
Our honorable Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, was invited as a guest to The First International Conference on EFL Education (ICEFL 2016) held by the University of Jeddah at the Hilton Hotel from 10/31/2016 to 11/02/2016. The theme of the conference was to expand research and improve outcomes. Its main aim was to put together a fantastically diverse and engaging collection of speakers and workshops to enhance English Language teaching practices. The Faculty of Languages and Translation bolstered ICEFL’s 2016 main aim through the excellent representation of Vice Dean, Dr. Ali Alamir, and Lecturer, Mr. Md Mahmudul Haque. The papers presented at this conference were: 1-"The L2 Performance of Saudi EFL Students in the Online Environment."      Dr. Ali Hussein Alamir 2-"The Catalytic Role of Metacognition in Fostering Learner Autonomy for ESL/EFL Learners."      Mr. Md Mahmudul Haque Several Keynote speakers and distinguished L2 researchers from different parts of the world including the USA, the UK, and Canada participated in this conference! A large number of Saudi educators from various Saudi public and private sectors (e.g., students, teachers, advisers, educational consultants, and managers) as well as both domestic and international educational institutions and publishers attended this event and participated in some of the allocated training workshops for this conference. Some of our MA students also attended several sessions of this conference. The event was an extraordinary scientific occasion for EFL Education in Saudi Arabia and Saudi EFL Educators in particular. Participants enthusiastically enjoyed the conference papers, presentations, and workshops. They expressed their exhilaration to be part of this event and have the opportunities to learn more about the current issues of Saudi EFL education and research. Moreover, they were overjoyed by the ability to share their constructive comments and feedback with keynote guests and other respected participants. Overall, the conference was a comprehensive event which contributed to the collective understanding of creative teaching and active learning.   Date: 11-9-2016 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
The Community Service and Continuing Education Deanship of King Khalid University has concluded a workshop with the College of Languages and Translation. The workshop was titled "English Language Teaching Difficulties" and was presented to the English teachers of in the Asir region. It is important to note that it was attended by more than 30 male teachers and 25 female teachers.   The symposium was presented by the Dean of the College of Languages and Translation, Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, Vice Dean, Dr. Ali Alamir, in addition to Dr. Ismail Al Refai, Prof. Al Habib Hussien Abdessalam, Prof. Salim bin Dawood, and Dr. Eyhab Badr Al Din. The participants thanked the College of Languages and Translation for this initiative, and they clarified that they are looking forward to more communication in a way that serves the educational process and teaching the English Language as well.  Date: Fall 2016 Source: King Khalid University, Media Center
Mohsin Khan is the 1st Master Reviewer for Quality Matters at King Khalid University. In addition to serving as a QM Online Facilitator, Peer Reviewer, and E-learning Supervisor for the Faculty of Languages and Translation he delivers workshops which detail the methods behind Applying the QM Rubric. Mr. Khan always strives to assist faculty members and has coached numerous faculty members on how to obtain QM certification for their respective course. Mr. Khan has mentioned that “QM enhances the learning environment for students and teachers alike.” Mr. Khan is no stranger to improving the learning environment for students as he has already received an International QM Certification for the ENG 011 Intensive English Course. The Faculty of Languages and Translation is one of the leading colleges at King Khalid University that strives for E-Learning excellence through the Quality Matters program. Date: 11-2-2016 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Dr. Eyhab Bader Eddin delivered a presentation organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University held on October 31, 2016. In his presentation, which was titled Translation of Death as Clad in Euphemisms, he shared his views on the role of euphemism in language translation. First, He defined euphemism, orthophemism, and dyphemism, and highlighted the reasons for using euphemistic language and the area in which euphemism addresses. He also showed the use of euphemism in Arabic. He particularly used the word ‘death’ to compare English with Arabic regarding the use of euphemism. Dr. Eyhab, while talking about the problems translators usually encounter, said that when it comes to translation, a target language counterpart or an equivalent should be sought first. He concluded that priority should be given to meaning over form if an equivalent is not found. It is worth mentioning that the Al Samer campus also joined the seminar through video conferencing. It was an overall successful and interactive session.   Date: 10-31-2016 Source: MD Adil Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
