
On February 25, 2015, the Literature Club organized a talk, first of its kind, titled Fable: Story with a moral. The discussion was presided over by the club coordinator, Md. Shahrear  Talukder.  Mr. Erich Beer, Lecturer, Department of English, gave the speech. In his enthralling 30 minutes presentation, he opened a new window to look at stories, in particular, fables from continents. Mr. Erich’s content of the talk was lucid and succinct enough to cause awe among the young students of the department. Though brief, this discussion encouraged students who are planning to choose literature as their major in future.      Date: Spring 2015 Source: Md. Shahrear Talukder
The English Club in coordination with the Deanship of Student Affairs hosted a workshop titled “How to Improve Your English Communication Skills.” The event occurred on February 18, 2015, in Auditorium 6. It was a lively event that drew a crowd of nearly 500.  Hassan Costello, language instructor, covered different topic areas to include: Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Small Group Communication Public Communication Costello: Practice will build your accuracy. Accuracy will build your confidence. Confidence will build your fluency. Be patient and make many mistakes. Those mistakes are incredibly valuable learning opportunities! Certificates will be distributed to all workshop attendees in the coming weeks. A vote of thanks goes to Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi for facilitating this event. In addition to all members of the English Club, further recognition goes to the following for making this event a success: Ibrahim Al-Asmari, director of student affairs Abdullah Al-Ahmari, student activities president Yusef Al-Shahrani, professional photographer Saeed Al-Ahmari, professional photographer Date: Spring 2015 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Under the supervision of Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, Dean, Midterms and Final examinations of the English Language Center (ELC) for the First Semester 1435-36 were successfully conducted online via Blackboard. The tests of ENG 011, ENG 012 and ENG 015 took place in e-Learning Labs (A/1/72, A/1/74, A/1/75, A/1/76 & A/2/83). Approximately 2,000 students took the examination.   Dr. Ahmad Ismail Assiri, Vice Dean, expressed his satisfaction and gratitude towards the adopted pattern of online exams. Mr. Abdullah Al-Rezgi, Director of the English Language Center, extended his thanks to the E-Learning Deanship and its team for helping the center towards making the online exams a success. Mr. Al-Rezgi mentioned that the exam was a big challenge for the center because of the large number of students. He asserted that the security of the online exams and the reduction of use of unfair means were major concerns. To address these issues more than 85 sets of Listening, Reading & Grammar tests were administered.  As part of zero tolerance policy against “use of unfair means,” a total of 111 sets were made and deployed in ENG 011 course alone. Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, Supervisor of E-Learning Unit, employed the following strategies in the exam: The Firefox browser was used in Listening, Reading & Grammar exams The ELC Exam Committee prepared invigilator checklists and provided to invigilators Invigilators entered the exam passwords after students had opened their exam start page Double password policies were employed It is worth noting that all technical problems were reported and resolved by on-duty staff as per the agreed format. Mr. Khan also mentioned that E-Learning training workshops on online assessment were organized for students and new faculty members before the exam. Mr. Abdullah Zubain, E-Learning Specialist, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Faculty for adopting best practice security measures and conducting successful online exams. Special recognition for their efforts and outstanding teamwork goes to faculty members listed below. Mr. Javed Ahmed, General Coordinator of ELC Mr. Rizwan Ghani, Coordinator of ENG 011 Mr. Farouk Haji, Coordinator of ENG 015 Mr. Jahangir Alam, Coordinator of ENG 012 Mr. Salahuddin Abdulrab, Head of the ELC Examination Committee Dr. Mohammed Asif Ishfaq, Coordinator of Online Examinations Mr. Ahmed Sholan, In-Charge of E-Learning Lab All the faculty members of the ELC extended their full cooperation as invigilators to make online exams successful. They entered the passwords, guided the students on how to submit their tests, checked grades and collected feedback when needed. They did an excellent job of invigilation in the most demanding circumstances involving thousands of students from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Mr. Abdullah Al-Rezgi applauded the contribution of all coordinators and invigilators and thanked them for their hard work and commitment. Date: Spring 2015 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean, the E-Learning Unit of the College organized an E-Learning Workshop for M.A. students of the College. Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, Supervisor of the E-Learning Unit, conducted the seminar and presented a detailed presentation titled “E-Learning & Blackboard.” He pointed out the importance of the e-Learning in today’s world. He introduced the students to the basic as well as advanced tools of Blackboard. Mr. Khan gave training on the practical use of the Blackboard tools such as Announcements, Lectures, Assignments, E-Tests, the Discussion Board, Blackboard Elluminate Live, Wikis and Course Messages. He also explained the concepts of the supportive levels, blended levels, and full E-Learning courses. Additionally, he mentioned the Quality Matters Program and referred to eight general standards and forty-three specific standards of QM program to assure the quality of e-learning courses. Date: Spring 2015 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
The Language Research Center at King Khalid University organized a seminar on December 01, 2014 that included a presentation conducted by Mr. Mohammad Adil, which was titled Our Coursebooks: Friends and Foes? It gave an overview of the effectiveness of our textbooks used in the skill courses at four levels in the Department of English. The presentation was primarily based on a case study he had conducted to determine how effective the teachers in Department of English think these books are. The findings of the case study resulted in some practical suggestions regarding the efficient and judicious use the of textbooks. He emphasized proper adaptation of them according to learners’ needs even if the books are well-designed. The presentation was followed by an interactive discussion during which the participants shared their views, made comments and raised some questions. Overall, The Language Research Center found the presentation worthwhile, which will cater to the curriculum development at the Faculty of Languages and Translation in the future.  Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam 
World literature encompasses contemporary knowledge about humanity-our beliefs, our self-perception, our philosophies, our assumptions and our interactions with the world as a whole. The most important lessons of our life are magnificently articulated in our art. We absorb these lessons only if we intend to stop for a while on the myriad of pages from literature around us. Keeping this view in mind, the KKU Literature Club organized the first ever presentation series on World Literature. It was held on November 18, 2014, at the KKU main campus. Dr. Ali Alamir, Chair of the English Department, graced the program with his presence as chief guest. Faculty members and students from different departments made their presence felt by their active participation. Mr. Matthew Paul’s confident anchoring further enhanced the attraction of the program. This presentation series was supported and promoted conjointly by the Event Management Committee and the English Club. The main attraction of the program was two presentations by Mr. Eyhab Bader Eddin on the topic “Syria in Poets’ Eyes Across Ages” and by Dr. Mahmoud Redwan on the topic “The Modern Arabic Novel.” Their discussion which based itself on cross-cultural, historical and political perspectives fascinated the audience with numerous facts and ideas. Something fresh came out of their comparative studies which certainly will make the audience ponder over those for some time.      Club coordinator, Mr. Shahrear Talukder said in his inaugural speech, “World literature is a symbiosis of national and international literature which inevitably enables us to gain a better sense of the world around us. In today’s world of conflict and misunderstanding, it can be a harbinger of peace and unity.”  This philosophy of world literature reverberated in both of the presentations by Dr. Eyhab and Dr. Mahmoud. The program ended with the vote of thanks from Dr. Ali Alamir.    Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam and Gaus Ul Azam
The Language Research Center seminar by Erich Beer on November 17, 2014, kicked off with the following quote: “This presentation is ultimately about the students – not about me, or even you, for that matter.” Erich further quoted Margaret Elizabeth Sangster, who said: ‘No one should teach who is not in love with teaching.’ Building on this, he added: “If we are not in love with teaching, how can we expect our students to be in love with learning?” The results of three investigations were discussed: (1) The findings of readability tests conducted on 16 texts in the Well Read series, four each from four consecutive chapters in each book. (2) The results of a survey of Reading Comprehension 1 students’ reported levels of enjoyment of reading English and Arabic texts. (3) The results of an investigation into the question: is there a correlation between the time students take to complete a Reading Comprehension test, on the one hand, and the test result, on the other? The complete data and the interpretation thereof can be found on a blog specially created for the presentation, the address of which is: Here is a summary of the results. (1) Each level (book) of Well Read covers a range of levels of difficulty regarding reading comprehension. There is considerable overlap in these levels between books 1 and 2 and books 2 and 3, but hardly any between books 3 and 4. There, therefore, seems to be a sudden jump from book 3 to 4. (2) Most students surveyed (anonymously) reported an increase in their enjoyment of reading English texts. Overall there was a 17% increase in the satisfaction levels from when the course started to midway during the course. Interestingly, the level of enjoyment of reading English texts halfway during the course is very close to the reported level of enjoyment of reading texts in Arabic. (3) In observation of the test sample, there was a consistent overall drop in grades the longer students took to complete the objective Reading Comprehension test. These results were compared with those for a productive skill test (Writing). The pattern in the latter was different: after an initial drop in grades, they rose. Besides full coverage of the above investigations, reported during the presentation, the blog contains the following documents: Introduction and continuity commentary PowerPoint presentation (in PDF) 16 texts from Well Read 1-4, downloadable and editable Readability statistics for Well Read 1-4, based on the above 16 texts Three experimental texts for the lower levels Two additional texts for readability tests (J.K. Rowling, Steve Jobs) The presenter concluded his presentation by saying: “Teaching Reading Comprehension offers immense and unparalleled and too-good-to-miss opportunities. Every moment counts. Every word counts. Seize them. I challenge you. Be challenged.” Reading Techniques Information File  (please use zip or RAR file opener) Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
An orientation session was held on 11/12/2014 for new faculty members that have joined the College this semester. This event, held each academic year at the beginning of each semester, provides our new colleagues with an overview of the various divisions and offices of the College and University, as well as making clear the rights and responsibilities that apply to every faculty member. A PDF file of the PowerPoint presentation is available. ***Click Here*** In his introduction to the event, Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, Dean,  gave a heartfelt welcome to the new faculty and spoke about the central role that they will play in the functioning of the College.  He went on to express his vision of the faculty as like a family of trusted colleagues that value each other as both competent professionals and as friends, who help and support each other every day. Dr. Abdulkhalek Al Qahtani, Vice Dean of Academic Development & Quality, explained the goals and activities of the Unit for Development and Quality, putting particular emphasis on elucidating the fundamental processes of internal and external evaluation that are ongoing in the College. Also, Hassan Costello presented an overview of the reporting responsibilities of all faculty members, regarding the Course File contents and the elaboration of end-of-semester Course Reports. Dr. Ali Alamir, Chair of the English Department, introduced himself and stressed the importance of maintaining an atmosphere of openness and trust among colleagues.  Further presentations were made on the following topics: The Language Research Center The E-Learning Deanship How to access and use the University online system for staff information How to change your KKU password A slide show of suggestions on how students can best resolve problems and achieve success in their studies, including an introduction to the Language Enhancement Program (LEP) Use of the Blackboard online educational platform Dr. Ahmed Al Faifi spoke about the mission and work of the Islamic Center in Khamis Mushayt and presented the new faculty members with copies of several publications from the Center. After the close of the orientation, all the participants were invited to enjoy refreshments (including Pizza !) and lively conversation, as an example of the atmosphere of collegial friendship and conviviality that the Dean and all faculty members truly enjoy and admire. A final word of thanks goes to: Mr. Weatherford Thomson, Master of Ceremonies. Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean, the E-Learning Unit of the College organized a workshop with new faculty members on Wednesday, October 29, 2014, in E-Learning Lab A/3/86. Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, Supervisor of the E-Learning Unit, introduced the new teachers to the basic concepts of the E-Learning system at King Khalid University. He elaborated upon strategic goal no. 5- “Activating the utilization of technology to build a knowledge-based society.” He familiarized the new faculty members with the rules of the Deanship of E-Learning and the core tools of the Blackboard with a focus on Start Here, Home Page, Announcement, Lectures, Assignment & Test, Discussion Board, and Course Messages. Mr. Khan discussed both the supportive level and blended levels in detail. He stated, “Supportive E-Learning is obligatory for all the University courses with no exception.” He also mentioned that mere implementation and access to Blackboard does not fulfill the academic purposes and the objectives of teaching/ learning processes entirely. The Deanship of E-Learning has subscribed to the Quality Matters Program to make the E-Learning system capable and efficient. The instructors should refer to eight general standards and forty-three specific standards of the QM program to assure the quality of e-learning courses. Mr. Rizwan Ghani and Mr. Jawed Ahmed discussed the practical issues of Blackboard and pointed out the problems and remedies of online assessment. Dr. Khalid Mohanna, E-Learning Team Manager, highlighted major options of Blackboard 9.1 and how it can be used. Mr. Abdullah Al-Zubain, E-Learning Specialist, proposed a vote of thanks and extended all levels of support. At the beginning of the meet, Mr. Farooque Hajji, Registrar of the College, welcomed all the new faculty members and discussed the issues of username and password, access to the registration website of the University and Blackboard.  Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean, the E-Learning Unit at the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized a presentation on “The Concept of Blended Learning in English Language Teaching.” Dr. Mohamed Amin Mekheimer delivered a detailed presentation on the topic. Describing the term ‘Blended Learning,' Dr. Mohamed Amin Mekheimer said:  “The term blended learning originated in the business world in connection with corporate training, then it was used in higher education, and lastly, it appeared in language teaching and learning.” He further added that blended learning in English Language Teaching combines a face-to-face (F2F) classroom component with an appropriate use of technology.  On the question of the need for the adaptation of blended learning approach, Dr. Mohamed Amin Mekheimer said that learners nowadays expect technology to be integrated into their language classes.  Towards that end, blended learning can meet the learners’ expectations since it provides the ability to match learning styles and individually tailored solutions. It improves the learning rate, and it increases access/flexibility and cost effectiveness. To make blended learning useful in ELT, Dr. Mohamed Amin Mekheimer suggested that the instructor should keep into considerations the following five tenets that build up a principled learning model: the role of live interaction; the role of learner choice and self-regulation; models for support and training; balance between innovation and production and cultural adaptation. He also said that educators should separate the role of the teacher from that of technology, as these functions are not interchangeable, but they are complementary. Teachers should adopt a principled approach that best suits the learners’ needs. Technology should be used to complement and enhance F2F teaching. In his closing remarks, Dr. Abdulkhaleq Al Qahtani, Vice Dean of Academic Development & Quality, applauded the presentation and stressed the need for the proper use of the technology. He also said that technology is a useful tool for enhancing the quality of education. Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, Supervisor of the E-Learning Unit, related that the purpose of the presentation was to discuss the actual concept of blended learning in English language teaching and best practices around the world. Mr. Abdullah Al-Zubain, E-Learning Specialist, Dr. Khaled Mohanna, E-Learning Team Manager, Mr. Jabir Al-Thebi, Dr. Mohammad Asif, Mr. Faisal, Mr. Jawed Ahmed and Mr. Salahuddin Abdulrab provided holistic support to make the function a success. Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
Do you ever wish that you could spend more time engaged in lively conversation with your colleagues, about new and exciting ways to do your job in a better way? This is exactly the opportunity that our faculty and students were able to enjoy recently when the Faculty of Languages and Translation held a symposium titled “Present and Future of English in Saudi Arabia: Research Concerns.” A total of 24 presentations took place, over two days, covering a broad and fascinating range of topics in the field of English language teaching, as well considering the role of English in contemporary Saudi Arabia. The list of presentations can be found at  Present and Future of English in Saudi Arabia: Research Concerns Copies of the papers presented will be published in the Proceedings of the Symposium and made available for download from  shortly. The symposium enjoyed the keen interest and active participation of several hundred attendees. These included academic professionals from many Saudi institutions, along with several visiting university researchers from abroad, and a significant number of KKU faculty members and students. In particular, the opening ceremony was honored by the presence of, His Excellency, President, Abdulrahman Bin Hamad Al Dawood While the event itself took place in the main male campus of the University, a video and audio link with the main female campus was maintained throughout the event.  This enabled the faculty members as well as the students of both campuses to participate in and profit from the high-quality presentations and enthusiasm of the event. A particularly lively and engaging aspect of the symposium was the participation of the listeners in the question-answer and discussion sessions that followed up each of the presentations.  This opportunity for dialogue and debate among the presenters and the audience delivered some of the most exciting moments and useful insights of the event. After the closing comments were offered by the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, there was an atmosphere of excitement and satisfaction, as the participants continued sharing observations and ideas regarding how best to pursue the work of applying the lessons of the research, as part of improving the English learning process in their daily professional activities. Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Event Hosted by Hassan Costello  Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam 
