
  The Women's Scientific Research Committee of the Bachelor of Arts in English program organized an 'EndNote Workshop' on Wednesday, November 27, 2019. Ms. Jalila Alghamdi tailored the workshop and its objectives to both faculty members and graduate students. Ms. Alghamdi started her discussion by defining EndNote, saying that it is "software for managing bibliographies and references." Ms. Alghamdi explained that "EndNote management software does not only free a researcher from the tedious work of manually collecting and formatting research materials and curating bibliographies, but also gives a researcher greater ease and control in managing references in research groups through providing coordination for the researchers' who are sharing a research paper."   Ms. Alghamdi explained that "EndNote is a tool that allows researchers to organize and keep track of their references." She highlighted the steps for easily inserting references into research documents as in-text citations, or a bibliography in any of a large number of citation styles (i.e. APA, MLA, etc).   The workshop was an orientation to the software's latest X9 version. Ms. Alghamdi provided screenshots of different processes that could be accomplished using EndNote X9. Some of these tasks are inserting references manually into EndNote, inserting author names according to the rules of EndNote, sorting and arrange references in easily searchable groups, activating the EndNote toolbar in Word, and changing the citation style of a research document with a few clicks.   During the interactive Q&A session, Ms. Alghamdi noted that this session will be followed by another practical session in cooperation with the Scientific Research Committee. For the practical session, attendees will need to download EndNote on their laptops to be able to work on the software following her guidance.   Of noteworthy mention, the workshop was attended by faculty members from the College of Science who showed their appreciation to the invitation sent by the Women's Scientific Research Committee to all university faculty members. The workshop was a big success and really made a difference by familiarizing researchers with the use and manipulation of such a significant tool for writing scientific research papers.   Date: 12/3/2019 Source: Dr. Amal Metwally, Scientific Research Committee
  Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui, Bachelor of Arts in English program, delivered a presentation titled Interpretive Reading at the seminar organized by the Language Research Center on November 27, 2019. The presentation was based on a research paper titled "Interpretive reading as a strategy to construct meaning in EFL Reading Comprehension: A case study at KKU EFL Classroom ", conducted by Dr. Ahmad Ismail Assiri and Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui.   The presentation focused on how effective interpretive reading is in reading comprehension. Dr. Siddiqui highlighted some previous studies conducted by Alsamadini (2009), Al-Jarf (2007), Carrell (1989) and Cooper (1984). The studies, he stated, emphasized the positive correlation between language competence and being able to understand written texts, and how reading helps in vocabulary building.   Dr. Siddiqui related that interpretive reading is the effective communication of thoughts and or feelings of an author to the listener. He then stated the research objectives: to determine whether interpretive reading has a significant effect on students' reading comprehension; to investigate the efficacy of interpretive reading in employing various types of texts; to compare the effect of interpretive reading to that of silent reading and reading aloud respectively; and to suggest ways in which teacher can go about using interpretive reading in their teaching. He, while explaining the methodology, also compared the statistical data of the control group and the experimental group. Finally, he explained in detail the research outcomes. Two video clips were also played, which demonstrated two examples of interpretive reading.   The seminar was very interactive and a great success. It is worth mentioning that the King Abdullah Road Campus also attended the seminar. Date: 11/30/2019 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique
  The second game of FC FLT provided absolutely magical moments of shock and awe. After captains Azaad Hayat and Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui selected players for their Orange and Blue teams, respectively, the two hour and twenty-one-minute game took off at an unbelievably, blistering pace. Even two bouts of heavy rains pouring down from the overcast, Abha sky, could not dampen the enthusiasm of the energized players.   Right from the opening whistle, the Blues went into what seemed like an unassailable lead. With their professional dribbling and striking skills, Dr. Abdelhamid Bessaid, Fareed Uddin, and Dr. Fadi Alkhasoneh managed to penetrate the valiant defense provided by Dr. Omer Sultan, Dr. Dimitrios Michael, and goalkeeper Dr. Karem Abdelatif Ahmed.   Despite the desperate efforts of newcomers, Khalid Al-Qasemi, Nasser Al-Hawamdeh, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Mosa, and Dr. Basim Kanaan (a former professional Jordanian player), the Blues maintained their dominance. Just as Team Orange resigned themselves to their fate of having to succumb to their rampant opponents, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, made his dramatic appearance donning an orange vest.   