Standard 4

حفل استقبال المستجدين وتكريم المتفوقين

ضمن أنشطتها الطلابية ، وبرعاية من سعادة عميد كلية اللغات والترجمة الدكتور/ عبد الله آل ملهي ووكيل الكلية الدكتور/ يحيى عسيري أقامت كلية اللغات والترجمة حفلا تم فيه استقبال للطلاب المستجدين في الكلية وأيضا تم فيه تكريم للطلاب المتوفقين في الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام 1440/1441.  وفي التفاصيل فقد أقامت كلية اللغات والترجمة ممثلة في نادي اللغة الانجليزية يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 1441/6/10 الساعة 11:00ص  حفلا تم فيه الترحيب والاستقبال للطلاب المستجدين في الكلية والبالغ عددهم تقريبا 150 طالب مستجد. كما تم أيضا تكريم الطلاب المتوفقين الحاصلين على تقدير ممتاز مرتفع في الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام 1440/1441ه وقد بلغ عددهم تقريبا 49 طالب متفوق. وقد بدأ الحفل بآيات كريمة من القرآن الكريم تلاها عرض مرئي بالأنشطة التي نظمها ونفذها نادي اللغة الانجليزية في الفصل الدراسي الأول. جاء بعده كلمة سعادة عميد الكلية الدكتور عبد الله آل ملهي. وقد رحب سعادته بالطلاب المستجدين وحثهم على الجد والاهتمام والحرص والمواظبة وبارك أيضا للطلاب المتفوقين تفوقهم. بعد ذلك ألقى المرشد الأكاديمي للكلية الدكتور/ داوود مهدي كلمة رحب فيه بالطلاب المستجدين وبين لهم بعض التوجيهات والارشادات التي يحتاجونها خلال مسيرتهم الجامعية وبارك أيضا بدوره للطلاب المتفوقين. ثم تحدث وكيل الكلية للتطوير والجودة الدكتور/ عبد الرحمن الموسى عن رابطة الخريجين وبعض أنشطتها وأهدافها وأهميتها للطلاب كما رحب الدكتور الموسى بالمستجدين في بداية كلمته وأنهاها بالمباركة للطلاب المتفوقين. بعد ذلك كانت كلمة رائد النشاط الطلابي بالكلية الأستاذ خالد القاسمي ، وقد تطرق لعدة أمور ابتدأها بالترحيب بالطلاب المستجدين وحثهم على الجد والاجتهاد والانضباط ، وقد تحدث في كلمته عن نادي اللغة الانجليزية بكلية اللغات والترجمة وما يقدمه من أنشطة طلابية متنوعة ، ثم بين كيفية التسجيل بالنادي وحث الطلاب على المشاركة في الأنشطة الطلابية والاستفادة منها. وأنهى كلمته بالمباركة للطلاب المتفوقين وحثهم على الاستمرار في تفوقهم. وقد تم في آخر الحفل تكريم الطلاب المتفوقين ومنحهم شهادات تفوق تشجيعا لهم ولزملائهم المستجدين على التفوق والحصول على معدلات مرتفعة في دراستهم. قائمة باسماء الطلبة المتفوقين (ممتاز مرتفع) الفصل الأول محمد عبدالله ظافر الشهري أنس بن محمد بن فاضل الليلحي الشهري عوض بن ناصر بن عوض القحطاني عبد الرحمن بن منير بن فلحان المرزوقي البقمي عبدالعزيز بن علي بن محمد الشهري فهد  عبدالله  موسى  الزهراني أنس بن عبدالله بن خضران العمرى عبدالعزيز بن جبران بن حامد آل سريع القحطاني ابراهيم بن سالم بن مفرح القاعي المالكي عبدالإله  بن مرزن  بن عوضه  آل ثابت  الشهراني احمد بن عبدالله بن احمد ال حزمه الشهري محمد بن سعيد بن منصور آل عباس عسيري عبدالله بن جحلان بن موسى الشهراني محمد بن عائض بن ناصر آل الشعبي العسيري فهد بن علي بن أحمد آل مجود الشهراني حسن مرعي علي الربعي عبداالله خالد عبدالله الهازمي عبدالله بن سعيد بن عبدالله يحيي خالد بن علي بن سلمان الشراحيلي الفيفي اسامة بن يحيى بن محمد الربعي مهند بن محمد بن غرم الله آل سعدالله الغامدي عبدالعزيز سعيد عبدالله  الشهراني عبدالرحمن بن امحمد بن علي ابراهيم عسيري ريان بن يحيى بن علي رديف عبدالعزيز بن خالد بن عبدالعزيز آل عامر حسن بن عوض بن مسفر  الحسني الزهراني أحمد بن محمد بن أحمد الجندبي عسيري عوض بن عامر بن حسن ال يعلى الشهري طاهر علي عبدي أأ سعود بن سعيد بن جارالله الشهراني فارس بن أحمد بن موسى مشافي وائل بن سليمان بن أحمد مدري الفيفي عبدالعزيز علي محمد الشهري مشعل بن محمد بن عبدالرحمن البشري عبدالرحيم بن علي بن عبدالرحمن ال فرحان الشهري محمد بن سعد بن حمود البحيري القرني فؤاد محمد فياض حسين عبدالاله بن علي بن عبدالله ال مداوي القحطاني عاصم يحي عيسى عسيري علي بن يحي بن محمد المحجوبي الشهري عبدالاله بن ابراهيم بن حسين دحموس عبدالله حسن عبدالله آل ناصر مهند بن سعد بن مشبب آل صلام عسيري خالد بن مرعي بن علي آل عوضه الاحمري فارس ابراهيم عداوي اليحياوي ريان بن حسن بن جبار الفيفي سلطان ناصر يحي عسيري فيصل محمد محمد عسيري عبدالسلام طاهر عبدالماجد حمزه     For a list of "Alumni" on the "Honors List", please (click here). Date: 2/10/2020 Source: Dr. Munassir Alhamami

New Approaches to Building Online Courses in Blackboard

  On February 5, 2020, under the supervision of Vice Dean for Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, E-Learning Supervisor, Bachelor of Arts in English program, Mohsin Khan, delivered a university-wide webinar titled 'Using Blackboard to Build Online Courses'. The webinar, organized by the Tamkeen team at the Deanship of E-Learning, aimed to explore the effective use of Blackboard and expose participants to the important tools of Blackboard. Approximately 170 faculty members from the numerous faculties registered for the webinar.   Mr. Khan provided an introduction to and the best practices of: Blackboard course management tools; The Fundamentals of building online courses using the QM Rubric; Creating quizzes, tests and assignments; Using the discussion board, announcement and start here content areas; Creating online sessions using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.   The Faculty of Languages and Translation is dedicated to providing specialized training and services to all faculties. The webinar was an overall success and will continue successively in future webinars as a part of the Tamkeen Team efforts. Special thanks to E-learning Deanship Training Manager, Mohammed Jarallah, for his holistic support. Date: 2/8/2020 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation  

Publishing in Peer-Reviewed Journals: Challenges and Solutions

  The Women's Scientific Research Committee of the Bachelor of Arts in English program organized a seminar entitled "Publishing in Peer-Reviewed Journals: Challenges and Solutions" on Monday, February 3, 2020. The presentation, which was conducted by Dr. Mazeegha Al- Tale', focused on highlighting the significance of publishing in peer-reviewed journals, necessary steps, and techniques. At the beginning, Dr. Al-Tale' thanked the Scientific Research Committee for giving her the chance to give that presentation. She extended her thanks to the outstanding researchers Dr. Fakieh Alrabai and Dr. Munassair Al-Hamami for providing her with valuable information about international publishing.   "As faculty members, we strive to publish in peer-reviewed journals. After the hard work of thinking about appropriate topics, designing our studies, collecting the data and going through other steps of writing, we all are eager to see our works in good scientific journals", said Dr. Al- Tale’. Dr. Al- Tale' illustrated that there are five steps that researches have to follow in their journey towards publishing their work in authentic reliable journals. These are: reading towards topic selection, writing the research paper, selecting a journal, editing, and submission. She further explained in detail how each step could be accomplished perfectly towards publishing in peer-reviewed journals.   Dr. Al-Tale' also highlighted the importance of checking the impact factor of a journal before correspondence. Additionally, Dr. Al-Tale' provided a list of good publishing houses and explained the journal selection tools. She also visited some useful websites during the session in order to show the audience how to know if the target journal is listed in Scopus or not, to know whether a target journal is predatory or not, and to make sure that the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a real one.   The seminar was attended by Dean's Assistant, Dr. Salma Alqahtani, Vice Dean, Dr. Mona Alshehri, teaching staff, and students. The seminar was very informative, engaging and such a great success.   Date: 2/4/2020 Source: Dr. Amal Metwally, Scientific Research Committee

لقاء الطالبات المستجدات بكلية اللغات و الترجمة- شطر الطالبات-

ظمت وحدة التوجية والإرشاد  بكلية اللغات والترجمة، شطر الطالبات بابها لقاء للطالبات المستجدات و ذلك بحضور وكيلة الكلية سعادة الدكتوره منى الشهري و مشرفة القسم سعادة الدكتوره ندى القرني. وقد بدأ الحفل بكلمة ترحيبية ألقتها أ. صفية عسيري وكذلك التعريف بهيكل الكلية و تحدثت عن وحدة التوجيه و الإرشاد الأكاديمي و خدماتها و حقوق و واجبات الطالبات الأكاديمية و غير الأكاديمية و نبذه عن أهم الحركات الأكاديمية والمعلومات التي تهم الطالبة و نبذه عن لجنة التأديب. ثم قامت أ. هديل العرقبي بالتعريف بوحدة التوجيه و الإرشاد النفسي و الاجتماعي و أهم خدماتها. بعدها تحدثت ممثلة الانشطة الطلابية الطالبة سهام العبدلي نيابة عن أ. مرام المالكي عن النشاط الطلابي وأنواعه واهم أنشطة النادي . Date: 1/30/2020 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