The E-Learning Unit organized a teacher training workshop on "Online Assessment" on Thursday, October 27, 2016, at 11:00 am in E-Learning Lab A/3/86. Dr. Muanassir Alhamami, Chairman, welcomed all participants and expressed his deep appreciation for workshops of this nature, which further academic development. Mohsin Raza Khan, E-Learning Supervisor, conducted the workshop and gave a detailed presentation on online assessment. In his presentation, Mr. Khan pointed out the different types of Blackboard tools that could be used for online assessment. Mr. Rizwan Ghani focused on online testing methods. Date: 10-24-2016 Source: E-Learning Unit Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
Mr. Mahmudul Haque delivered a presentation organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University held on October 24, 2016. In his presentation, which was titled Learner Autonomy and Metacognition in Language Learning, he shared his views on how Learner autonomy facilitates the learning process. First, He defined autonomy and highlighted its brief history. Then he showed its role in language learning. He pointed out the fact that learners need to be independent in terms of choosing materials and learning strategies. He also focused on the roles a teacher can play to help learners become autonomous. Second, he talked about metacognition, a mental process involved in various learning styles. He concluded that successful learners are more self-reliant and autonomous learners at the same time are more metacognitively aware.    It was an overall successful seminar. Date: 10-24-2016 Source: MD Adil Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
Under the supervision of Dean, Dr. Abullah Al Melhi, and  Khalid Asiri, Deputy Director of the Mahala Campus English Language Center, the E-Learning Unit of the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized an “E-Learning Awareness Overview” for instructors on October 24th, 2016.  Mr. Abdullah Al-Rezgi, Director of the English Language Center, appreciated the efforts of the E-Learning Unit. He extended this full support and guidance for making the orientation week a great success. Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, E-Learning Unit Supervisor, said that the aim of the awareness overview was to make new instructors aware of the necessity and practical use of the King Khalid University E-Learning Portal (Blackboard). Date: 10-24-2016 Source: E-Learning Unit Multimedia Contribution: E-Learning Unit
On October 17, 2016, the English Club held a reception in the foyer of the college to spread awareness of the many activities planned for the semester. The event was lively, and it attracted over 50 students to register with the club and upcoming events. Vice Dean, Dr. Ali Alamir, Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, and Abdullah Asiri, Student Activities Director, presided over the event and interacted with all those in attendance. Date: 10/17/2016 Source: MD Siraj Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
Nabeel Ali Sayed, FLT MA student, delivered a presentation on an empirically based Etymological study organized by Language Research Center on October 17, 2016. In his presentation titled Arabic is in English, he delved deeper into the genetic relationship between English and Arabic. The primary objective of the study was to enhance Saudi EFL learners’ ability to understand English. He identified some related issues such as Arab EFL learners’ lack of interest and motivation in learning English.  He emphasized the fact that English is not a new language and it can be acquired by Arab EFL learners quickly. At the same time, English native speakers can learn Arabic easier than before. While focusing on etymology, he gave some interesting example words which were borrowed from Arabic. Finally, he maintained that etymology plays a vital role in developing students’ language skills.     It is worth mentioning that two female campuses (Al Samer and King Abdullah Road) also joined the seminar through video conferencing. Date: 10/17/2016 Primary Source: MD Adil Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
Three members of the Faculty of Languages and Translation presented an International Testing Training Seminar (focused on STEP, TOEFL, and IELTS) at Abha Technical College from 9-12 October 2016: Dr. Salem bin Dawood, Mr. Matthew Glotfelter, and Mr. Erich Beer. The training sessions were attended by a group of thirteen English Language Center staff members. Mr. Glotfelter and Dr. Salem devised the program. Besides providing training and sharing relevant information and tips about the examinations in question, Mr. Glotfelter was responsible for all the practical arrangements, which he did with his customary flair for efficient organization; he also acted as an anchor throughout, providing continuity. Dr. Salem wooed the audience with his signature charm and extensive knowledge and expertise. The attendees were an exceptional group, teachers themselves, and therefore also accomplished learners. Their high proficiency level in English struck us. They were responsive and very focused, with an excellent interpersonal dynamic, making it an unqualified pleasure to teach them. I could not help thinking that, had I had to handpick a group of candidates for this training seminar, I would have picked exactly those who attended of their own volition.  At the closing ceremony, the Vice Dean for Quality Control, Dr. Moalwi Naser Alawaad, assisted by Mr. Ahmed Najji, Chairman of the English Department, handed thoughtful and exquisite gifts to the three presenters, duly captured in photographs, after which all present posed for a photo session. The training seminar was a resounding success, and word of it has spread far and wide. It was an enriching, enjoyable and memorable experience for all concerned. The English Language Center at the Technical College envisages future cooperation with the Faculty of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University and is planning several follow-up initiatives to build on the momentum generated by this seminar. There is no doubt in my mind that they will follow through on it and that the efforts will yield sterling results. Date: 10/14/2016 Primary Source: Erich Beer Multimedia Contribution: Erich Beer
Under the supervision of Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, Dean, the E-Learning Unit organized an “E-Learning Awareness Campaign” for level 1 ELC students from Sunday, October 9, 2016, to Thursday, October 13, 2016.  Dr. Ali Alamir, Vice Dean, and Mr. Abdullah Al Rezgi, Director of the English Language Center, appreciated the efforts of the E-Learning Unit. They extended their full support and guidance for making the orientation week a great success. Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, E-Learning Unit Supervisor, said that the aim of the awareness campaign was to make new students aware of the necessity and practical use of the King Khalid University E-Learning Portal (Blackboard) and the general pattern of the Exams. “The students were contacted in their respective classrooms on a one-on-one basis and introduced to the E-Learning system,” said Mr. Khan. Furthermore, Mr. Rizwan Ghani, ELC Coordinator, delved into the pattern of the exams by giving an in-depth presentation. Mr. Abdullah Al-Zubain, E-Learning Specialist, Dr. Khaled Mohanna, E-Learning Team Manager, and all Level 1 ELC teachers helped to make this awareness campaign a success. Date: 10-13-2016 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam  
An orientation session was held on 10/12/2016 for the new faculty members that have joined the college this semester. This event, held each academic year in the first semester, provides our new colleagues with an overview of the various divisions and offices of the FLT, as well as making clear the rights and responsibilities that apply to every faculty member. The keynote speakers are listed below: Topic Time Speaker Welcome & Introductory  Speech 12: 00 - 12:10 Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi Dean, FLT   Administrative & Academic Issues 12: 10 - 12:15 Dr. Ali Alamir Vice Dean, FLT   Quality and Development System 12: 15  - 12:20 Dr. Abdul Wahed Al Zumor Head of the Quality Unit, FLT   Research Center 12: 20  - 12:25 Dr. Ismael Al Refai Director, LRC   Faculty Affairs 12:25   - 12:30   Mr. Mathew Paul Faculty Representative   LEP 12:30  - 12:35   Dr. Charles Forman Director, LEP   Students' Affairs 12:35  - 12:40   Dr. Basim Kanaan Student Advisor   E-Learning and Blackboard 12:40   - 12:45 Mr. Mohsin Khan E-Learning Supervisor   Questions & Refreshments 12:45- 1:00 New Faculty Members     In his introduction to the event, Dr. Al Melhi gave a heartfelt welcome to the new faculty and spoke about the central role that they will serve in the College.  He went on to express his vision of the college as like a family of trusted colleagues that value each other as both competent professionals and as friends, who help and support each other every day.  Further presentations were made on the following topics: ·         The Goals and Activities of the College ·         The Language Research Center ·         The E-Learning Deanship  ·         The Language Enhancement Program. ·         Use of the Blackboard online educational platform. After the close of the orientation, all the participants were invited to enjoy refreshments and lively conversation, as an example of the atmosphere of collegial friendship and conviviality that the Dean and all faculty members truly enjoy and admire. Date: 10/12/2016 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: Mohsin Khan  
Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, E-Learning Supervisor, shared his ideas about e-learning and EFL teaching at the seminar organized by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University held on October 3, 2016. In his presentation, which was titled Incorporating Blackboard in EFL Teaching, he highlighted the effective use of Blackboard by integrating current EFL teaching methods. He emphasized the need for incorporation of some techniques in EFL teaching. He also put emphasis on the necessity of understanding the implication of modern technology and utilizing its potential in teaching English as a Foreign Language. While talking about it in detail, Khan showed the difference between Asynchronous and Synchronous Learning and explained how different skills could be efficiently handled using Discussion Board, Blogs, and some other features. The seminar was very informative and interactive, and successful. Date: 10/3/2016 Source: MD Adil Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
The Faculty of Languages and Translation arranged The Student Orientation Program (Fall 2016) for new students on 9/28/2016.  Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, Dean, graced the occasion as both a presenter and chief guest. The program was presented by Dr. Ali Alamir and Hassan Costello whom both stressed critical points to success which included but were not limited to helpful resources, policies, and general strategies. Also, all faculty members present delivered valuable speeches and wished a bright future for them. Towards the end of the program, a general Blackboard training session was offered by Mr. Mohsin Khan. In conclusion, Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi emphasized the importance of joining an orientation program as it benefits the new students with lots of information. He also advised them to be serious with their studies right from the beginning. He hopes that the new students will enjoy studying here and graduate with excellent results. Date: 9/30/2016 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
On 9/26/16 the Faculty of Languages and Translation continued the celebrations of Saudi National Day through various events. The student body was well represented with both native and non-native students enjoying the event. The English club alongside Administrative Manager Muhammad Qiyas and the Media and Events Committee made a strong presence by being involved in the event and contributing to the festive atmosphere. The celebration was led by Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, and Vice Dean, Dr. Ali Alamir, who congratulated both students and faculty members for taking part in the festivities. Chairmen, Dr. Mutab Al Garni, and Dr. Khalid Abu Melha attended the event and encouraged all those around to reflect and enjoy. The entire faculty would like to congratulate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on this occasion. Furthermore, the faculty would like to extend its deep appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif, and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for their leadership. Date: 9/26/2016 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
King Khalid University Rector, His Excellency Prof. Falleh R. M. Al-Solamy, awarded Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, with a certificate of excellence for being a vital partner contributing to the success which the data analysis initiative has brought forth under the Deanship of E-Learning. Dean Al-Melhi has worked towards improving the quality of the learning environment for students in a variety of ways:      - Employing the Quality Matters Rubric in Courses      - Innovative Leadership      - Blended Learning      - Innovative New Learning Products      - Outstanding use of New Technology      - Educational Training Programs and Campaigns The use of educational programs and campaigns by the Faculty of Languages and Translation goes hand in hand with the Tamkeen program which is primarily concerned with training teachers and students alike on e-learning programs, e-tests, and e-courses. The meeting concluded with a keynote speech delivered by Rector Al-Solamy, in which he notably articulated that, "We at King Khalid University concentrate our aspirations and future plans in the field of e-learning because that will contribute to the success of King Khalid University." Date: 9/19/2016 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: ELD
The Faculty of Languages and Translation forges partnerships with outstanding academic institutions across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to expand the student experience, and enhance faculty growth and the impact of our research. During the week of August 28th, the Faculty of Languages and Translation collaborated with the Abha College of Technology to hold a week-long teacher training workshop on English for Professional Purposes (EPP). Chaired and led by the Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, from King Khalid University, the workshop was enthusiastically received by the instructors from the English Language Center of the Abha College of Technology (ELC). The Chairman of the ELC, Dr. Ahmed Najji expressed his deep appreciation for the new techniques and insights which were presented to the participants. It is worth noting that a member of the Shura Council, Dr. Muhammad Naji, was present for the final day of activities. Over the course of the workshop the following topics were covered by Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, and Language Instructor, Hassan Costello: • Applied Linguistic Theories and Practical Applications • Reading and Literacy Teaching Methods • Web 2.0 Tools and Computer Assisted Language Learning • Developing an Essential Skill Set for Effective Multilevel Instruction • Presentation, Practice, and Production Techniques in EFL Teaching • Innovative Speech, Pronunciation, and Listening Teaching Methods • Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL (NNEST) Overview Date: 9/2/2016 Primary Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation  
The First Annual Admissions Exhibition was designed to help prospective King Khalid University students successfully transition from high school to college. The program was a concerted effort by faculty and staff to ensure that incoming students feel comfortable and welcome in their new surroundings. It gave first-year students the opportunity to examine their academic abilities, interests and educational plans before their first semester of classes. The exhibition provided students with a basic understanding of what will be expected of them at King Khalid University and how their particular abilities and interests may fit with one or more of the University's majors. “It is important for students to have the opportunity to interact with their classmates and instructors before classes begin,” said Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, Dean. The Faculty of Languages and Translation was exceptionally represented holding a host of interactive sessions for students including but not limited to: -       IELTS Information Session (Abdul Rauf Khan) -       Language Enhancement Program ( Dr. Charles Forman) -       Course Registration Overview (Nasser Hawamdeh and Farook Haji) -       Academic Counseling Overview (Dr. Basim Kanaan) -       E-Learning Overview (Mohsin Khan) -       A general welcome message (Matthew Paul) -       An interactive Q & A Session with a significant portion of faculty members Parents and families were invited to attend the exhibition. Families were encouraged to participate to get acquainted with the campus, its policies, procedures, and services. A big round of applause to all faculty members who represented the Faculty of Languages and Translation making it a huge success led by Dr. Ali Alamir, Vice Dean, and Dr. Fahad Otaif, Vice Dean for Academic Development and Quality. As the new semester dawns, the class of 2020 will join upperclassmen in September 2016 to begin their journey towards success. Date: 5/4/2016 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
The presenters of the fortnightly seminars were awarded certificates of appreciation at the Certificate Award Ceremony held on April 25, 2016, which was arranged by the Language Research Center of the College of Languages and Translation. Five speakers had presented their papers during the first semester of the academic year 1436-37. Certificates were awarded to the following esteemed presenters: Mr. Mohsin Raza who had spoken about E-Course Design with Special Reference to Quality Matters Rubric Mr. Eyhab Bader Eddin for the presentation titled Pragmatic Equivalents in Translation Dr. Ali Alamir for the presentation based on his research study called Social Presence of Saudi EFL Students during their Online Interactions in Forums Ms. Najlaa A. Al Asbali for the presentation based on her project called An Investigation into Some Semantic Problems Inherent in the Translation of the Holy Quran  Mr. Mohammad Siraj who had shared his ideas about Effective Online Teaching Dr. Nurul Islam for his presentations titled World Englishes and How to Avoid Plagiarism.  There were five more speakers who had given presentations during the second semester. Certificates were awarded to the following esteemed presenters: Mr. Salahud Din Abdul Rab for his presentation on NLP and Speed Language Learning Dr. Fahad Otaif for the presentation  based on his research paper titled Metaphorical Framing of Media Discourse and the Representation of the Other Mr. Erich Beer for sharing his ideas about English-teaching-related Application of Microsoft Excel, Blackboard, and WhatsApp Dr. Nisar Ahmed Koka for his presentation titled Cross-cultural Communication and Subsequent Diffusion of Loanwords: A case of Arabic-Kashmiri Linguistic Borrowing  Dr. Mohammad Osman for the presentation titled Short Stories – a Source of Learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for Beginners. The entire ceremony also allowed the College of Languages and Translation, at the same time, to celebrate the success of the academic year through proper appreciation in recognition of the Language Research Center’s activities throughout the semesters.   Date: 4/25/2016 Primary Source: MD Adil Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
A debate competition was organized by Faculty of Languages and Translation which was held on April 13, 2016. The topic was Excessive Use of Technology has Paralyzed Humans in Many Ways.  The debaters who spoke for the motion were Muhammad Salem Ashahri, Abdur Rahim Mohammad Ali, Mohammad Aweed Al Amari, Mohammad Ali Al Qahtani and Abdullah Ali Al Qahtani. They put emphasis on the word ‘excessive.' They pointed out that they were not against technology, only its excessive use. Those who were against the motion were Musab Mohammad Al Shadah, Fahad Mohammad Asiri, Yasser Ali Al Shahrani, Omer Mohammad Jama and Khalid Amer Alshehri. They focused on our dependence on technology in our real life.  They emphasized that without technology we are almost helpless. Both the teams came up with interesting ideas. Although the team for the motion won the competition, the best speaker was Khalid Amer Al Shehri, who was the leader of the team against the motion. There was a panel of judges comprising two members – Mr. Willem D. Jager and Mr. Mathew Paul, who skillfully and meticulously evaluated the debaters’ performance and decided on the winner.  Dr. Fahad Otaif, in his speech, talked about their performance and how to improve it. He shared his views on the excessive use of technology. The occasion was also graced by Dr. Mutab Al Qarni, Chairman of the Department of English, who, in his concluding speech, talked about the importance of such an extracurricular activity and how it helped to improve English. He praised the debaters pointing out the fact that they had spoken exceptionally well although the topic was slightly challenging for them.   Dr. Mohammad Osman headed the organizing committee. The other team members were Dr. Nurul Islam, Dr. Nisar Ahmed Koka, Mr. Mohammad Adil, Dr. Omer Sultan, Dr. Basim Kanaan, and Mr. Salahuddin Abdul Rab who spent more than a month training the debaters. It is worth mentioning that Mr. Khalid Mater, in cooperation with English Club, coordinated his efforts in arranging prizes and certificates for the debaters and the judges. All the members of English Club also worked hard during the event to make it a success. Overall, the debate was a great success. Date: 4/13/2016 Source: MD Adil, Event Anchor Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam