Academic Development and Quality

Faculty Members Contribute to Public Forum on 7th Anniversary of King Salman

  On Monday, November 8, 2021, King Khalid University celebrated the seventh anniversary of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Royal Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud's ascension to the throne. As a part of the celebration, a talk was held on leadership and achievement in theater 6. His Excellency the President of King Khalid University, Prof. Fallah Al-Solamy, led the discussion, which was open to the public.   Representing the Faculty of Languages and Translation — and all programs within — were Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, and Dr. Mona Al-Shehri, who is now the General Supervisor of the Student Training Unit. Of note, Dr. Almosa moderated the event and began by recalling the remarkable development and unprecedented achievements we have witnessed at all economic and social levels. Dr. Al-Shehri echoed Dr. Almosa's sentiments by explaining how the exceptional women empowerment reforms have led to an inclusive approach in their participation in national development.   Also participating in the event were Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ahmed Al-Faya, General Director of the Human Resources Operations Department, Muhammad bin Shaya Al-Nahari, and student Reham Al-Shawal. They all highlighted the substantial improvements made in local governance, urban policy, and youth empowerment stemming from Vision 2030.   All programs in the Faculty of Languages and Translation are committed to implementing its role in the community partnership plan of King Khalid University. Please click here to view a recording of the event. Date: 11/15/2021 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

A Professional Approach to Reducing Stress Involved in Course Report Writing

  Mr. Mohammad Adil conducted a very effective workshop focusing on stress management which was titled A Professional Approach to Reducing Stress Involved in Course Report Writing, on November 10, 2021. The workshop was organized by the Language Research Center. The trainer, along with some basics of course report writing, particularly emphasized how to lessen stress many teachers experience before course report submission. He also emphasized that a professional approach to handling this course report task can easily reduce stress to a great extent.   The session included some brainstorming tasks for the participants. The tasks were based on the relationship between a course coordinator and instructors and how a wrong approach to designing an examination or a quiz could lead to unnecessary stress. In response to the tasks, the participants shared some thought-provoking ideas that every teacher must think of. For example, changing our mentality helps a great deal. We all should avoid downplaying the course report writing job and therefore consider it as an important one.   The trainer emphasized being proactive and working on the report ahead of time, preferably during the semester, not after the final examination. He also showed some examples of how tests, quizzes, and tasks could be aligned with the course learning outcomes in advance and how it could help design tests in a more effective way, eventually reducing stress most teachers experience at the end of every semester.   As regards Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) measurement, the trainer primarily emphasized the "Values" domain, which many instructors have experienced difficulties with. He showed a sample of a survey form that could be used in class to measure the CLOs under "Values".   Adil concluded that we, the instructors, especially the coordinators, work ahead of time by being proactive by designing and aligning. The coordinators should avoid burdening the instructors with tasks they can do easily alone. Also, the instructors should cooperate as well by being available to the coordinator.   The workshop was very engaging and a great success. Please click here to view the workshop booklet. Date: 11/12/2021 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

FLT In-Service Teacher Training Webinar: Quality in Educational Organizations

  On 18 October 2020, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, delivered an in-service teacher training webinar in cooperation with the Directorate of Education in Sarat Abidah on "Quality in Educational Organizations". Vice Dean Almosa related that he planned this community service event after receiving a request from the Directorate of Education in Sarat Abidah, noting that it was an excellent opportunity for the Faculty of Languages and Translation to recommend consultative high-potential policy interventions, which are linked to a sound quality assurance system that drives continuous improvement.   The Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to participating in community partnership activities as part of its role in the community partnership plan at King Khalid University. Date: 12/19/2020 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

FLT In-Service Teacher Training Webinar: Online Pedagogical Practices

  On 30 November 2020, Mohsin Khan and Dr. Sayyed Rashid Ali Shah delivered an in-service teacher training webinar to 300 participants. The webinar, in cooperation with the Directorate of Education in Rijal Alma on "Online Teaching: Authentic Assessment Tools and Strategies" by Dr. Sayyed Rashid Ali Shah and "Online Pedagogical Practices" by Mohsin Khan, provided both male and female teachers with the strategies, tools, and knowledge needed to adjust to the educational changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, related that he planned this event after receiving a request from the Directorate of Education in Rijal Alma, noting that it was an excellent opportunity for the Faculty of Languages and Translation to provide a unique in-service teacher training opportunity that combines learning goals, learning outcomes, and community service in a way that enhances both teacher and student growth in the region.   After introductions by Vice Dean Almosa, Dr. Shah began the discussion to center on the pedagogical shift required for online teaching, noting that assessment plays a vital role. He began by encouraging educators to introduce innovative assessment tasks based on recent trends. Dr. Shah highlighted the different types of assessment tools in online teaching and learning, helping participants to develop an understanding of online assessment tools that can be utilized/adapted by English language teachers in the Saudi EFL context. "There are a number of practices you can use to evaluate students mindfully. The best method will vary based on learning needs and objectives," he said.   Khan then discussed the need for providing context in an online environment. He then explained that a teacher must find creative ways of using a given learning management system to enhance student learning. Drawing on his experience as a Master Reviewer for Quality Matters, Khan guided participants through a series of strategies they can use to evaluate and improve their online instruction. "The mere use of technology is not enough. The success of online education lies in proper incorporation of technology in order to attain the curriculum objectives and academic goals," he concluded.   The Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to participating in community partnership activities as part of its role in the community partnership plan at King Khalid University. Date: 12/4/2020 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

حفل استقبال المستجدين وتكريم المتفوقين

ضمن أنشطتها الطلابية ، وبرعاية من سعادة عميد كلية اللغات والترجمة الدكتور/ عبد الله آل ملهي ووكيل الكلية الدكتور/ يحيى عسيري أقامت كلية اللغات والترجمة حفلا تم فيه استقبال للطلاب المستجدين في الكلية وأيضا تم فيه تكريم للطلاب المتوفقين في الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام 1440/1441.  وفي التفاصيل فقد أقامت كلية اللغات والترجمة ممثلة في نادي اللغة الانجليزية يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 1441/6/10 الساعة 11:00ص  حفلا تم فيه الترحيب والاستقبال للطلاب المستجدين في الكلية والبالغ عددهم تقريبا 150 طالب مستجد. كما تم أيضا تكريم الطلاب المتوفقين الحاصلين على تقدير ممتاز مرتفع في الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام 1440/1441ه وقد بلغ عددهم تقريبا 49 طالب متفوق. وقد بدأ الحفل بآيات كريمة من القرآن الكريم تلاها عرض مرئي بالأنشطة التي نظمها ونفذها نادي اللغة الانجليزية في الفصل الدراسي الأول. جاء بعده كلمة سعادة عميد الكلية الدكتور عبد الله آل ملهي. وقد رحب سعادته بالطلاب المستجدين وحثهم على الجد والاهتمام والحرص والمواظبة وبارك أيضا للطلاب المتفوقين تفوقهم. بعد ذلك ألقى المرشد الأكاديمي للكلية الدكتور/ داوود مهدي كلمة رحب فيه بالطلاب المستجدين وبين لهم بعض التوجيهات والارشادات التي يحتاجونها خلال مسيرتهم الجامعية وبارك أيضا بدوره للطلاب المتفوقين. ثم تحدث وكيل الكلية للتطوير والجودة الدكتور/ عبد الرحمن الموسى عن رابطة الخريجين وبعض أنشطتها وأهدافها وأهميتها للطلاب كما رحب الدكتور الموسى بالمستجدين في بداية كلمته وأنهاها بالمباركة للطلاب المتفوقين. بعد ذلك كانت كلمة رائد النشاط الطلابي بالكلية الأستاذ خالد القاسمي ، وقد تطرق لعدة أمور ابتدأها بالترحيب بالطلاب المستجدين وحثهم على الجد والاجتهاد والانضباط ، وقد تحدث في كلمته عن نادي اللغة الانجليزية بكلية اللغات والترجمة وما يقدمه من أنشطة طلابية متنوعة ، ثم بين كيفية التسجيل بالنادي وحث الطلاب على المشاركة في الأنشطة الطلابية والاستفادة منها. وأنهى كلمته بالمباركة للطلاب المتفوقين وحثهم على الاستمرار في تفوقهم. وقد تم في آخر الحفل تكريم الطلاب المتفوقين ومنحهم شهادات تفوق تشجيعا لهم ولزملائهم المستجدين على التفوق والحصول على معدلات مرتفعة في دراستهم. قائمة باسماء الطلبة المتفوقين (ممتاز مرتفع) الفصل الأول محمد عبدالله ظافر الشهري أنس بن محمد بن فاضل الليلحي الشهري عوض بن ناصر بن عوض القحطاني عبد الرحمن بن منير بن فلحان المرزوقي البقمي عبدالعزيز بن علي بن محمد الشهري فهد  عبدالله  موسى  الزهراني أنس بن عبدالله بن خضران العمرى عبدالعزيز بن جبران بن حامد آل سريع القحطاني ابراهيم بن سالم بن مفرح القاعي المالكي عبدالإله  بن مرزن  بن عوضه  آل ثابت  الشهراني احمد بن عبدالله بن احمد ال حزمه الشهري محمد بن سعيد بن منصور آل عباس عسيري عبدالله بن جحلان بن موسى الشهراني محمد بن عائض بن ناصر آل الشعبي العسيري فهد بن علي بن أحمد آل مجود الشهراني حسن مرعي علي الربعي عبداالله خالد عبدالله الهازمي عبدالله بن سعيد بن عبدالله يحيي خالد بن علي بن سلمان الشراحيلي الفيفي اسامة بن يحيى بن محمد الربعي مهند بن محمد بن غرم الله آل سعدالله الغامدي عبدالعزيز سعيد عبدالله  الشهراني عبدالرحمن بن امحمد بن علي ابراهيم عسيري ريان بن يحيى بن علي رديف عبدالعزيز بن خالد بن عبدالعزيز آل عامر حسن بن عوض بن مسفر  الحسني الزهراني أحمد بن محمد بن أحمد الجندبي عسيري عوض بن عامر بن حسن ال يعلى الشهري طاهر علي عبدي أأ سعود بن سعيد بن جارالله الشهراني فارس بن أحمد بن موسى مشافي وائل بن سليمان بن أحمد مدري الفيفي عبدالعزيز علي محمد الشهري مشعل بن محمد بن عبدالرحمن البشري عبدالرحيم بن علي بن عبدالرحمن ال فرحان الشهري محمد بن سعد بن حمود البحيري القرني فؤاد محمد فياض حسين عبدالاله بن علي بن عبدالله ال مداوي القحطاني عاصم يحي عيسى عسيري علي بن يحي بن محمد المحجوبي الشهري عبدالاله بن ابراهيم بن حسين دحموس عبدالله حسن عبدالله آل ناصر مهند بن سعد بن مشبب آل صلام عسيري خالد بن مرعي بن علي آل عوضه الاحمري فارس ابراهيم عداوي اليحياوي ريان بن حسن بن جبار الفيفي سلطان ناصر يحي عسيري فيصل محمد محمد عسيري عبدالسلام طاهر عبدالماجد حمزه     For a list of "Alumni" on the "Honors List", please (click here). Date: 2/10/2020 Source: Dr. Munassir Alhamami

Creating Richer, More Robust, Student-Centered Course Learning Outcomes

  Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, sponsored a training seminar for the Bachelor of Arts in English program titled 'Creating and Assessing Learning Outcomes' on Saturday, February 8, 2020. The event was co-sponsored by the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality. In attendance were nearly 50 course coordinators from numerous campuses. It is worth noting that both male and female team members attended the event at Saudi German Hospital.   Dr. Abdul Wahed Al Zumor began the event by presenting on the purposes and requirements of developing course learning outcomes and the relevance of this move to the educational aspirations of the Kingdom, as stated in Vision 2030. He stressed the need to shift the focus from content-based education to outcome-based education. When comparing both forms of education, Dr. Al-Zumor explained that content-based learning is dependent mainly upon mastery of course material content. In contrast, outcomes-based education goes beyond mastery of content and into constructing knowledge and skills by the students themselves with guidance from instructors. "Outcomes-based education is part and parcel to the SAQF Level 7 Descriptors and the three domains in which they are in," he said. There was a call to action at the conclusion of his presentation to align course learning outcomes and the program learning outcomes with the SAQF framework.   Dr. Eman Alzaanin, Supervisor of the Academic Development and Quality Unit, expounded upon the fundamentals of outcomes-based education. Dr. Alzaanin emphasized the need to create an aligned curriculum where the intended learning outcomes, the learning activities and resources, and the assessment tasks and criteria are all aligned to enhance students' attainment of the intended learning outcomes at the course and programme level. She walked the participants through an exercise designed to activate the ability to spot the extent of alignment between course intended learning outcomes and written assessment tasks. "We do not want students just to learn what they think they will be tested on. By ensuring that assessment tasks mirror intended learning outcomes, the curriculum will be accurately reflected," she noted. Dr. Alzaanin also introduced a checklist to evaluate and ensure the quality of assessment in three phases: designing of the assessment, marking and verification, and review and recommendations. "This will ensure that the teaching activities of the instructor and learning activities of the student are heading in the same direction," she concluded. The end of Dr. Alzaanin's session was quite active, with a proposal put forward towards modifying the assessment structure in use.   The FLT is grateful to the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality for its co-sponsorship of the event and Quality Consultant, Dr. Ahmed Farid, for his brief explanation of benchmarking and measuring course learning outcomes along with assessments. "Thank you all for giving up part of your weekend to attend this most important event. We will begin the process of revising course learning outcomes in the near future," said Dr. Almosa.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation is dedicated to providing excellence in all aspects of its educational offerings.   Date: 2/8/2020 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

New Textbooks Are Key to 'Unlocking' the Potential of Our Students

  The Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted training sessions to prepare our teachers to use the new textbooks effectively. On January 13th and 14th the Unlock series publisher, Cambridge University Press, conducted intensive training sessions for both male and female instructors at different locations. Dean of Faculty of Languages & Translation, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, presided over and coordinated the whole program. ESL author & educator Peter Lucantoni commenced the workshop with his lively presentation. Mr. Lucantoni explained how the authors of this series reached out to teachers and learners to make sure they truly understood what they needed from a course. He reiterated that the Unlock series would motivate learners with engaging materials and visually stunning graphics in inspirational storytelling which would eventually develop their critical thinking skills in addition to language learning. Of note, Discovery Education videos are incorporated into the learning content, which is considered to be a brand new approach that equips learners with the skills and language needed for academic success.   King Khalid University Rector, Prof. Falleh R. M. Al-Solamy, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs, Saad Muhammad Du'ajim, and Vice Rector of Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Merzin Al-Shahrani, presided over the training sessions on day 2. After a brief closing ceremony, His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy wished all of the students and faculty great success with the new textbook series and course enhancement initiative. Dean Al-Melhi thanked the representatives of Cambridge University Press for their efforts and His Excellency Rector Al-Solamy and Vice Rector Du'ajim for their continued support and encouragement. 'The adoption of these new textbooks and the associated teaching techniques represent a momentous achievement for the English Language Center. We hope that it will unlock the potential of our students', said Dean Al-Melhi. He further noted that this textbook initiative was a long and difficult process. 'This project would not have come to fruition but for the dedication and persistence of my team's tireless work, and executive leadership support and encouragement of the initiative', he said.   The English Language Center at the Faculty of Languages & Translation has adopted and launched a set of new textbooks for numerous courses. These new materials are tailored to language learning for students enrolled in ENG 011, 012 and 019 English skills courses. This is an exciting development for the ELC as these new textbooks utilize cutting-edge language learning methods developed over many years. The textbooks are part of the 'Unlock' series by Cambridge University Press.   The Unlock series of books provides instruction on five essential academic language skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking and grammar). The textbooks employ a comprehensive approach to language learning in which students study all five subjects contemporaneously. This provides a near immersive exposure to the language that is of great help in achieving fluency. Moreover, the Unlock series also utilizes a 'scaffold' approach in which the materials help students progress up through a hierarchy of learning in accord with Bloom's Taxonomy. Unlock provides learners with the tools for developing the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary for mastering languages. The textbooks also stress the development of skills that will enable the students to speak and write proficiently at each level of language learning.   Unlock texts employ many different types of learning methods. The materials include many videos. These are helpful for both auditory and visual exposure to language usage. Unlock also prescribes a wide variety of both individual and group exercises designed to enhance language development. Moreover, Unlock is an effective tool for motivating students to learn. Most ordinary textbooks are dry and boring. The Unlock series focuses on study material that is engaging and sparks students' inherent curiosity. For example, the texts use interesting stories about real people and places in its lessons. Unlock is, in short, a critical component of an improved teaching strategy which will be of great benefit to our students. Adopting these new textbooks is one element of the university's goals of continuous improvement in all aspects of education.   The entire university offers its gratitude to Cambridge University Press. Textbooks are inherently expensive, especially those texts including state of the art educational materials and techniques. The university and Cambridge University Press worked very hard to provide these new textbooks at an affordable price. Ultimately, the parties found a way to sell these books to our students for 80 SR each. This is the lowest price for this series anywhere in the world. The university is so pleased to provide our students with optimal educational tools at a modest cost.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to providing the best possible language education to our students. The textbook initiative represents yet another success on the endless path of continuous improvement that helps make King Khalid University a world-class educational institution. Date: 1/16/2019 Source: Md. Jahangir Alam Multimedia Source: Sayed Mohammed Abdul Karim

Fall Semester Comes to a Close

The Faculty of Languages and Translation's Fall 2018 semester is officially closed. This first half of the school year has been marked with considerable successes and improvements in the college.   The college has made great strides in foundational quality improvements. Several course specifications in the department, syllabi, and student learning outcomes have been updated. Also, course specifications in the English Language Center have been modified in cooperation with the relevant colleges served by the English Language Center. These changes were implemented to improve the student experience and enhance the educational value for their future academic and career endeavors. In addition, measurement and evaluation tools for all courses have been implemented pursuant to the highest standards of leading universities throughout the world. Our international cooperation efforts have been expanded as evidenced by the continuing negotiations for a major joint venture with the University of Swansea led by Vice Dean, Dr. Yahya Asiri. 'The Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to continuous improvement in all programs', said Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation has realized many process improvements concerning examinations within the department and the English Language Center. The Exam Committee has put a great emphasis on maintaining test integrity and security. There are strict quality control guidelines to ensure that all examinations are consistent, thorough, and fair to the students. An emphasis on test security has greatly reduced incidents of cheating and accidental disclosure of testing material. In addition, the examination process went very smoothly at the end of the semester. Vice Dean Asiri said 'I thank the Exam Committee and all of our faculty for their hard work and emphasis on making the final examinations secure, fair, and an accurate measure of student performance. It is a difficult undertaking, but all of our faculty members are committed and achieved excellent results'. Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, noted that this semester saw a reduction in cheating cases due to tighter process controls and faculty vigilance.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation is dedicated to continuous improvement in language education and the student experience. We are at the forefront of program and process evaluation and development. Despite these successes, we will not rest on our laurels. We look forward to even more improvements in the semesters to come.   All students, faculty, staff, and administrators have certainly earned and need time to rest. Everybody have a great week off! Date: 1/1/2019 Source: FLT Digital Ambassador

Dr. Alward Receives an Appreciation Letter from the Dean

Dr. Mohammed Alward received an appreciation letter from our Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi‎, for his design of a calculator using Microsoft Excel. Dr. Alward’s calculator has proven to be a time and effort saving tool in producing grade distributions that are necessary for completing course reports. Congratulations to Dr. Mohammed Alward and special thanks to Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi‎ Date: 6/5/2018 Source: Dr. Mohammed Shuaib Assiri

Jadeer Software Training Session

The Unit of Academic Development and Quality at the faculty organized a training session on December 3, 2017, which included a procedural presentation by Dr. Mohammad Shiblee from the College of Engineering. The presentation focused on how to use the Jadeer software to upload relevant quality documents. The trainer indicated the various task responsibilities faculty members would have within the software, the different roles they have, and the method of assigning tasks based on those roles. The presentation discussed the different quality documents that can be uploaded to the software such as course reports, course specifications, program specifications, and other materials. Comments and questions from the attendees ensued. The session was very interactive and beneficial. Date: 12/3/2017 Source: Dr. Fadi Al-Khasawneh  