The Faculty of Languages & Translation arranges presentations for staff members on a regular basis. The topics of discussion on Wednesday (10-15-2014) were varied and full of information that enlightened us all. Dr. Ahmed Ismail Asiri, Vice Dean, presided over the event. He introduced the TAs to the staff members and moderated the session. The following topics were covered: Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Rationale for Increased Studies in Vocabulary Mr. Ahmed Sharif, Syntactic Code Switching Mr. Ali Alamri, Studying Abroad and the Enhancement of Cultural Awareness in Saudi EFL Programs Mr. Omar Basendwah, Linguistic Word Games in Arabic Date: Fall 2014 Source:  Faculty of Languages & Translation
The Faculty of Languages & Translation once more proved their efficiency in celebrating 'Saudi National Day'  on Monday.  It was the result of the continuous efforts of Mr. Ali Alamri, Director of the Student Activities, and the students involved in students' activities. The whole college took a festive look.  This happy occasion brought the faculty members of different nationalities, guests, and students in one line as if they were of the same nationality. It was splendid indeed. The program started with the playback of the national anthem of Saudi Arabia which was followed by a power point presentation on the cultural and historical richness of Saudi Arabia. There was a recitation of a poem 'The Single Plane' by  Mr. Shahrear Talukdar, Lecturer. After that Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, the Honorable Dean of the College and the chief guest, welcomed the respected faculty members and the students to celebrate the National Day. First, he expressed his gratitude to the Almighty Allah for having such a vast country which was unified by the Great King Abdul Aziz. It was built stone by stone. Till today it is unified and developing. He encourages the young generation to read the history of the kingdom. It is the duty of every citizen of the country to preserve what has been established. He also advised the students and the young generation to adhere to the teaching of Islam and the traffic laws while celebrating this day so that a positive image of celebrating the national day can be established. He prayed for the peace all over the world.  He thanked the members of the Students' Activities Centre and the event management committee for organizing such a beautiful program. Dr. Abdulkhaleq Al Qahtani, Vice Dean of Academic Development & Quality also delivered a poignant speech. The new logo of the English Club of the college was also launched after celebrating Saudi National Day 2014. The Dean of the College cut the giant cake with the new logo of the English Club. There was also an arrangement for traditional drinks along with other types of refreshments. Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Dr. Mohammed Ali Al Hassoun, Vice Rector for Academic & Educational Affairs, paid a visit to the Faculty of Languages and Translation on the 2nd week of Fall 2014 academic semester to see the current state of affairs. Dr. Abdallah Al Melhi, Dean, met several students where he listened to them regarding their schedule change and their view of the college's preparation. He also visited the offices of the Vice Dean, the Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, the Registrar, and the LEP (Language Enhancement Program) where Mr. Abdur Rouf Khan, the coordinator for the LEP, explained to him the different activities for the enhancement program.  He was quite happy with the progress and preparation of the college. Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam
The Faculty of Languages and Translation arranged a Student Orientation Program for new students on September 16, 2014. Mr. Ali Alamri, Director of Student Activities, along with his team worked hard to make it a successful event.  Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, Dean, graced the position of the chief guest. The program started with a welcoming speech by Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi. He welcomed and congratulated new students for joining the faculty. He emphasized the importance of joining an orientation program as it benefits the new students with lots of information. He also advised them to be serious with their studies right from the beginning. He hopes that the new students will enjoy studying here and graduate with excellent results.  Also, the Vice Deans, the Registrar, and the Student Advisor delivered valuable speeches and wished a bright future for them. Also, Mr. Hassan Costello presented a very informative power point presentation. Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
Under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, Dean, the E-Learning Unit organized an “E-Learning Orientation Week” for new students from Sunday, September 7, 2014, to Thursday, September 11, 2014.  Dr. Ahmed Ismail Asiri, Vice Dean, Dr. Abdul Khaleq Al Qahtany, Vice Dean of Academic Development & Quality, and Mr. Abdullah Al Rezgi, Director of the English Language Center, appreciated the efforts of the E-Learning Unit. They extended their full support and guidance for making the orientation week a great success. Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, the E-Learning Unit Supervisor, said that the aim of the orientation week was to make new students aware of the necessity and practical use of Blackboard. “The students were contacted in their respective classrooms on a one-on-one basis and introduced to the E-Learning system,” said Mr. Khan. Mr. Ali Alamry, Director of Students Activities, said that contacting the new students in their respective classrooms was a unique experience for him. He emphasized the need for E-Learning. He further added that E-Learning is necessary in today’s world for a better teaching and learning environment. Mr. Abdullah Al-Zubain, E-Learning Specialist, Dr. Khaled Mohanna, E-Learning Team Manager, Mr. Jabir Al-Thebi, Dr. Mohammad Asif, Mr. Salahuddin Abdurrab, Mr. Eric Beer, Mr. Hassan Costello, Mr. Jawed Ahmed and Mr. Rizwan Ghani, provided holistic support to make the week a success. Date: Fall 2014 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
On the 25th. of May 2014, the College of Languages and Translation, organized a Reception and Farewell Party to honor both the new and departing staff members. On behalf of the new comers, Mr. Matthew Paul delivered his speech about his first year experience working in KKU. From the side of the departing staff members, Dr. Farhatullah Khan and Dr. Abdulatif Shazli delivered speeches where they expressed their departing feeling and long experience working in KKU. The former dean, Dr. Hizbullah Al Sindi, was given a certificate of excellence for giving his valuable service to the college for ten year as the dean. Also, some of the staff members were given certificates of appreciation. Finally the program ended with a photo session and a grand dinner.  Source: Dr.  Mohammed Alward
The Faculty of Languages and Translation has organized  Graduation Day 2014 for graduates (M.A. and B.A. Programs) of the college. The Dean of the college, Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, graced the position of the chief guest along with the most senior professor Dr. Farhatullah Khan. The program started with a photo session and a graduation walk. The chief guests delivered speeches where they expressed their happiness on the occasion and gave the graduates some advice for their forthcoming life. The graduates, in turn, expressed their worm feeling and gratitude. The certificates of graduation were distributed among the graduates and the program ended up with a grand dinner. Source: Dr.  Mohammed Alward
It seemed never-ending. After a long battle with 19 intriguing rounds it came to an end. On 21 April 2014 when fifteen spellers from the Department of English contested in the 4th  Spelling Bee Competition of the second semester of this academic year. Honorable Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Dr. Abdullah Melhi graced the occasion as chief guest. Among others Vice Dean of Quality Dr. Abdulkhaleq Al-Qahtani, faculty members and students from different colleges were present to witness young spellers zeal for spelling. Khalid Amer Al Sheheri of level 2  won the Spelling Bee battle on Tuesday. His winning word was 'Assistance'.   Mohsin Mamduh, finished second.  Saad Mohammad, from level 2,  finished third. Veteran professor Dr. Golam Faruk, organizer of this competition said, "We are hopeful to take this competition to the national level. For this we have to work together to face hurdles of any sort.”  He thanked  the writing course teachers Mr. Mathew Paul, Mr. Weather Ford,  Dr. Nurul Islam, Dr. Nisar, Mr. Fuad  and Mr. Adil for their constant support in preparing the young spellers from different levels. Dr. Micheal, Matthew Paul, Mr. Adil and Mr. Ford from the Faculty of Languages and Translation were the judges of this spelling competition. Mr. Ford and Dr. Michael were the official pronouncers for American and British pronunciation respectively. Winner of this competition and the two runner ups along with the all the contestants were rewarded for their active participation in this Spelling Bee Competition.  Source: Dr.  Mohammed Alward
The Language Research Center at King Khalid University organized a seminar on April 14, 2014.  The seminar included a presentation conducted by Dr. Justin, which was titled Literary Criticism in the 21st Century. It was primarily centered on the challenges and opportunities associated with literary Criticism in the current century. Dr. Justin focused on Deconstruction, Marxism, Feminist criticism, and Post-colonial criticism etc. He finally emphasized four types of needs for meaning, namely purpose, value, efficacy and self-worth. Overall, the presentation was worthwhile, which eventually led to an interactive discussion where the participants shared their views on literary criticism and the essence of literature.  Source: Dr.  Mohammed Alward