Faculty of Languages and Translation

Professional Training Workshop on Bloom’s Taxonomy: Why Use It?

  With the commitment to advancing the practice of quality assurance, the Academic Development and Quality Committee at the Faculty of Languages and Translation (King Abdullah Road Campus) organized "Bloom’s Taxonomy: Why Use It?" workshop on Monday, October 28, 2019. The workshop was delivered by Dr. Sheila Simpkins and it focused on how Bloom's Taxonomy can facilitate a seamless alignment between learning outcomes, classroom teaching strategies, and assessment. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy allows teaching staff to align course learning objectives, with lesson objectives, and assessment. The workshop encouraged teaching staff to focus on developing high-level skills amongst learners so that learners retain information longer, learn invaluable critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and in-class time is so much more engaging for the students and for teachers! The workshop was well-received by the participants and there was a strong call for more professional training to promote the practice of quality teaching, learning, and assessment. Date: 11/2/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

Students on the Academic Time & Stress Train: FLT Teaches How to Stay on Track Without Running out of Steam

  On October 29, 2019, the English Club organized a workshop titled 'Stress and Time Management' delivered by Dr. Karem Abdelatif Ahmed. The purpose of the workshop was to show the students how to manage the effects of stress and maintain high levels of work performance under stressful circumstances.   Academic Guidance Counselor, Dr. Dawood Mahdi, started the event with a speech encouraging the students to attend programs devoted to academic performance enhancement. He recounted his own experiences in managing his personal and academic obligations while in school.   Dr. Ahmed then began his program. He told the students that stressors of one sort or another are inherent in every stage of life. He noted that stress increases with age and increased professional responsibilities. Dr. Ahmed opined that the most important thing about stress is maintaining perspective. That is, not viewing every adverse situation as a crisis. We should strive to do our best to respond to stressful circumstances with diligence and grace, knowing that controlling every outcome is impossible. He also reviewed the unhealthy physical and psychological effects of long-term exposure to heavy stress. In short, he admonished the students to be studious and hard-working and to never forget that they cannot bear the weight of the entire world.   Dr. Ahmed then moved on to the issue of time. He stated that many books and countless hours of effort have gone into studying 'time management'. He noted that there is no such thing as managing time. Time marches relentlessly forward regardless of our needs or desires. Rather, one can only manage their priorities. Dr. Abdullateef stated his strategy: Set both short-term and long-term goals, and reduce them to writing. Set the objectives high, but not unrealistically so and give a target date for each. Make sure that the vast majority of your time is devoted to those goals, and track your progress daily. Avoid those activities that keep you 'busy' on things that are unimportant or frivolous. In short, focus and monitor on that which is truly important so that small daily activities turn into huge accomplishments over the long term.   Near the conclusion of the program, English Club Director Faisal Alfadhil spoke about how students can use the English Club's social media accounts to stay connected. He encouraged the students to join the club's WhatsApp group and connect with their classmates.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation is committed to providing world-class language education and empowering the students with the tools to succeed in challenging academic programs. Date: 10/30/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

Rbrul Statistics

  Dr. Khairiya Abudadi conducted a workshop on Rbrul Statistics, at the seminar organized by the Language Research Center, FLT of King Khalid University, on October 30, 2019.   Rbrul Statistics, Abudadi said, is a user-friendly piece of software that allows us to calculate statistical data very easily. She first focused on the application’s installation. After that, she talked about various features of Rbrul Statistics and its application to teaching and assessment in different department courses. She also mentioned how useful the application had been during her Ph.D.   She concluded that Rbrul Statistics is a very useful piece of software that helps with data analysis and complicated statistical calculation. She recommended that we all try to use it for statistical analysis.   The workshop was informative and an overall success. Graigor campus also participated in the workshop. Date: 10/30/2019 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique

Speech Competition

  The English Club of the Faculty of Languages and Translation - female section - conducted a Speech Competition. The audition day was on Monday 29/10/2019, and three students were nominated to the Finals, on Wednesday 30/10/2019. The English Club prepared a corner and evaluation forms for six judges from the Faculty. The Faculty members were responsible for evaluating contestants' performance, and they had the eligibility of 80% of the marks. Whereas, the audiences’ votes presented the remaining 20%.   After the final speeches, the English Club coordinator and judges calculated the marks and votes then announced the winners and distributed Certificates and Vouchers from Jarir Bookstore. It was a strong competition with interesting topics and performances. Date: 10/30/2019 Source: Ms. Maram Almalki, Student Affairs Coordinator

Intellectual Awareness Unit: Goal Setting Workshop

  The students of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (female section), along with the coordinator of the Intellectual Awareness Unit (IAU), attended a workshop on Thursday, October 24, 2019, at Faculty of Islamic Legislation. The workshop was held by Dr. Nora Al-Faifi, who emphasized the importance of setting life goals and working hard to achieve them. "Life has many challenges, and you should set goals, find opportunities, overcome all obstacles, and work hard to achieve your goal," said Dr. Al-Faifi. Goal setting isn't just about creating a plan for your life and holding yourself accountable; it's also about having the necessary inspiration to aim for things you never thought possible, explained Dr. Al-Faifi. She added that having a goal written down with a date for accomplishment gives you something to plan and work towards. A written goal is an abiding reminder of what you need to accomplish, which connects you with your inner desires, and gives you motivational energy to exert all efforts to achieve your goal.   In answering the question, "What is your life purpose, and how do you plan to achieve your dreams?", Dr. Al-Faifi clarified that the Islamic creed is very clear; we have been created to worship Allah the Almighty. Moreover, Allah intended for Muslims to be active participants in society and hence commanded us to go out in the world to seek out the bounties of Allah. Dr. Al-Faifi emphasized that setting goals in life, planning one's future and designing one's own purpose in life is all a part of the Islamic teachings.   The workshop was followed by an open discussion about the significance of setting a goal in one's life. Many participants contributed by talking about personal experiences they went through and the struggles they had in their lives and how they were able to overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. Finally, the workshop was concluded with success stories of some teaching assistants and students who managed to accomplish their goals. They asserted that it is very important to set a goal in your life, 'invite' opportunities, believe in yourself, and work hard to achieve your dream. The workshop was very motivational for students who were excited about the discussion and the success stories.   The event was attended by the Vice Supervisor of the Intellectual Awareness Unit, Dr. Dawlah Mohammad Mane', and IAU coordinators from various faculties of the university. Date: 10/28/2019 Source: Dr. Amal Metwally, Coordinator of Intellectual Awareness Unit, Faculty of Languages and Translation

Faculty of Languages and Translation Goes Back to Primary School

  During the week of October 20, 2019, the English Club organized a trip to the 'Excellent Educational Schools' located in Abha. Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi, English Club Director Faisal Alfadhil, and club member Ali Al-Jasser represented the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FLT).   After a warm welcome by the packed audience of primary school students and Principal, Abdullah Al-Mualwi, Dean Al-Melhi thanked the school for inviting the FLT and the English Club. Dean Al-Melhi began with his speech stressing the importance of education and the many ways in which learning the English language can benefit them. He noted that learning is a lifelong process and that they should take their studies very seriously if they want to be successful in life. Following the dean, Director Alfadhil delivered a speech in which he spoke about the importance of hard work. He said, “Like many of you, when I was young, playing with my friends was more important than studying. However, as I got older, I understood the importance of school and learning English.” Principal Al-Mualwi then commented that the FLT representatives are role models and an inspiration to these young students to embrace education as the biggest opportunity in their young lives. He then awarded all of the FLT representatives, as mentioned above, a plaque recognizing their effort and commitment to education.   The FLT is committed to serving the community and encouraging advanced education among all segments of the population. Date: 10/26/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

مكتبة كلية اللغات والترجمة شطر الطالبات

أقام نادي { The English club } بكلية اللغات والترجمة بأبها - بالتعاون مع وكالة عمادة شؤون الطلاب لشؤون الطالبات بتنسيق مكتبة وركن قراءة للنادي.  حيث أفتتح النادي يوم الأربعاء الموافق ١٤٤١/٢/٢٤هـ  مكتبة في قسم اللغات والترجمة بعد جهد وتنسيق من الطالبات دام لثلاثة أسابيع.  كما نسقت عضوات النادي ديكور المكتبة بأعمال يدوية وإعادة تدوير ثم تم جمع تبرعات الكتب لبدأ المكتبة وركن للقراءة. تتضمن المكتبة أرفف الكتب وطاولة للقراءة وركن القهوة وكذلك ركن استرخاء، أيضاً ركن رسائل يومية تحفيزية وسيتم تجديد محتواها إسبوعيا. كما تم تجهيز جدول لأوقات فتح المكتبة وتكفلت عضوات النادي بتقسيم أوقاتهن للإشراف على المكتبة والحضور. بحيث سوف تفتح يوميا لمدة ثلاث ساعات تحت إشراف رائدة النشاط وعضوات النادي. حضرت ٦٨ طالبة في اليوم الأول للافتتاح كما حضر عدداً من الأعضاء وطالبات من قسم الإعلام والآتي بدورهن أعددن لقاء صحفي مع الرائدة وعضوات النادي.   رائدة النادي : أ / مرام المالكي  رئيسة النادي : سهام العبدلي

Mastering the Skills of Writing Research Manuscripts

  Ms. Amatul Hafeez Alvi spoke on the subject of 'Mastering the Skills of Writing Research Manuscripts', at a seminar organized by the Language Research Center on October 23, 2019.   Alvi began her session with the main objectives of her presentation. She focused on the importance of publishing research papers, what makes a successful writer, how to choose a journal, the process of writing, submission and issues related to revision, acceptance and rejection.   She emphasized the fact that all a writer needs is 'zeal'. She discussed in detail some other related issues, such as having academic experience with no publications, little exposure to research activities, university demands, demotivation after rejection, lack of language skills, et cetera.   Alvi also spoke about the qualities of good writing. She encouraged writers not to hesitate or haste and to select a suitable publication outlet, ensure clarity, monitor the process and collaborate when writing a research article.   Alvi concluded that a researcher should keep on trying to get their work published. A researcher should not be demoralized after being rejected.   The seminar was a great success and raised awareness on the significance of improving skills in pursuit of research publication. It is worth mentioning that the women's college at King Abdullah Road, Al-Samer Campus, and the main campus attended the seminar in-person or via teleseminar. Date: 10/24/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

I Can Marathon ماراثون أنا أستطيع

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم أقام نادي { The English club } بكلية اللغات والترجمة بأبها - بالتعاون مع وكالة عمادة شؤون الطلاب لشؤون الطالبات ، تفعيل يوم رياضي لطالبات الكلية. حيث أقام النادي يوم الإثنين الموافق ١٤٤١/٢/٢٢هـ فعالية المارثون تحت شعار " أنا أستطيع" وغيرها من التحديات الرياضية، كالقفز على الحبل والبحث عن الكنز.   بِدءًا من الحادية عشر  صباحاً إلى الثانيةِ عشر مساءًا. نظم النادي مسار طوله ٤٦٨ متر وشاركت ٧٢ طالبة في المارثون على ٥ دفعات. حيث تم توزيع أساور بشعارات تحفيزية وبطاقات للمشاركات عند نقطة بداية المارثون ليتم تحديد الفائزات بإنصاف، ثم تم تتويج المراكز الأولى لكل دفعة عند نقطة النهاية بتقديم ميدالية ذهبية بشعار النادي المارثون I can.  كما حضر مشكورين عدداً من الأعضاء و منسوبي عمادة شؤون الطالبات وكذلك طالبات من كليات المجمع الأكاديمي لتشجيع زميلاتهن وخلق جو رياضي رائع.  رائدة النادي : أ / مرام المالكي  رئيسة النادي : سهام العبدلي

E-Writing Workshop a Success in the LEP

  On October 22, 2019, E-Learning Unit Supervisor Mohsin Khan held a workshop on 'E-Writing'. The workshop, organized by the E-Learning Unit at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, was for all English language majors. The purpose was to help students improve their English writing using a variety of free services available on the internet.   The focus was on writing strategy, and the presenter guided the audience through the computer-based exercises. As such, students at most any level of English study benefited from the program. More than 25 students ranging from incoming freshmen to graduating seniors participated, and everybody was able to practice using the web-based writing assistance resources.   This workshop was important for all of those majoring in English. Unquestionably, writing is without question the most difficult of the language skills. On average, it takes about 10,000 hours of practice to become a proficient writer. Obviously, writing in the classroom and on exams is not sufficient experience for such an achievement. Students must practice outside of class for a period of years. Further, writing is a 'perishable' skill. Writing ability deteriorates quickly without continual practice. These are the reasons that 'E-Writing' is so valuable.   E-Writing allows students to practice efficiently. The programs can point out errors and make suggestions. This allows the students to write more material with a greater degree of confidence. Before the advent of online writing coaching, a student would need an experienced coach or tutor to sit with him/her to derive a similar benefit. E-Writing allows much higher proficiency in a reasonable amount of time. "In today's E-Writing Workshop, students were exposed to online resources and websites for improving writing skills. Students were informed about online writing skill courses offered at online platforms such as FutureLearn.com, edX, Alison, Coursera, Canvas Network, and Udemy. Students were also familiarized with writing resources of the British Council, BBC and websites for IELTS and TOEFL preparation. Students were given three moderately difficult online writing tasks, and I am happy to say that they enthusiastically participated in all the tasks and completed them," said Mr. Khan.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation is dedicated to providing cutting edge language learning services to all of the students. Those wishing for more information can contact Mr. Khan at mokhan@kku.edu.sa. Date: 10/22/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation