
حفل استقبال الطلاب المستجدين

أقامت وحدة التوجيه والارشاد بكلية اللغات والترجمة يومنا هذا الأحد بتاريخ  5 /2 /1443، حفل استقبال الطلاب المستجدين.  حضر اللقاء سعادة عميد الكلية ووكلائه الكرام ورئيس قسم اللغة الإنجليزية والمشرف على وحدة التوجيه والإرشاد ومسؤول وحدة التعلم الالكتروني وعددا من أعضاء هيئة التدريس، وكان لقاءا إيجابيا قدم من خلاله سعادة العميد والوكلاء كلمات ترحيبية و توجيهية وحثوهم على الجد والاجتهاد و المشاركة في الأنشطة الطلابية المتنوعة، كما ألقى رئيس وحدة التوجيه والإرشاد بالكلية كلمة توجيهية عرّف من خلالها بأنشطة الوحدة وأهدافها وخدماتها وأهمية وجود مثل هذه الوحدات في الكليات، تلا ذلك تقديم مقدمة تعريفية عن استخدام منصة البلاك بورد من مسؤول وحدة التعلم الالكتروني.  وختاما، تم الرد على عدد من أسئلة واستفسارات الطلاب، ثم التقطت صور تذكارية بهذه المناسبة. Date: 9/12/2021 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

Spring 2021 Orientation Day

  On 26 January 2021, the Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation held an orientation program for first-year students. At the gathering, new students received important information delivered in a small group and discussion format in line with COVID-19 social distancing measures. Several members of the leadership team and functional units of the FLT were there to introduce the curriculum and the culture within the campus.   Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi began the program by welcoming the students. He explained that this meeting is not just a perfunctory gathering, highlighting that this welcoming activity was designed to help students overcome the challenges and difficulties they will face while keeping an eye on success. Dean Al-Melhi then imparted important instructions about the English program and useful tips for academic success.   Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, then introduced students to the intended outcomes of the Bachelor of Arts in English program, how they will be assessed, an overview of Blackboard, and the expectations of their performance as they progress through the university. English Department Chair, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, echoed Vice Dean Asiri's advice and familiarized students with university rules and regulations. Academic Advisor, Dr. Dawood Mahdi, followed after and encouraged students to use the services available on campus to support their success.   At the end of the event, E-Learning Unit Supervisor, Mohsin Raza Khan, guided students through the basics of Blackboard, such as how to log in, upload assignments, use the discussion forum, and take exams. He explained that if they need help throughout the semester, the Blackboard Student Support team is also just a call or click away.   The Bachelor of Arts in English program is committed to providing a comprehensive orientation for new students, ensuring their full understanding of the types of services and facilities available.   Date: 1/26/2021 Source: FLT Web

Fall 2020 Freshmen Orientation

  On 3 September 2020, the Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation held an orientation program for first-year students. At the gathering, new students received important information delivered in a small group and discussion format in line with COVID-19 social distancing measures. Several members of the leadership team and functional units of the FLT were there to introduce not only the curriculum but also the culture within the campus.   Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi began the program by welcoming the students. He explained that this meeting is not just a perfunctory gathering, highlighting that this welcoming activity was designed to help students overcome the challenges and difficulties they will face while keeping an eye towards success. Dean Al-Melhi then imparted important instructions about the English program and useful tips for academic success.   English Department Chair, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, echoed Dean Al-Melhi's advice and familiarized students with university rules and regulations. Academic Advisor, Dr. Dawood Mahdi, then informed students about the university facilities and resources.   At the end of the event, E-Learning Unit Supervisor, Mohsin Raza Khan, delivered an interactive Blackboard training session using iPads. He highlighted the key areas students need to be aware of and noted strategies for success in the online learning environment. Date: 9/6/2020 Source: FLT Web

حفل استقبال المستجدين وتكريم المتفوقين

ضمن أنشطتها الطلابية ، وبرعاية من سعادة عميد كلية اللغات والترجمة الدكتور/ عبد الله آل ملهي ووكيل الكلية الدكتور/ يحيى عسيري أقامت كلية اللغات والترجمة حفلا تم فيه استقبال للطلاب المستجدين في الكلية وأيضا تم فيه تكريم للطلاب المتوفقين في الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام 1440/1441.  وفي التفاصيل فقد أقامت كلية اللغات والترجمة ممثلة في نادي اللغة الانجليزية يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 1441/6/10 الساعة 11:00ص  حفلا تم فيه الترحيب والاستقبال للطلاب المستجدين في الكلية والبالغ عددهم تقريبا 150 طالب مستجد. كما تم أيضا تكريم الطلاب المتوفقين الحاصلين على تقدير ممتاز مرتفع في الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام 1440/1441ه وقد بلغ عددهم تقريبا 49 طالب متفوق. وقد بدأ الحفل بآيات كريمة من القرآن الكريم تلاها عرض مرئي بالأنشطة التي نظمها ونفذها نادي اللغة الانجليزية في الفصل الدراسي الأول. جاء بعده كلمة سعادة عميد الكلية الدكتور عبد الله آل ملهي. وقد رحب سعادته بالطلاب المستجدين وحثهم على الجد والاهتمام والحرص والمواظبة وبارك أيضا للطلاب المتفوقين تفوقهم. بعد ذلك ألقى المرشد الأكاديمي للكلية الدكتور/ داوود مهدي كلمة رحب فيه بالطلاب المستجدين وبين لهم بعض التوجيهات والارشادات التي يحتاجونها خلال مسيرتهم الجامعية وبارك أيضا بدوره للطلاب المتفوقين. ثم تحدث وكيل الكلية للتطوير والجودة الدكتور/ عبد الرحمن الموسى عن رابطة الخريجين وبعض أنشطتها وأهدافها وأهميتها للطلاب كما رحب الدكتور الموسى بالمستجدين في بداية كلمته وأنهاها بالمباركة للطلاب المتفوقين. بعد ذلك كانت كلمة رائد النشاط الطلابي بالكلية الأستاذ خالد القاسمي ، وقد تطرق لعدة أمور ابتدأها بالترحيب بالطلاب المستجدين وحثهم على الجد والاجتهاد والانضباط ، وقد تحدث في كلمته عن نادي اللغة الانجليزية بكلية اللغات والترجمة وما يقدمه من أنشطة طلابية متنوعة ، ثم بين كيفية التسجيل بالنادي وحث الطلاب على المشاركة في الأنشطة الطلابية والاستفادة منها. وأنهى كلمته بالمباركة للطلاب المتفوقين وحثهم على الاستمرار في تفوقهم. وقد تم في آخر الحفل تكريم الطلاب المتفوقين ومنحهم شهادات تفوق تشجيعا لهم ولزملائهم المستجدين على التفوق والحصول على معدلات مرتفعة في دراستهم. قائمة باسماء الطلبة المتفوقين (ممتاز مرتفع) الفصل الأول محمد عبدالله ظافر الشهري أنس بن محمد بن فاضل الليلحي الشهري عوض بن ناصر بن عوض القحطاني عبد الرحمن بن منير بن فلحان المرزوقي البقمي عبدالعزيز بن علي بن محمد الشهري فهد  عبدالله  موسى  الزهراني أنس بن عبدالله بن خضران العمرى عبدالعزيز بن جبران بن حامد آل سريع القحطاني ابراهيم بن سالم بن مفرح القاعي المالكي عبدالإله  بن مرزن  بن عوضه  آل ثابت  الشهراني احمد بن عبدالله بن احمد ال حزمه الشهري محمد بن سعيد بن منصور آل عباس عسيري عبدالله بن جحلان بن موسى الشهراني محمد بن عائض بن ناصر آل الشعبي العسيري فهد بن علي بن أحمد آل مجود الشهراني حسن مرعي علي الربعي عبداالله خالد عبدالله الهازمي عبدالله بن سعيد بن عبدالله يحيي خالد بن علي بن سلمان الشراحيلي الفيفي اسامة بن يحيى بن محمد الربعي مهند بن محمد بن غرم الله آل سعدالله الغامدي عبدالعزيز سعيد عبدالله  الشهراني عبدالرحمن بن امحمد بن علي ابراهيم عسيري ريان بن يحيى بن علي رديف عبدالعزيز بن خالد بن عبدالعزيز آل عامر حسن بن عوض بن مسفر  الحسني الزهراني أحمد بن محمد بن أحمد الجندبي عسيري عوض بن عامر بن حسن ال يعلى الشهري طاهر علي عبدي أأ سعود بن سعيد بن جارالله الشهراني فارس بن أحمد بن موسى مشافي وائل بن سليمان بن أحمد مدري الفيفي عبدالعزيز علي محمد الشهري مشعل بن محمد بن عبدالرحمن البشري عبدالرحيم بن علي بن عبدالرحمن ال فرحان الشهري محمد بن سعد بن حمود البحيري القرني فؤاد محمد فياض حسين عبدالاله بن علي بن عبدالله ال مداوي القحطاني عاصم يحي عيسى عسيري علي بن يحي بن محمد المحجوبي الشهري عبدالاله بن ابراهيم بن حسين دحموس عبدالله حسن عبدالله آل ناصر مهند بن سعد بن مشبب آل صلام عسيري خالد بن مرعي بن علي آل عوضه الاحمري فارس ابراهيم عداوي اليحياوي ريان بن حسن بن جبار الفيفي سلطان ناصر يحي عسيري فيصل محمد محمد عسيري عبدالسلام طاهر عبدالماجد حمزه     For a list of "Alumni" on the "Honors List", please (click here). Date: 2/10/2020 Source: Dr. Munassir Alhamami

FLT Holds Freshman Orientation

  Turnout was strong for the annual Faculty of Languages and Translation's freshman orientation at the beginning of the semester, as students received an overview of the rules and regulations, enjoyed meeting fellow lowerclassmen, and learned more about the English Club.   Although orientation usually runs for 1-2 hours, it offers the opportunity to meet teachers and fellow students and forge relationships. Understanding the expectations of a King Khalid University student is key to making a successful transition into the Faculty of Languages and Translation. Student Advisor, Dr. Dawood Mahdi, and Student Activities Director, Faisal Alfadhil, both delivered speeches focused on becoming acquainted with the resources available. Upperclassmen were on hand to help students and offer words of support.   "Freshman Orientation is a great time for our new students to get ready for the transition to college life," Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi said. "We welcome the Class of 2023 and encourage them to attend classes on a regular basis." Date: 9-10-2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

Faculty of Languages & Translation Holds Joint Orientation and Student Awards Ceremony

  On January 29, 2019, the Faculty of Languages & Translation (FLT) held a joint freshman orientation and departmental student awards ceremony. The event was hosted by English Club President, Abdulaziz Dahlan, supervised by Student Activities Director, Faisal Alfadhil, and led by the Dean of the Faculty of Languages & Translation, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi.   In recognition of the inaugural student activity programs, Dean Al-Melhi conducted a brief ribbon-cutting ceremony. The purposes of the ceremony were to celebrate the improvements in student activities and emphasize their importance to the incoming freshmen.   One of the main objectives of the freshman orientation is to help new students make the transition from high school to college life. Dean Al-Melhi welcomed the students and expressed his excitement at seeing so many new faces. He then introduced several members of the faculty and staff, each of whom gave a brief explanation of how they can assist the students. Academic Counselor, Dr. Dawood Mahdi, then gave a short presentation about what the students can expect from their teachers and the administration. He also provided further information on how the faculty and staff can assist the students.   Dean Al-Melhi concluded the freshman orientation by saying 'You are all embarking upon a wonderful journey. Undoubtedly, each of you will have accomplishments and setbacks, joy and frustration. By the time you graduate, you will have learned so much about your major and about life. All of us here in the department hope that, years from now, you will remember your brief time at King Khalid University as one of the most valuable experiences in your life'.   Following the orientation, Dean Al-Melhi, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Dr. Yahya Asiri, Chairman of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, and Counselor Mahdi conducted the student awards portion of the program. This semester the FLT recognized the following students for achieving a grade point average at or above 4.75:   Mohammed Al-Buhairi Nasser Asiri Rayan Jabar Faisal Asiri Nasser Al-Shahrani Mohammed Al-Qahtani Fuad Fayad Hamad Ghannam Mohanad Mushabab Ahmed Ahmed Abdullah Nasser Abdulelah Hussein Turki Shamakh Abdulaziz Hussein Fares Shafi Khalid Hamza Ali Mohammed Asim Asiri Khalid Shehri Abdulrahman Ahmed Hussam Asiri Abdulaziz Hassan Mohanad Al-Dosari Ahmed Qadi Abdulelah Saad Mohammed Al-Shabi Ibrahim Nasser Mohammed Dhafer Abdulmoshin Mohammed Hazza Salem Awadh Hassan Wael Ahmed Abdulrahman Asiri Musa Mohammed   After the awards ceremony, Registrar at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, Nasser Hawamdeh, conducted a brief presentation concerning a variety of registration policies and procedures. He reviewed the methods by which students can register, change classes, and add/drop courses during the semester. This was important information as it covers frequently asked questions, especially among newer students.   