All of a sudden, with the latter winding and weaving his way through his opponents, it was the Blues who found themselves desperately defending their comfortable lead. Even though Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin made more than a dozen spectacular, and in some cases miraculous saves, Team Orange managed to claw their way back to equalize at 8-8.   Thereafter the game developed into an exciting, to and fro spectacle of alternate teams finding itself in the lead. Newcomers Dr. Sayed Bilal Kadiri, Dr. Adil Bahameed, Dr. Muhsin Hassan Khan, and Dr. Mahmoud Radwan surprised with their seemingly unstoppable drive to win the game.   If there had been judges tasked with choosing the 'Man of the Match' title, theirs would have been an impossible task.   Nasser Al-Hawamdeh Dr. Abdelhamid Bessaid, Dr. Fadi Alkhasoneh, Dr. Basim Kanaan, and Dr. Omer Sultan would definitely have been on the shortlist. But, given the unfortunate reality that there can be only one 'Man of the Match', five of these gents will have to keep up their sterling performances to remain in the quest to become the titleholder. In the last game, Dr. Yahya Asiri narrowly beat Dr. Basim Kanaan to win this highly coveted title.   After a quick ballot was taken among players, it was decided that because of his flawless ball distribution in midfield, and his majestic display in stopping numerous scary blasters, the winner narrowly managed to pip his opponents to be the proud holder of the 'Man of the Match' title.   Congratulations Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin, on a truly stunning performance. You were AWESOME! ~Special Message from Dr. Bader Eddin~   Thank you all for the golden opportunity you all provided to me to be one of your team. Really got gobsmacked and humbled by the warm words, much more than I deserve. Brother Azaad tailored a literary narrative style that was so lucid and scrupulous that readers could watch the match again via words. Seeking permission to respond, I am dipping my quill into the sky-like azure ink to scribe a few thoughts that are being dictated by the thunderclap outside and the overcast sky, which was a witness to yesterday's thrilling match. It was Dr. Fadi's invitation that lured me to go to the match. It was the company I had with you that made the match take on an exquisite flavour, and retain memorable moments that would hardly escape mind. I congratulate all players who were all a canopy of stars whose luminosity shone remarkably. The players' high spirits didn't get dampened by the sprinkle we frequently had. The absolute harmony preserved throughout the match really makes one swell with pride. Lapping it up and relishing the match, some ineffable splendor crowned our match. Fierce competition it was, and a quiver of resistance ran through every player to perform marvelously. Left at the pitch, there is an inarticulate echo of longing for the next match to unfold further excitement. It was everyone's blithe spirits that made the match exceptional by all standards, including cross, quick and long balls, ball possession, a super refinement of tastes in heading and scoring into the net, etc. A curtain of opaque rain is bringing down the curtain on my message to be concluded just as it started: Thank you all. Date: 11/21/2019 Source: Azaad Hayat
  Dr. Amal Metwally delivered a presentation titled 'Linguistic Markers of Metaphor in the Ever-Glorious Qur'ān towards a Computational Identification' that was based on her Ph.D. thesis at a seminar organized by the Language Research Center on November 20, 2019.   Her study, she said, attempted to establish the appropriate criteria for the computational identification of metaphors, and propose computer software for identifying metaphor candidates in the Ever-Glorious Qur'ān. The study was based on Lakoff and Johnson's (1980) cognitive theory of metaphor, Goatly's (1997) research on metaphor in the Qur'ān, and computational studies of metaphor in general. It also focused on the early research by Arab rhetoricians and grammarians on metaphor.   Dr. Metwally's study explored linguistic markers of metaphorical candidates and identified linguistic markers of lexical items that were likely to be metaphorical. It also explored the use of such markers to create a computer application that could identify metaphors in the Ever-Glorious Qur'ān in the selected Sūrahs (Sūrat Hūd, Sūrat Yūsuf, and Sūrat Ar-Rā'd). She then explained in detail the corpus used, the methodology adopted in her study, and the overall structure of her research. Dr. Metwally then explained the cognitive theory of conceptual metaphor and computational linguistics.   Dr. Metwally's study concluded that it represented a novel direction for computational linguistics research on metaphor. Computer software for processing an entire corpus (selected Sūrahs from the Ever-Glorious Qur'ān) that could yield a list of potential metaphors would thus seem to be a welcome addition to the set of tools currently available to metaphor analysts.   The seminar was very interactive and a notable success. It is worth mentioning that Al-Samer Women’s College and the main campus for the Bachelor of Arts in English program also attended the seminar via teleconference.   Date: 11/21/2019 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique
  Under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, the English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program held a special closing award ceremony on November 19, 2019, at 11 a.m. in Auditorium 5. The ceremony marked the end of activities carried out during the first semester of the current academic year. The ceremony was attended by Vice Dean of Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Yahya Asiri, Department Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, and a number of the faculty members and students.   The ceremony was commenced with a stirring recitation of the Holy Quran by student Saeed Al-Qahtani, and was followed by a short speech, given by Dean Al-Melhi and English Club Director Faisal Alfadhil. A 5-minute video of the activities that the English Club had carried out was shown to the audience via big screen on the stage. A recitation of a poem was given by Ali Al-Jaser.   In his speech, Dean Al-Melhi praised the efforts exerted by the English Club members and the participants throughout the semester to make it a success. On behalf of the English Club, Saud Al-Shahrani delivered a speech, hailing the coordination efforts shown by all English Club members, including their meeting on weekends to arrange for the conducted activities.   Elegant memorial shields were handed over to Dean Al-Melhi, Vice Dean Asiri, and Chairman Alhamami as a token of gratitude for their keenness on providing all that is needed for facilities and encouragement to the English Club to help it achieve its goals.   A ceremony of handing over certificates of appreciation to the faculty members who had given presentations or workshops ensued. Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin received a certificate of appreciation for his workshop, titled 'Translation: A Broad Overview Weaving Its Threads Together'. Dr. Karem Abdelatif Ahmed received a certificate of appreciation for the workshop he gave on time management, while Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui got a certificate of appreciation for his presentation on figurative language.   Many students were honored for their achievements in competitions at the level of the University, including Ali Al-Jaser (poetry), and Ahmed Al-Shehri (Karate). Abdulrahim Al-Qahtani (who came first), Abdulkarim Suleiman (who came second), and Mohamed Hamed (who came third) were all honored for mustering up the courage to stand on stage in previous competitions and for their outstanding performance. The ceremony was concluded by announcing the names of the unsung heroes who had been working assiduously behind the scenes to help the English Club achieve its goals. They are as follows:   Faisal Al-Dossari; Tamim Mohammed; Saud Al-Shahrani; Fawaz Al-Qahtani; Saeed Al-Qahtani; Abdulrahman Al-Amer; Abdulrahim Al-Qahtani; Ali Al-Jaser; Muhsari Al-Qahtani; Saad Al-Shahrani; Mohammed Al-Qahtani; Mohammed Al-Yami; Abdulkarim Al-Shahrani; Faisal Al-Shahrani. Date: 11/19/2019 Source: Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin
  Vice Rector of Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Merzin Al-Shahrani, sponsored a learning session entitled "Improving the Outcomes of the Bachelor of Arts in English Program at King Khalid University in the National Center for Assessment (QIYAS)" on Monday, November 18, 2019. The event was co-sponsored by the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality, and hosted by the Faculty of Languages & Translation's senior leadership. In attendance were nearly all faculty members at the main campus and the King Abdullah Road campus via teleconference.   Vice Rector Al-Shahrani began the event by explaining how the Ministry of Education has endeavored to improve the quality of program outcomes in all Saudi universities. Furthermore, he mentioned that educational outcomes are a key focus area of His Excellency, Minister of Education Dr. Hamad Al-Shaikh. The Vice Rector also noted that while institutional accreditation and university ranking are important, outcomes are paramount. The National Center for Assessment has refocused learning outcomes (LOs) under a similar model to the Bologna Process in Europe, which places all emphasis on LOs. By drawing from the Bologna Process key domain areas: Cognitive achievement (essential knowledge), behavior (skills and abilities) and affectivity (attitudes, values or beliefs), LOs will be greatly enhanced. Vice Rector Al-Shahrani then covered the main components and sub-components of the LOs that should be integral to our undergraduate program. The national standardized examination for English teachers reflects these LOs. Alumni performance on this exam is extremely important for career opportunities with the Ministry of Education. The test score parameters are:   Linguistics (15%); Applied Linguistics (12%); Translation (9%); Literature (20%); Language Skills (42%); Research Methods (2%).   Vice Rector Al-Shahrani then turned to the audience and reiterated the importance of adhering to the main components of the LOs. He stressed that our students deserve better learning outcomes that lead to enhanced employment opportunities. He then went through graphs and charts on how the 677 FLT graduates performed on the exam in the year 1440. Although the results were not as favorable as expected, there are promising indicators for potential improvement.   The Vice Rector presented a 'road map' based on teacher actions to improve test scores. Shortly thereafter, a detailed question and answer session began in which Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi expressed his concern for the results and his optimism in the plan for improvement. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, and Vice Dean for Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, stated that they are also confident in the Bacehlor of Arts in English program's ability to resolve the issue, noting that sub-committees are already being formed to address each deficiency in the program.   There were many tough questions during the Q&A session. For example, the existing basis for the undergraduate program and the required LOs are set forth in the Saudi Arabia Qualifications Framework (SAQF). Vice Rector Al-Shahrani concurred, but he stated that both sets of requirements apply to the undergraduate program. The Vice Rector said that our curriculum must be modified to reflect the current requirements set forth by His Excellency, Minister of Education Dr. Hamad Al-Shaikh. The King Abdullah Road Campus participants made mention of the significant obstacles to overcome in making these changes.   The Bachelor of Arts in English program (BAEP) at the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FLT) is dedicated to providing excellence in all aspects of its education. BAEP, the FLT, its students, and alumni deserve national recognition for the quality of the degree program. The department is determined to reform its curriculum to ensure optimal learning outcomes and better results on standardized national exams. Date: 11/19/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages & Translation
  On November 18, 2019, E-Learning Unit Supervisor Mohsin Khan held a workshop on 'E-Reading'. The workshop, organized by E-Learning Unit of the Bachelor of Arts in English program in collaboration with English Club at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, was for all English language majors. The purpose was to help students improve their understanding of ‘E-Reading’ using a variety of free services available on the internet.   The focus was on reading strategy, and Mr. Khan guided participants through iPad-based interactive exercises. The exercises, composed of e-worksheets, targeted knowledge of reading strategies. More than 20 students ranging from incoming freshmen to juniors participated, and this enabled them to collaborate and enhance their understanding of the topics learned during the presentation.   This workshop was important for all of those majoring in English. Unquestionably, reading is one of the best ways students can increase their vocabulary and consolidate their understanding of grammar. It expedites the normal language learning process, turning passive comprehension into active knowledge. Also, many studies have shown that reading strengthens cognitive abilities. These are some of the reasons that reading is one of the most valuable language skills.   "E-Reading can turn receptive lessons into interactive lessons. With interactive tasks, built-in dictionaries, and audio, students can develop their critical reading skills more effectively," said Mr. Khan. Date: 11/18/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
أقام نادي The English Club بكلية اللغات والترجمة بأبها بالتعاون مع عمادة شؤون الطلاب لشؤون الطالبات بتصميم وطباعة مجلة The Vibes بنسختها الثانية والتي تحتوي على مخرجات الطالبات وبمشاركة بعضاً من أعضاء هيئة التدريس. وذلك يوم الأحد الموافق ١٤٤١/٣/٢٠ هـ.  حيث تم استقبال مشاركات الطالبات منذ بداية الفصل الدراسي الأول إلى منتصف الترم، ثم تم العمل على تنسيق وطباعة المجلة. احتوت المجلة على عدة أقسام من مخرجات الطالبات:  - كتابات أدبية ومقالات انجليزية  - كتابات أدبية ومقالات عربية - ترجمة نصوص عربية إلى اللغة الإنجليزية - رسومات - تصوير فوتوغرافي  رائدة النادي : أ / مرام المالكي  The English Club of Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation conducted the 2nd edition of  'FLT Vibes Magazine' on Sunday, November 17, 2019. Date: 11/17/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
  On November 13th, the E-Learning Unit of the Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, in collaboration with the Deanship of E-Learning, conducted a webinar titled 'Implementing Quality Matters (QM) to Build Effective Online Assessments' from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. 185 faculty members from across the university attended.   QM is a faculty-centered, peer review process designed to properly evaluate and certify online courses and the constituent components thereof. QM has achieved both domestic and international recognition for its quality assurance and continuous improvement capabilities in online education.   Much of QM's success is attributable to its end-user focus. QM programs are: Faculty driven; Collaborative; Able to provide detailed, constructive course feedback; Collegial in nature; Learner-centered in program design and execution.   Under the supervision of Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, and Training Manager at the Deanship of E-Learning, Mohammed Jarallah, E-Learning Unit Supervisor, Mohsin Raza Khan, delivered the webinar. He is a certified QM Master Reviewer and seasoned e-course design professional. At the outset, he reviewed the applicable QM standards for course assessment, followed by an explanation of each evaluative rubric.   