
At the seminar held on February 14, 2018, organized by Language Research Center, at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Dr. Haseeb Ahmed delivered a presentation titled Environmental Ethics: An Exploration of Islamic Literature. His presentation was primarily centered on key Islamic principles of relevance to environmental ethics and protection. The presentation commenced with significant environmental issues related to pollution and contamination. In this regard, he focused on ecological chasms created by the hazardous emission of excessive greenhouse gases. Among the effects he showed, global warming is worth mentioning. Owing to global warming, the sea level is continuously increasing, and consequently, several islands may be uninhabitable within decades. He discussed well-known international summits and conferences (e.g., Kyoto Protocol 1997, Marrakesh Accords 2001) that were held to address the alarming changes in the environment.  The second half of his presentation emphasized the Islamic literature perspectives on environmental protection. The implication was that, if people adhered to the Islamic beliefs on environmental awareness and protection of natural resources from the very beginning, we would not have faced such catastrophes. While focusing on Islamic literature, he quoted some verses from the Holy Qur’an that emphasize man’s role as a trustee of nature. He also quoted the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) who advised us not to spoil nature and pre-eminent scholars who wrote about the environment and their juristic principles.  The presentation was very informative, and it successfully encouraged the participants to rethink our raison d’etre in an effort to save the environment. Date: 2/15/2018 Source: MD Adil
New students were embraced at the Level 1 Student Orientation on February 6, 2018, in the auditoriums of Building D. Incoming students were greeted with a warm welcome by the English Club and a presentation highlighting what the FLT would bring into their lives.  Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, delivered a heartfelt welcome telling all students that we are all one family.  He introduced the numerous facilities that the FLT provides to students to bolster their experience, and he encouraged students to take advantage of the expanded opportunities we offer at the FLT by completely immersing themselves into campus life and academic events. Any student who missed this event can contact the English Club for further assistance. Date: 02-11-2018 Source: The Faculty of Languages and Translation
The Deanship of E-Learning awarded the Faculty of Languages & Translation by presenting a certificate of appreciation for supporting the Deanship in successfully delivering the eLearning Practitioner Course. Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean, and Dr. Yahya Asiri, Vice Dean, received the certificate. The university-wide eLearning Practitioner Course for faculty members was offered by the Deanship of E-Learning from 25/10/2017 to 09/11/2017. FLT E-Learning Supervisor, Mohsin Raza Khan, delivered the course. The importance of instructional design training and an enhanced learning environment for students is well known to all colleges of the university. It took place as part of a university-wide strategy to provide the knowledge and skills needed to capitalize on one of the fastest growing areas of education while creating captivating learning experiences for students. The primary objectives of the course were to improve student learning, engagement, interaction, and most importantly quality learning. These objectives were solidified by the core foundation of the program that participants would be able to: Create content items to present a variety of learning activities to enhance student learning. Deliver authentic assessments to evaluate student knowledge in a variety of meaningful ways. Use Blackboard communication tools to promote interactions between the student and instructor, the student and course content, and the student and peers. Effectively utilize Blackboard Collaborate™ tools to increase student engagement by providing a means to share and create knowledge. The course was an overall success and will continue on a periodic basis as a part of the developmental projects of the Tamkeen team. Special thanks to Mohammed Jarallah, Training Manager, and Dr. Khaled M. Mohanna, E-Learning Team Manager, for their holistic support. As a final note, Mohsin Raza Khan received a certificate of appreciation by the Deanship of E-Learning for his efforts. Date: 2/4/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
On January 31, 2018, the Language Research Center held a seminar at the Al-Samer Campus that included a presentation by Dr. Sara Huseynova titled, "On North American ESL/EFL Teaching Principles and on PPP, ESA, TTT, TBL as the ELL Instruction Methods." Her presentation was primarily based on the high impact teaching strategies predominantly in use. She began her presentation by explaining the key principles of ELL instruction in North America and Europe.  She highlighted the fact that teenage learners are more interested in interaction and group work than in lectures which make them passive. She also emphasized that learning becomes meaningful and social when it is related to students’ everyday life. While talking about teaching methods, she mentioned Communicative Language Teaching as one of the most important teaching principles. Throughout her presentation, she emphasized the importance of student-centered teaching that engages students and creates opportunities for meaningful learning.  Dr. Huseynova also spoke in detail on four ELL teaching approaches: Presentation-Practice-Production (PPP), Engage-Study-Activate (ESA), Test-Teach-Test (TTT) and Task-based Learning (TBL).  She explained which approach might suit the different levels of students and several factors that need to be taken into consideration.  It is worth mentioning that Dr. Sara Huseynova has a TEFL degree from Moscow State Linguistics University, accredited in Canada, and a Ph.D. in Theoretical Linguistics earned at the same University and also accredited at the University of Toronto, Canada. Before coming to the KSA, she obtained years of professional experience in teacher training and teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP).  The presentation was very interactive and overall a great success.   Date: 2/1/2018 Source: MD Adil
Earlier this month, internationally renowned author and professor James Dean Brown drew a capacity crowd of nearly 150 candidates as he unraveled his research expertise and demystified the characteristics of qualitative and quantitative research in applied linguistics research, and the continuum from which the mixed-methods research (MMR) paradigm emerged. The free webinar -- featured in Arab News and promoted throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -- was conducted under the guidance of the FLT Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, and supervision of the FLT Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, in cooperation with the E-Learning Deanship and their exciting KKU Now initiative.   Al-Melhi: I would like to thank everyone who initiated the webinar series we are launching and all who are in attendance. Your participation and support are much appreciated and will allow us to continue to offer our webinars. In his presentation, Prof. Brown emphasized that mixed-methods research is best explained in terms of its three main varieties, its differences from multi-methods research, and its capacity to combine the best features of qualitative and quantitative analysis by identifying connections and searching for convergence, divergence, and elaboration. He also discussed the underlying principles of validity and reliability by cautioning that researchers need to determine whether the study is primarily statistical or qualitative in nature.  According to Prof. Brown, MMR concepts are best viewed as a menu of strategies to be utilized when planning, conducting and explaining any study. He also discussed the four characteristics of sound quantitative and qualitative research studies: consistency, fidelity, verifiability, and meaningfulness. Another approach that he delved into involved data triangulation - all of its types - and examples appropriate to ELT research. To conclude, Prof. James Dean Brown provided personal accounts of how he succeeded in this field and the people who sparked the inspiration to do so. He further related that he still finds himself learning more and more every year and that we can learn more from engaging in research. All in all, the webinar lead participants on a journey through the complexities of MMR in a concise and effective method To view a recording of this webinar, please click here. Date: 1/11/2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
The administration of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, on the eve of the final exams, held a meeting with all faculty members in the conference room of the Faculty of Education on Sunday, 24th of December 2017. In his opening speech, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, thanked the administration of the College of Education for providing technical support and allowing the use of their facilities. The honorable Dean, on an optimistic note, informed the audience that our College had recently received approval for the renovation of our Conference Room [Room A/3/60], and stated that it would hopefully be available for use before the end of the current academic year.  In the course of his speech, the Dean emphasized the need for all faculty members to play an active role in the successful conduction of the exams in various capacities including invigilation, supervision of the exams, and setting the exam papers. He expressed his confidence in the overall professional performance of faculty members; however, he wished that everyone would try their level best to avoid a repetition of the shortcomings encountered in the past. Following after, Dr. Yahya Asiri, the Vice-Dean and head of all the exam committees at the Faculty, confirmed that even though most faculty members were familiar with the exam regulations, there was nevertheless a need to refamiliarize faculty members with the rules and regulations to ensure their effective and consistent implementation. First, he dealt with those regulations related to faculty members’ responsibilities before the commencement of the exam, focusing on those issues related to the downloading of updated invigilation timetables, printing of the latest attendance sheets, and setting of exam papers using new sets of questions. Next, he highlighted the role of the exam committee members and invigilators during the exams. He proceeded to explain in detail the procedures for starting the exams, and for handling issues related to the identification of students before their entry into the exam halls. He apprised faculty members on operational matters such as dealing with late students, using unfair means (i.e., cheating cases) during the exams, as well as collecting and managing the exam papers. In conclusion, Dr. Asiri announced the formation of a newly established Exam Control Committee charged with authenticating the integrity of the results and answer scripts submitted by the course instructors.  The meeting concluded after a Q&A session.  Date: 12/27/2017 Source: Salahud Din Abdul Rab Multimedia Contribution: Mohammad Sherajul Islam
The Second Annual Admissions Exhibition was designed to help prospective King Khalid University students successfully transition from high school to college. From the moment students stepped on our campus, they were greeted with the vibrant energy and differentiating value of the Faculty of Languages and Translation. The program was a concerted effort by faculty and staff to ensure that incoming students feel comfortable and welcome in their new surroundings. It gave prospective students the opportunity to examine their academic abilities, interests and educational plans before their first semester of classes. The exhibition provided prospective students with a basic understanding of what will be expected of them at King Khalid University and how their particular abilities and interests may fit with one or more of the University's majors. Hundreds of admissions packets containing infographics and pertinent details on the Faculty of Languages and Translation were provided to all prospective students who came to our booth. “The Second Annual Admissions Exhibition organized by the Deanship of Admissions and Registration was an exciting platform to introduce the Faculty of Languages and Translation to eager students. We interacted face-to-face with hundreds of students and showcased the strengths and uniqueness of the FLT under one roof," said Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean. The Faculty of Languages and Translation was exceptionally represented holding a host of interactive sessions that included but were not limited to: An Academic Counseling Overview  A Course Registration Overview  An E-Learning Overview  An English Language Center Overview An English Club Overview An IELTS Overview An Introductory Video on the FLT A Language Enhancement Program Overview  An interactive Q&A session with a significant portion of the faculty A big round of applause to all faculty members who represented the Faculty of Languages and Translation making it a spectacular success. Dr. Abdulmohsen Al-Qarni, Dean of the Admissions and Registration Department, commended the visible presence of faculty members and staff from the FLT interacting with prospective students. More importantly, he awarded the FLT first place on Thursday, December 14, 2017, for an outstanding admissions booth and visually appealing materials. A vote thanks go to the administrative employees of the faculty who tirelessly worked to ensure a first-class set-up. As the new semester dawns, the class of 2022 will join upperclassmen in September 2018 to begin their journey towards success. Date: 12/15/2017 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: Dr. Munassir Alhamami and MD Sherajul Islam This event was held over two days (December 13, 2017, and December 14, 2017).
Believing that Gratitude is the greatest of all virtues, the English Club held "The Gratitude Event" to foster and strengthen a heightened sense of thankfulness to the blessings bestowed upon us. The program started with a fascinating lecture by Assistant Dean, Dr.Suad Al-Qahtani, entitled "Do You Know How Much You Are Rich!" Following after, numerous speeches were delivered expressing gratitude to the most prominent blessings in life along with a beautiful operetta on blessings starting with undying gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and our brave soldiers. The program continued with a touching personal dedication to fathers by Activities Coordinator, Mrs.AmatulHafeez, and Website Coordinator, Ms.Aisha Alvi. They included a surprise demonstration in front of all students where they gave a beautiful message of dedication to their father, and subsequently, he delivered a powerful and upbeat speech to the students imploring them to the value and honor their parents. Correspondingly, English Club representative students Hajar Albishri, Mashail Saad and Mashail Ali expressed gratitude to their mothers who attended the event. Haifa Al-Qahtani gave a dedication to her sister and Nora Abdullah to her friends. Towards the conclusion of the event, students of the English Club expressed their gratitude to the Assistant Dean for providing continuous support. Furthermore, Mrs. AmatulHafeez presented a commemorative memento and flowers to Dr.Suad Al-Qahtani for her unmatched guidance. Similarly, a vote of thanks was extended to all teachers by student representatives of the English Club. To conclude, a special dedication from English Club students was presented to their coordinator Mrs.AmatulHafeez for her sustained efforts and sincerity in the promotion of student activities. The program ended with the assistant dean distributing certificates of appreciation to distinguished faculty members, staff members, students, and employees.  Date:7/12/2017 Source: Public Relations & Media Office
Believing in the importance of building strong bonds with government and private educational institutions, the FLT female campus received a delegation from Al-Dhikr High School consisting of 20 grade 12 students and three teachers. The English Club held an orientation which contained informational sessions about the faculty and the English program. Welcoming the delegation, Activities Coordinator, Mrs.AmatulHafeez, expressed her heartfelt gratitude and appreciation of this initiative from the faculty's administration. English Department Supervisor, Dr.Mona Alshihry, also welcomed the delegation and emphasized that they should seize the opportunity to ask questions and have a fruitful visit. Following after, student representatives of the English Club delivered an eye-catching presentation giving the prospective students useful information and first-hand accounts of the English program. Afterwards, the English Club led prospective students on a tour of the building and introduced them to the classrooms, labs, and offices which created excitement among students. To conclude, a certificate of appreciation was presented to the faculty's activities coordinator, and final words of wisdom were imparted to the students.  Date: 12/6/2017 Source: Public Relations & Media Office
The Language Research Center organized a seminar on December 06, 2017 that included a presentation by Dr. Emad Al-Tamari titled "Linguistics in Aid of Teachers of English." His presentation attempted to focus on how “fixing” and “developing” students’ linguistics competence will lead to improving students’ linguistic performance. His session began with some questions about whether our teachers have ever tried to assess their own English, whether they evaluate their students’ English and whether they have thought of linguistics as a tool to help improve their students’ English. Dr. Al-Tamari successfully pinpointed significant problem areas our students have, which he thought our teachers should focus on when teaching English. Dr. Al-Tamari, while defining linguistics, highlighted some pedagogical implications linguistics could have. He quoted Chomsky while focusing on the nature of language and how communication works. He explained Chomsky’s three models namely that of linguistic competence, performance, and language acquisition. Finally, he focused on major areas of linguistics such as phonetics, phonology, syntax, morphology, and semantics. Dr. Al-Tamari recommended that our teachers should assess their students’ English regularly. A teacher, he added, should be a role model for the students when it comes to language use.   The Al-Samer girls’ campus also participated in this seminar online. The presentation was worthwhile, interactive and overall a great success.  Date: 12/6/2017 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique Multimedia Contribution: Mohammad Sherajul Islam
At the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FLT), we believe that students should embrace the process of selecting their university as much as the result. For that reason, we hosted a group of highly motivated students on December 4th from Al-Dhikr High School where they explored the various college options King Khalid University has to offer before they decide which one is the best fit. Visits to the FLT are not a one-size-fits-all approach, as such, students along with their teachers had the opportunity to take part in a personalized guided tour of the campus by the Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, the Vice Dean, Dr. Yahya Asiri, and the Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami. Students of Al-Dhikr High really enjoyed the opportunity to experience the campus first-hand. They were fascinated by the extracurricular opportunities provided by the English Club, the uniqueness of our IELTS Center, the student participation in the LEP, and our state of the art Listening Labs. "We are very pleased to have you with us today. I encourage you to continue your journey on the road to success," said Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean. In like manner, Dr. Yahya Asiri and Dr. Munassir Alhamami echoed Dr. Al-Melhi's comments and encouraged the students to be relentless in the pursuit of knowledge. To conclude, an informational presentation was delivered by Language Instructor, Hassan Costello, where he provided an overview of the FLT and urged students to plan for their future today.  Date: 12/4/2017 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sherajul Islam
The Unit of Academic Development and Quality at the faculty organized a training session on December 3, 2017, which included a procedural presentation by Dr. Mohammad Shiblee from the College of Engineering. The presentation focused on how to use the Jadeer software to upload relevant quality documents. The trainer indicated the various task responsibilities faculty members would have within the software, the different roles they have, and the method of assigning tasks based on those roles. The presentation discussed the different quality documents that can be uploaded to the software such as course reports, course specifications, program specifications, and other materials. Comments and questions from the attendees ensued. The session was very interactive and beneficial. Date: 12/3/2017 Source: Dr. Fadi Al-Khasawneh
The FLT Female Campus concluded the reading challenge activities which started by visiting KKU's 14th Book and Information Fair followed by launching the reading challenge competition which witnessed huge participation. The program was held in a friendly and traditional atmosphere where a Story-Teller Chair was utilized by the participants to narrate their experiences. Students of the English Club shared books they have bought and read in the presence of Assistant Dean,  Dr. Suaad Alqahtani, English Department Supervisor Dr. Mona Al-Shehri, employees of the FLT office, and faculty/staff members. Addressing the audience, Activities Coordinator, Mrs. AmatulHafeez, expressed her jubilance and excitement for the success of the activity and her gratitude for the continuous support and encouragement provided. Following after, the winners were announced and certificates were distributed in a lively prize distribution ceremony. The program ended with a cozy refreshment of Arabic Coffee and traditional food. Date: 29/11/2017 Source: Public Relations & Media Office
The Language Research Center organized a seminar on November 29, 2017, which included a presentation by two MA students Shaymaa’ Hasan Abdullah and Fayzah Nasser Mohaya titled Translation of Metaphor. Their presentation was based on their research supervised by Dr. Eyhab A. Bader Eddin. The presentation focused on an analysis of how different metaphors can be approached differently whether they should use a literal approach to translation or a free approach to translation. They supported the presentation by providing a tabulation, which compares and contrasts different types of metaphors along with examples provided and the best approach to translation of each type of metaphor. The Language Research Center organized a seminar on November 29, 2017, which included a presentation by two MA students Shaymaa’ Hasan Abdullah and Fayzah Nasser Mohaya, titled 'Translation of Metaphor.' Their presentation was based on their research supervised by Dr. Eyhab A. Bader Eddin. The presentation focused on an analysis of how different metaphors can be approached differently whether they should use a literal approach to translation or a free approach to translation. They tacitly based their analysis on Eugene Nida's concepts of Formal Equivalence versus Dynamic Equivalence and Peter Newmark's Semantic Translation versus Communicative Translation. They supported the presentation by providing a tabulation, which compared and contrasted different types of metaphors along with examples provided and the best approach to translation of each type of metaphor. First, they explained metaphor and how to analyze it. There are, they added, two components of metaphor: tenor and vehicle. They also revealed with examples the types of metaphors such as dead metaphor, adapted metaphor, cliché and so on. When it comes to problems with translating metaphors, they said, lack of knowledge of the target language’s culture is an obstacle with a literal approach to translation coupled with an inability to find an equivalent in the target language. They highlighted how to translate metaphorical language accurately to avoid misunderstanding. They exemplified literal translation that resulted in semantic issues with metaphorical texts. Shaymaa and Fayzah concluded that dead, adapted and original metaphors can be translated with both literal and free approaches. The Graigor campus also participated in this seminar online. A few comments and questions from the female and male sides ensued. The presentation was very interactive and overall a great success. Date: 11/30/2017 Source: MD Adil
  Dr. Mahmoud Radwan delivered a presentation at a seminar organized by the English Club of King Khalid University held on November 27, 2017. His presentation centered on the importance of literature and language. It was titled "Speculations on Literature." The aim of Dr. Radwan's presentation, he mentioned, was to convey the vital importance literature played in the formation of cultures, nations, language formation and specifically language learning. His presentation included an in-depth analysis of literary genres, literary elements, literary periods, and examples of English and Arabic literary works. Dr. Radwan emphasized that by studying literature, students will embark on a journey of self-discovery within the target language. An English major, he added, should not just read and write well. They should strive to understand the importance of literature and in doing so express their opinions. "We need literature to connect with our own humanity. With literature we acquire our own humanity," he concluded. Date: 11/29/2017 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
The Female campus of the  Faculty of Languages & Translation held a program organized by the Scientific Research Committee titled: Sister-to-Sister which was held on Monday, November 20, 2017. The program was primarily organized and geared towards motivating and encouraging undergraduate students. With this in mind, three M.A. students shared their invaluable experiences of facing and overcoming the tough challenges they encountered while striving to reach their goals. Three speakers participated in the program anchored by Ms. Alanood Saleh Suliman. They are Ms. Rowa Abdullah, Ms. Manal Al-Qahtany, and Ms. Amal Bishry. The first speaker Ms. Rowa Abdullah shared her experiences of getting admission into the M.A. Program and revealed the struggles of obtaining admission into reputable universities. She emphasized the vital importance of exemplary performance on International Tests such as IELTS & TOEFL and urged the undergraduate students to be serious about the completion of one of the two tests. Following after, the second speaker inspired the undergrads to be prepared for pursuing higher studies. Correspondingly, the third speaker Ms. Amal Bishry dived into the details of her experiences of getting admission into the M.A. Program, the challenges which she faced after her enrollment in the program, and effective time management and multi-tasking strategies.  Towards the end of the program, Dr. Mona Al-Shihri, the Head of the Department of English, also participated in encouraging all of the students to manage their time wisely and to persevere through whatever obstacles they may encounter. She inspired everyone to be devoted and dedicated to their goals. The message of Dr. Mona was a source of inspiration for students and faculty members who were present at the program. The Sister-to-Sister Program concluded with the Assistant Dean, Dr. Suaad Al-Qahtany, distributing certificates of appreciation to the three M.A. students who made the program a phenomenal success. Correspondent: Ms. Shanjida Halim, Member, Scientific Research Committee   Date: 11/23/2017 Source: Ms. Amal Metwalley
The Faculty of Languages and Translation continues to develop sustainable partnerships in a concerted effort to enhance academic and operational excellence. On Monday, November 20, 2017, Vice Dean, Dr. Yahya Asiri and Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, visited the English Language Institute (ELI) of King Abdulaziz University. Dr. Abdullah Al-Bargi, Dean of the ELI, welcomed our team and led them on an extensive tour of the Intensive English Program sharing best practices and commitments they have made to prepare their students for a challenging yet exciting future. At the end of the session, Dr. Asiri expressed his sincere gratitude to Dr. Al-Bargi for a very warm welcome and insightful tour. On Tuesday, November 21, 2017, Dr. Asiri and Dr. Alhamami completed the final leg of their tour with a visit to the College of Languages and Translation (COLT) of King Saud University (KSU). They were immediately greeted upon arrival by the Dean of the College of Languages and Translation, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Mansour. Dean Al-Mansour explained that he believes it is really important for colleges to exchange visits in the Kingdom in order to share experiences and best practices. Following after, the teams traded views and jointly re-emphasized the importance of the exchange between the colleges in pursuit of augmenting the resources, services, and expertise available to faculty and students alike. Date: 11/23/2017 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
The Language Research Center organized a seminar on November 22, 2017, which included a presentation by Mr. Rizwan Ghani titled, ‘Under the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, KKU Can Help Bring the Asir Region’s Education and Admission Process to International Standards in 3-5 Years.’ His presentation attempted to familiarize the participants with the multipronged approaches being used by numerous countries including America, the UK, Europe and Asia to align the Asir region’s education and admissions system with international standards. In the start of the presentation, he outlined the role of national and international level education assessment programs, international indicators of education systems showing global trends in education, the role of accelerated education programs, entry and admission tests, international testing centers (ITCs), and admission processes and frameworks in improving the standards. It was also highlighted that these steps are not language specific.  Mr. Rizwan explained in detail the features of programs such as National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) USA and OECD’s Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) that is available in 90 languages including Arabic. While explaining the role of entry and admission tests, he suggested the introduction of critical thinking and reasoning skill (CARS). He talked about America’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) policy and its role in improving education in the fields of science and technology. The importance of establishing ITCs to enhance education standards was also highlighted.       Mr. Rizwan concluded with positive results of those programs and recommended King Khalid University should play its role to help improve the education system in the Asir region including school education. The King Abdullah Road girls’ campus also participated in the seminar online. The presentation was very interactive and overall a great success. Please click here to view Mr. Rizwan Ghani's presentation. Date: 11/22/2017 Source: MD Adil Multimedia Contribution: Mohammad Sherajul Islam
Under the supervision of the Dean of Student Affairs, the Vice Presidency of Student Affairs (Women's Campus) arranged an informational social media event in cooperation with the Faculty of Languages and Translation.The event, Use it Right, was held on Wednesday Safar 26th 1439H. The event aimed at creating awareness and training college students on the appropriate use of Social Media Platforms.The campaign was enjoyable and included refreshments alongside informational brochures. A program was presented in which Mrs. Amatul Hafeez from the Faculty of Languages and Translation presented a poem and engaged the attendees in an active roleplay illustrating the socio-legal dangers caused by the flagrant abuse of Social Media Platforms.The program ended with a song named "Use it Right." Date: 11/19/2017 Source: Relations & Media Center
In the inauguration of its events and activities of the present academic year,  the Scientific Research Committee of the Female Campus held a seminar entitled "Interaction between Literature and Other Disciplines" presented by the Dean's Assistant, Dr. Suaad Al-Qahtani. The seminar witnessed large attendance and enthusiastic participation on the part of staff members in the department. The seminar started with a welcoming note by the Scientific Research Committee Coordinator, Ms.Amal Metwally, who welcomed the audience and thanked Dr. Suaad Al-Qahtani for the time and support she always gives to the committee. Following this welcoming note, Dr. Suaad started her seminar. The topics took the audience through a journey where they explored not only literature but also language, culture, race, gender, and psychology.  The presentation was mainly an investigation of Elif Shafak's Black Milk: On the Conflicting Demands of Writing and Motherhood. Elif Shafak (1971) is an award-winning novelist and one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary literature in both Turkey and England. The paradox of the title as well as the message of the book which is "funny" though "painful" brought a lot to the discussion. Elif Shafak believed that "to be human…means to live with an orchestra of conflicting voices and mixed emotions." Similarly, in her discussion, Dr. Suaad highlighted the fact that it is not only about motherhood. All human beings, men or women, have this struggle with conflicting roles in life. The discussion was enriched with the participation of all members in answering the question that was posed earlier by the Turkish writer, Adalet Agaoglu: “Do you think a woman could manage motherhood and a career at the same time and equally well?” The same question was posed again by Dr. Suaad. The discussion of the question, as well as the topic in general, was an excellent opportunity to reflect on the different roles and struggles of men and women in finding themselves. Finally, the Dean's Assistant, Dr. Suaad Al-Qahtani, expressed her happiness with the success of the seminar and gratitude to the Scientific Research Committee Coordinator, Ms.Amal Metwally, and the members of the committee Ms.Shanjida Halim and Ms.Tanzina Halim, as well as the attendees, who participated in the discussion and enriched the seminar with their viewpoints. The seminar was concluded by presenting a certificate of appreciation to Dr. Suaad Al-Qahtani for her participation in this event of the Scientific Research Committee. In the end, Dr. Suaad encouraged all members to participate in the seminars and events of the committee to enhance and enrich their scientific and professional development.  Date: 11/17/2017 Source: Ms. Amal Metwally