Director Alfadhil then encouraged all of the students to participate in the English Club. The purpose of the extracurricular club is to help students improve their English skills and knowledge in an informal and collegial setting in which the focus is on teaching each other. 'The English Club can be a valuable and enjoyable means of improving your language skills while having fun. I encourage you to join the English Club at your earliest convenience', said Director Alfadhil.   At the end of the program, all of the participants enjoyed the refreshments. Students, both new and experienced, expressed their enthusiasm for their studies in the department. Date: 1/29/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

FLT Welcomes Class of 2022 at Freshman Orientation Day

Under the supervision of FLT Dean, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, and organization of the English Club, first-year students in the Faculty of Languages and Translation arrived bright and early on Wednesday, Sept, 12, for the Academic Year 2018-2019 Freshman Orientation Day. The Class of 2022 assembled for the first official time in the room A/3/60, welcomed by a variety of administrators, teachers and the president of the English Club. Dean Al-Melhi and FLT Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, were joined by Dr. Basim Kanaan, academic advisor, Naser Al-Hawamdeh, registrar, Mohsin Khan, e-learning supervisor, LEP Administrators Dr. Charles Forman and Hassan Costello, and student Abdulaziz Al-Shahrani, the president of the English Club whose area of responsibility include extra-curricular activities and hosting student events. The FLT holds a variety of extra-curricular activities each semester, including academic and sports competitions, available for students to join, become active, and leave their mark. Freshman Orientation provided students an opportunity to (i) understand the academic and community expectations of a King Khalid University student, (ii) feel more prepared to transition into the University, (iii) become acquainted with the resources available, (iv) meet with the academic advisor and registrar to learn more about academic expectations, and (v) have a better understanding of the Faculty of Languages and Translation student experience. All the speakers encouraged the new students to get involved. They delivered seven important tips: To attend lectures on time; to complete assignments on time; to check announcements; to utilize Tawasol for course and final exam schedule inquiries; to contact the academic advisor if help is needed, to attend academic advising support meetings, and to visit the college website for helpful links. Dean Al-Melhi said he welcomed the Class of 2022 as a fellow graduate of the same college. He is himself a graduate of the FLT, a member of the Class of 1987. “We want you to be successful, and though you will find that the transition from high school to college different, we have plenty of ways to support you along the way,” said Al-Melhi. “There will be challenges, of course, but we are here for you, and our doors are always open." Date: 09-12-2018 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: Abdulaziz Al-Shahrani and Mohsin Khan

New Student Orientation 2018

New students were embraced at the Level 1 Student Orientation on February 6, 2018, in the auditoriums of Building D. Incoming students were greeted with a warm welcome by the English Club and a presentation highlighting what the FLT would bring into their lives.  Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, delivered a heartfelt welcome telling all students that we are all one family.  He introduced the numerous facilities that the FLT provides to students to bolster their experience, and he encouraged students to take advantage of the expanded opportunities we offer at the FLT by completely immersing themselves into campus life and academic events. Any student who missed this event can contact the English Club for further assistance. Date: 02-11-2018 Source: The Faculty of Languages and Translation

The Second Annual Admissions Exhibition

The Second Annual Admissions Exhibition was designed to help prospective King Khalid University students successfully transition from high school to college. From the moment students stepped on our campus, they were greeted with the vibrant energy and differentiating value of the Faculty of Languages and Translation. The program was a concerted effort by faculty and staff to ensure that incoming students feel comfortable and welcome in their new surroundings. It gave prospective students the opportunity to examine their academic abilities, interests and educational plans before their first semester of classes. The exhibition provided prospective students with a basic understanding of what will be expected of them at King Khalid University and how their particular abilities and interests may fit with one or more of the University's majors. Hundreds of admissions packets containing infographics and pertinent details on the Faculty of Languages and Translation were provided to all prospective students who came to our booth. “The Second Annual Admissions Exhibition organized by the Deanship of Admissions and Registration was an exciting platform to introduce the Faculty of Languages and Translation to eager students. We interacted face-to-face with hundreds of students and showcased the strengths and uniqueness of the FLT under one roof," said Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean. The Faculty of Languages and Translation was exceptionally represented holding a host of interactive sessions that included but were not limited to: An Academic Counseling Overview  A Course Registration Overview  An E-Learning Overview  An English Language Center Overview An English Club Overview An IELTS Overview An Introductory Video on the FLT A Language Enhancement Program Overview  An interactive Q&A session with a significant portion of the faculty A big round of applause to all faculty members who represented the Faculty of Languages and Translation making it a spectacular success. Dr. Abdulmohsen Al-Qarni, Dean of the Admissions and Registration Department, commended the visible presence of faculty members and staff from the FLT interacting with prospective students. More importantly, he awarded the FLT first place on Thursday, December 14, 2017, for an outstanding admissions booth and visually appealing materials. A vote thanks go to the administrative employees of the faculty who tirelessly worked to ensure a first-class set-up. As the new semester dawns, the class of 2022 will join upperclassmen in September 2018 to begin their journey towards success. Date: 12/15/2017 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: Dr. Munassir Alhamami and MD Sherajul Islam This event was held over two days (December 13, 2017, and December 14, 2017).

New Student Orientation

Under the supervision of Dr. Abdullah Al Melhi, Dean, and represented by Dr. Abdulkhaleq Al Qahtani, Vice Dean of Higher Studies,  the English Club held an orientation for all first level students on March 5, 2017. Dr. Abdulkhaleq Al Qahtani, Dr. Mohammed Assiri, Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Chair of the English Department, Dr. Basim Kanaan, Academic Advisor, and Hassan Asiri, Director of Student Activities, presented the program. They all stressed critical points to success that included but were not limited to, helpful resources, policies, and general strategies. Dr. Abdulkhaleq Al Qahtani added that the purpose of the orientation program was to engage students and to introduce them to campus resources and opportunities. He further reasoned that a successful transition for students from their previous environment into the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FLT) is paramount. This year’s orientation leaders were eager to share their experiences. "Orientation is the next step for students in joining the KKU FLT community," said Hassan Asiri, Director of Student Activities. “It was an opportunity to meet new students. For many of them, this was a great chance to ask questions,” said Haitham Hawi, President of the English Club. Ahmed Al Otaibi, Vice President of the English Club, remembers going through the orientation program when he first started and learned how to get involved. “I like providing assistance where it is needed,” Al Otaibi said. “Also, I wanted to let new students know about the English Club so that they can join us.” In conclusion, Dr. Abdulkhaleq Al Qahtani emphasized the importance of orientation as being key to student success. He further reiterated that we aim to support the student experience inside and outside of the classroom. Date: 03-06-2017 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: MD Sirajul Islam