Mr. Khan then described the various methods for successfully implementing the standards into an online course assessment. Later, he identified and discussed various QM strategies for online course integration into a variety of curricula. At the conclusion of the webinar, Mr. Khan said, "QM often seems extremely complicated and labor-intensive. However, following the program pays off in the long run with well-designed and highly useful courses that benefit the students." Vice Dean Almosa stated that "e-learning and online courses will play an increasingly vital role in education. QM is an important part of making sure the courses provide efficient learning and high value."   The Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to faculty development and providing students with cutting-edge educational programs and the highest quality learning outcomes. Date: 11/16/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
  The English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program recently hosted the third and final 'Twitter Winners' outing on 11/14/2019. These short trips are rewards to high-performing students who win a variety of language-based competitions.   English Club Director Faisal Al-Fadhil supervised the trip to the Abha Airport Hotel, where the participating students bowled and went swimming. Later they all had dinner together and reflected on their times at King Khalid University and in the English Club. Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, noted that he is thrilled that so many of our students are committed to their education and fully engaged in their college experience. Date: 11/16/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
  The Women's English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized the 'I am Talented Exhibition' on Thursday, November 14, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A room full of exhibits were on display ranging from portrait drawings to fashion design. Faculty members and staff were impressed with the student-led showcase, which included but was not limited to:   Party Organization; Horror Makeup; Instagram Sweets Shop; Abstract Paintings; Portrait Drawings; Writings; Crochet Stitching; Fashion Designs.   The department faculty members and students had an excellent time at the event, viewing and discovering these fantastic hidden talents. Date: 11/15/2019 Source: Ms. Maram Almalki, Student Activities Coordinator
تم تفعيل برنامج دلني بكلية اللغات والترجمة شطر الطالبات خلال ثلاثة ايام، ناقشت فيها الطالبات اهم الظواهر السلبية المنتشرة في المجتمع الجامعي و اثارها وطرق التخلص منها. وقد قد تناول البرنامج السلوك الايجابي من عدة جوانب: نفسية،اجتماعية،فكرية، و تربوية. Date: Fall 2019 Source: Women's English Club
  Two MA students named Raneem Riadh and Amani Hadi delivered a presentation titled 'Dyslexia as a Language Disorder', at the seminar organized by the Language Research Center on November 13, 2019. Raneem and Amani's presentation covered dyslexia facts, its history, the causes, the symptoms, and its treatment.   They began their presentation with some other disabilities related to learning, such as dysgraphia and dyscalculia, showing a few samples of language work done by those afflicted with same. It was noted that 'dyslexia' comes from the Greek words 'dys', meaning difficulty, and 'lexia', meaning language. Dyslexia is generally defined as a specific learning disability in basic reading skills and spelling, which is neurobiological in origin. While talking about the facts, they added that this is a common reading disorder and therefore the most common cause of reading, spelling and writing difficulties.   They mentioned its discovery in 1877 by a German neurologist Adoff Kussmaul. They also mentioned some famously successful people (Piccaso, Whoopi Goldberg, Muhammad Ali, Steven Spielberg and Cher) who had suffered from dyslexia.   The seminar was informative, interactive, and an overall success. The faculty members and the MA students at the main campus also participated in the seminar. Date: 11/13/2019 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique
  Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui delivered an interactive presentation on similes, metaphors, and idioms on behalf of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FLT) and the English Club. The well-attended seminar included many students from the FLT and various other colleges. The purpose of the event was to discuss the importance of figurative language in learning English.   Dr. Siddiqui began by defining the different types of figuratives in the English language. He explained that we use metaphors, similes and idioms to make otherwise dull language or topics more interesting or dramatic. "Figurative language is a way of dressing up plain, everyday English and making it unique and fun. It allows speakers and writers to put their own style into language," he said. Figuratives also make the subject of a conversation or writing more relatable to many people and thereby can enhance understanding through greater clarity. Dr. Siddiqui then discussed other types of figurative language, including hyperbole, irony, etc. He noted that figuratives bring emotion, emphasis and a sense of memorable style or poetry to important concepts or points. "Colourful language provokes thoughts and emotions and adds spice to our language, engaging the audience. I am so happy to be sharing the more esoteric aspects of the English language with all of you. I encourage you all to improve your skills and language abilities continually," he concluded.   After the initial presentation, the audience participated in an exercise that helps explain the differences among various forms of figurative language. The students deciphered the latent meaning in phrases such as "time is money" and "icing on the cake". At the conclusion of the exercise, Dr. Siddiqui and the audience reviewed the figurative language as a group.   Special thanks to English Club Director Mr. Faisal Al Fadhil and the English Club for organizing the event and making this useful event possible.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to providing world-class language education and empowering the students with the tools to succeed in challenging academic programs. Date: 11/13/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
  With the commitment to advancing the practice of quality assurance, the Academic Development and Quality Committee at the Faculty of Languages & Translation (King Abdullah Road Campus) organized a workshop titled "Implementing Basic Language Assessment Principles" delivered by Dr. Sara Sevinj Huseynova on Wednesday 6th November 2019. The workshop was about the assessment principles themselves and how to provide valuable feedback while considering the local cultural tendencies. The workshop highlighted that tests are subsets of assessment; therefore, they should never be the entire basis of how to determine the students' level or progress. The teachers might want to assess the students' performance by other various forms of assessment. Also, high-quality tests should be developed in accordance with the fundamental principles of language assessment. It is highly desirable that the teachers, especially teaching the new language for students, are very clear about what kinds of assignments are expected in the evaluation. Moreover, the assessment should promote reliable and consistent judgments by the teachers teaching the same subject.   Dr. Huseynova and the participants discussed the impact that tests have on teaching and learning. She explained that feedback should utilize the new discoverers of the neuroscience and applied linguistics about the ways of providing negative feedback to the female students in a positive manner. The handout on "Giving and Receiving Constructive Oral Feedback for Improving Students' Performance" was an additional resource for the participants of the workshop. It was noted that constructive and broadminded feedback will work, which assists the students in making one further step in a non-invasive and considerate way. Finally, correct feedback can improve attention, memory, and make the student's mental capacity closer to the positive intelligence brain. Date: 11/8/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
  On October 10, 2019, we reported that the English Club went to Al-Souda for a camping trip. On that trip, students engaged in a competitive jeopardy-style review game. A select group of high performing students advanced to the finals, and though it ended in deadlock, a group of 6 students emerged as co-winners. On November 7, 2019, the 6 co-winners were awarded with an exclusive trip to an undisclosed location in Al-Souda. English Club Director, Faisal Al-Fadhil, led students to the precipice of the waterfall, where they spent the evening exchanging conversation, removing liter from the surrounding areas, and enjoying a traditional campfire dinner.   "The 2nd Twitter Winners' Trip was launched to reward those who follow our activities very closely and have the competitive heart to join our adventures," said Director Alfadhil. Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, commented that the event was a worthwhile endeavor. Date: 11/8/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
  On November 6, 2019, the Faculty of Languages and Translation, along with the English Club, sponsored a faculty member soccer tournament. The purpose of the event was to encourage camaraderie among the faculty members through friendly competition. Nine faculty members participated.   The faculty were separated into two teams with a King Khalid University student rounding out the field of players. The teams played continuously until Maghreb prayer. Everybody prayed together on the field. Subsequently, the marathon match resumed for another 60 minutes.   Each team included an outstanding player. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, was the star of his squad. His specialty is using quick and decisive footwork to evade would-be defenders. He scored numerous goals much to the chagrin of the competent defense. Dr. Asiri was ably assisted by Ahl Allah Saddiqi, Dr. Dimitrios Michael, and Dr. Omer Sultan. They provided excellent defensive cover and were effective on offense as well. Dr. Sultan provided brief intermissions by adeptly kicking the ball out of the stadium. Several soccer balls remain missing at this time.   Dr. Basim Kanaan was the opposing star player on his team. His skills included accurate scissor kicks and adept ball handling. Teammate and English Club Director, Faisal Alfadhil, provided the speed that kept Dr. Asiri's team in constant motion. Azaad Hayat provided additional intermissions by drilling balls into opposing players, which resulted in game stoppages and some minor injuries.   Dr. Karem Abdelatif Ahmed and Hassan Costello served as goalies in the match. Dr. Ahmed, despite his best efforts, allowed many goals due to the continuous onslaught of the skilled offense by Dr. Asiri's team. Hassan Costello apparently was unaware he was playing goal. However, the opposing team was only marginally successful because Hassan is approximately the same size as the goal.   The soccer matches will be a standing event to be held every Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. at the Lasan Campus.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to employee development and well-being. Date: 11/7/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation
  Dr. Michael Hadzatonis spoke on the subject of Discourse Analysis in Linguistic Anthropology (Part 2) on October 16, 2019, at a seminar organized by the Language Research Center.   Hadzantonis focused on Goffman's Frame theory. He stated, "Erving Goffman stipulated that instances of talk should be complexified, and that talk becomes recontextualized, predicated on its current or situated 'frame, 'following work on Frame theory by anthropologist Gregory Bates. As such, Erving Goffman suggested a methodological framework to separate the speaker into four parts: The producer, the mediator, the author, and the figure. The framework also separated the hearer into multiple parts, including the ratified audience, the unratified audience, eavesdroppers, and bystanders."   Hadzantonis added that in the 1980s, rap music changed significantly from Early New School rap to Golden Age New School rap, where the figure, that is, the person or a subject referred to in the telling, shifted from self (the rapper) to societal issue (for example drugs or violence). This signified a marked shift in rap music and in society at large, grounding Goffman as highly relevant to modern society. The talk emphasized the possibility of employing a simple analytical framework as a Discourse Analytical technique in Linguistic Anthropology, where the framework can contribute to understanding ways in which we see rap music as restylized diachronically.   The seminar was a great success. King Abdullah Road campus also participated in the seminar. Date: 11/5/2019 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique
  The Women's College Scientific Research Committee organized a workshop on 'Colourful Semantics' on Monday, November 4, 2019. The workshop, which was delivered by Dr. Sheila Simpkins focused on the use of the 'colourful semantics technique' in teaching writing classes. Dr. Simpkins started the workshop by referring to the origin of ‘colourful semantics’. This approach, which was created by Alison Bryan, uses colour codes to breakdown sentence structures to help young learners to develop their grammar but it is rooted in the meaning of words (semantics).   She further explained that colourful semantics reassembles sentences by cutting them up into their thematic roles and then colour codes them. The colour scheme for these cards relates to the types of words in a sentence. For example, verbs are orange and nouns are either yellow or green.   "Colourful Semantics, which is an approach used with learners with Autistic Spectrum Condition, is used in Speech and Language Therapy to help young learners with language development," said Dr. Simpkins. She added that she used to apply this technique when teaching students with low motivation, explaining that she found that it was really helpful in motivating students to learn. "Colour semantics is used to make building sentences fun," concluded Dr. Simpkins.   Semantics is the aspect of language function that relates to understanding the meanings of words, phrases, and sentences and using words appropriately when we speak. There are plenty of benefits to using this approach, including encouraging more extensive vocabulary, making sentences longer with more details, and helping students respond to questions developing the use of nouns, verbs, prepositions adverbs, and adjectives.   The workshop was a practical application on the use of the approach to introducing students to sentence structure in writing classes. The workshop was attended by some staff members and graduate students. Date: 11/4/2019 Source: Dr. Amal Metwally, Scientific Research Committee
  With the commitment to advancing the practice of quality assurance, the Academic Development and Quality Committee at the Faculty of Languages and Translation (King Abdullah Road Campus) organized "Bloom’s Taxonomy: Why Use It?" workshop on Monday, October 28, 2019. The workshop was delivered by Dr. Sheila Simpkins and it focused on how Bloom's Taxonomy can facilitate a seamless alignment between learning outcomes, classroom teaching strategies, and assessment. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy allows teaching staff to align course learning objectives, with lesson objectives, and assessment. The workshop encouraged teaching staff to focus on developing high-level skills amongst learners so that learners retain information longer, learn invaluable critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and in-class time is so much more engaging for the students and for teachers! The workshop was well-received by the participants and there was a strong call for more professional training to promote the practice of quality teaching, learning, and assessment. Date: 11/2/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation