Standard 3

FLT Vibes Magazine

أقام نادي The English Club بكلية اللغات والترجمة بأبها بالتعاون مع عمادة شؤون الطلاب لشؤون الطالبات بتصميم وطباعة مجلة The Vibes بنسختها الثانية والتي تحتوي على مخرجات الطالبات وبمشاركة بعضاً من أعضاء هيئة التدريس. وذلك يوم الأحد الموافق ١٤٤١/٣/٢٠ هـ.  حيث تم استقبال مشاركات الطالبات منذ بداية الفصل الدراسي الأول إلى منتصف الترم، ثم تم العمل على تنسيق وطباعة المجلة. احتوت المجلة على عدة أقسام من مخرجات الطالبات:  - كتابات أدبية ومقالات انجليزية  - كتابات أدبية ومقالات عربية - ترجمة نصوص عربية إلى اللغة الإنجليزية - رسومات - تصوير فوتوغرافي  رائدة النادي : أ / مرام المالكي  The English Club of Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation conducted the 2nd edition of  'FLT Vibes Magazine' on Sunday, November 17, 2019. Date: 11/17/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

English Club Hits the Pins and the Pool to Celebrate Contest Winners

  The English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program recently hosted the third and final 'Twitter Winners' outing on 11/14/2019. These short trips are rewards to high-performing students who win a variety of language-based competitions.   English Club Director Faisal Al-Fadhil supervised the trip to the Abha Airport Hotel, where the participating students bowled and went swimming. Later they all had dinner together and reflected on their times at King Khalid University and in the English Club. Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, noted that he is thrilled that so many of our students are committed to their education and fully engaged in their college experience. Date: 11/16/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

Implementing Quality Matters to Build Online Assessments

  On November 13th, the E-Learning Unit of the Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, in collaboration with the Deanship of E-Learning, conducted a webinar titled 'Implementing Quality Matters (QM) to Build Effective Online Assessments' from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. 185 faculty members from across the university attended.   QM is a faculty-centered, peer review process designed to properly evaluate and certify online courses and the constituent components thereof. QM has achieved both domestic and international recognition for its quality assurance and continuous improvement capabilities in online education.   Much of QM's success is attributable to its end-user focus. QM programs are: Faculty driven; Collaborative; Able to provide detailed, constructive course feedback; Collegial in nature; Learner-centered in program design and execution.   Under the supervision of Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, and Training Manager at the Deanship of E-Learning, Mohammed Jarallah, E-Learning Unit Supervisor, Mohsin Raza Khan, delivered the webinar. He is a certified QM Master Reviewer and seasoned e-course design professional. At the outset, he reviewed the applicable QM standards for course assessment, followed by an explanation of each evaluative rubric.   Mr. Khan then described the various methods for successfully implementing the standards into an online course assessment. Later, he identified and discussed various QM strategies for online course integration into a variety of curricula. At the conclusion of the webinar, Mr. Khan said, "QM often seems extremely complicated and labor-intensive. However, following the program pays off in the long run with well-designed and highly useful courses that benefit the students." Vice Dean Almosa stated that "e-learning and online courses will play an increasingly vital role in education. QM is an important part of making sure the courses provide efficient learning and high value."   The Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to faculty development and providing students with cutting-edge educational programs and the highest quality learning outcomes. Date: 11/16/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

FLT Students Showcase Their Talents

  The Women's English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized the 'I am Talented Exhibition' on Thursday, November 14, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A room full of exhibits were on display ranging from portrait drawings to fashion design. Faculty members and staff were impressed with the student-led showcase, which included but was not limited to:   Party Organization; Horror Makeup; Instagram Sweets Shop; Abstract Paintings; Portrait Drawings; Writings; Crochet Stitching; Fashion Designs.   The department faculty members and students had an excellent time at the event, viewing and discovering these fantastic hidden talents. Date: 11/15/2019 Source: Ms. Maram Almalki, Student Activities Coordinator

برنامج دلني

تم تفعيل برنامج دلني بكلية اللغات والترجمة شطر الطالبات خلال ثلاثة ايام، ناقشت فيها الطالبات اهم الظواهر السلبية المنتشرة في المجتمع الجامعي و اثارها وطرق التخلص منها. وقد قد تناول البرنامج السلوك الايجابي من عدة جوانب: نفسية،اجتماعية،فكرية، و تربوية. Date: Fall 2019 Source: Women's English Club

English Club Sponsors Workshop on Figurative Language

  Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui delivered an interactive presentation on similes, metaphors, and idioms on behalf of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FLT) and the English Club. The well-attended seminar included many students from the FLT and various other colleges. The purpose of the event was to discuss the importance of figurative language in learning English.   Dr. Siddiqui began by defining the different types of figuratives in the English language. He explained that we use metaphors, similes and idioms to make otherwise dull language or topics more interesting or dramatic. "Figurative language is a way of dressing up plain, everyday English and making it unique and fun. It allows speakers and writers to put their own style into language," he said. Figuratives also make the subject of a conversation or writing more relatable to many people and thereby can enhance understanding through greater clarity. Dr. Siddiqui then discussed other types of figurative language, including hyperbole, irony, etc. He noted that figuratives bring emotion, emphasis and a sense of memorable style or poetry to important concepts or points. "Colourful language provokes thoughts and emotions and adds spice to our language, engaging the audience. I am so happy to be sharing the more esoteric aspects of the English language with all of you. I encourage you all to improve your skills and language abilities continually," he concluded.   After the initial presentation, the audience participated in an exercise that helps explain the differences among various forms of figurative language. The students deciphered the latent meaning in phrases such as "time is money" and "icing on the cake". At the conclusion of the exercise, Dr. Siddiqui and the audience reviewed the figurative language as a group.   Special thanks to English Club Director Mr. Faisal Al Fadhil and the English Club for organizing the event and making this useful event possible.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to providing world-class language education and empowering the students with the tools to succeed in challenging academic programs. Date: 11/13/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation