of the college building from 9 am to 11 am throughout the week. The first part of the program began with the Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Dr. Suad Al-Qahtani, who talked about the principles of occupational and environmental hygiene in the context of the workplace and the learning environment. This was followed by the interactive Q&A session, "We Heard Your Opinion," in which a number of students and professors provided recommendations centered on the principles and effective methods that will ensure a hygienic environment in the University's courtyards, buildings, and halls. The program concluded with a pledge from faculty members, students, and janitorial staff to be role models in accord with the best practices discussed.  Date: 26/6/1439 Source: Media & Public Relations Office
The English Club at the Women's College of the Faculty of Languages and Translation held a program titled "For a Better Life." The program was conducted in collaboration with the Gold's Gym Women's Club in Abha. In her opening remarks, Assistant Dean, Dr. Suad Al-Qahtani, urged students to engage in physical exercise to improve their overall health. Dr. Al-Qahtani mentioned that students who engage in fitness activities usually have better time management skills and research has shown that this leads to better academic performance. Following after, personal trainers from Gold's Gym delivered a presentation detailing the benefits of regular physical activity. At the end of the event, temporary memberships were distributed to all students by the personal trainers. Date:18/4/2018 Source: Media & Public Relations Office
The English Club at the Women's College of the Faculty of Languages and Translation held a motivational program titled "Steps" on Monday, 24/6/1439 from 10 am to 11 am. The program consisted of four parts; the first part was hosted by two faculty members where they spoke about their academic life as a student and the experiences they had on the way to success. This was followed by Shoura Council Member, Professor Nora Al-Shaalan, who played an inspirational video that illustrated the expected role students should play in the Faculty of Languages and Translation in support of the role, position, and status of Saudi women locally and globally. Afterward, a presentation of short video clips depicting the daily routines of two distinguished students from the Faculty of Health and the College of Languages and Translation were displayed. In that video, the students talked about the essential secrets of their success and academic excellence. The program concluded with the active participation of faculty members and students opening envelopes placed under their seats, reading inspirational content, and commenting with a compelling story of their own. Date:24/6/1439 Source: Media & Public Relations Office