Fall 2019 Student Activities Closing Ceremony: English Club Encourages Increased Participation

  Under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, the English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program held a special closing award ceremony on November 19, 2019, at 11 a.m. in Auditorium 5. The ceremony marked the end of activities carried out during the first semester of the current academic year. The ceremony was attended by Vice Dean of Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Yahya Asiri, Department Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, and a number of the faculty members and students.   The ceremony was commenced with a stirring recitation of the Holy Quran by student Saeed Al-Qahtani, and was followed by a short speech, given by Dean Al-Melhi and English Club Director Faisal Alfadhil. A 5-minute video of the activities that the English Club had carried out was shown to the audience via big screen on the stage. A recitation of a poem was given by Ali Al-Jaser.   In his speech, Dean Al-Melhi praised the efforts exerted by the English Club members and the participants throughout the semester to make it a success. On behalf of the English Club, Saud Al-Shahrani delivered a speech, hailing the coordination efforts shown by all English Club members, including their meeting on weekends to arrange for the conducted activities.   Elegant memorial shields were handed over to Dean Al-Melhi, Vice Dean Asiri, and Chairman Alhamami as a token of gratitude for their keenness on providing all that is needed for facilities and encouragement to the English Club to help it achieve its goals.   A ceremony of handing over certificates of appreciation to the faculty members who had given presentations or workshops ensued. Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin received a certificate of appreciation for his workshop, titled 'Translation: A Broad Overview Weaving Its Threads Together'. Dr. Karem Abdelatif Ahmed received a certificate of appreciation for the workshop he gave on time management, while Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui got a certificate of appreciation for his presentation on figurative language.   Many students were honored for their achievements in competitions at the level of the University, including Ali Al-Jaser (poetry), and Ahmed Al-Shehri (Karate). Abdulrahim Al-Qahtani (who came first), Abdulkarim Suleiman (who came second), and Mohamed Hamed (who came third) were all honored for mustering up the courage to stand on stage in previous competitions and for their outstanding performance. The ceremony was concluded by announcing the names of the unsung heroes who had been working assiduously behind the scenes to help the English Club achieve its goals. They are as follows:   Faisal Al-Dossari; Tamim Mohammed; Saud Al-Shahrani; Fawaz Al-Qahtani; Saeed Al-Qahtani; Abdulrahman Al-Amer; Abdulrahim Al-Qahtani; Ali Al-Jaser; Muhsari Al-Qahtani; Saad Al-Shahrani; Mohammed Al-Qahtani; Mohammed Al-Yami; Abdulkarim Al-Shahrani; Faisal Al-Shahrani. Date: 11/19/2019 Source: Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin

FLT Reflects on Alumni Standardized Test Performance

  Vice Rector of Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Merzin Al-Shahrani, sponsored a learning session entitled "Improving the Outcomes of the Bachelor of Arts in English Program at King Khalid University in the National Center for Assessment (QIYAS)" on Monday, November 18, 2019. The event was co-sponsored by the Deanship of Academic Development and Quality, and hosted by the Faculty of Languages & Translation's senior leadership. In attendance were nearly all faculty members at the main campus and the King Abdullah Road campus via teleconference.   Vice Rector Al-Shahrani began the event by explaining how the Ministry of Education has endeavored to improve the quality of program outcomes in all Saudi universities. Furthermore, he mentioned that educational outcomes are a key focus area of His Excellency, Minister of Education Dr. Hamad Al-Shaikh. The Vice Rector also noted that while institutional accreditation and university ranking are important, outcomes are paramount. The National Center for Assessment has refocused learning outcomes (LOs) under a similar model to the Bologna Process in Europe, which places all emphasis on LOs. By drawing from the Bologna Process key domain areas: Cognitive achievement (essential knowledge), behavior (skills and abilities) and affectivity (attitudes, values or beliefs), LOs will be greatly enhanced. Vice Rector Al-Shahrani then covered the main components and sub-components of the LOs that should be integral to our undergraduate program. The national standardized examination for English teachers reflects these LOs. Alumni performance on this exam is extremely important for career opportunities with the Ministry of Education. The test score parameters are:   Linguistics (15%); Applied Linguistics (12%); Translation (9%); Literature (20%); Language Skills (42%); Research Methods (2%).   Vice Rector Al-Shahrani then turned to the audience and reiterated the importance of adhering to the main components of the LOs. He stressed that our students deserve better learning outcomes that lead to enhanced employment opportunities. He then went through graphs and charts on how the 677 FLT graduates performed on the exam in the year 1440. Although the results were not as favorable as expected, there are promising indicators for potential improvement.   The Vice Rector presented a 'road map' based on teacher actions to improve test scores. Shortly thereafter, a detailed question and answer session began in which Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi expressed his concern for the results and his optimism in the plan for improvement. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, and Vice Dean for Academic Development and Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, stated that they are also confident in the Bacehlor of Arts in English program's ability to resolve the issue, noting that sub-committees are already being formed to address each deficiency in the program.   There were many tough questions during the Q&A session. For example, the existing basis for the undergraduate program and the required LOs are set forth in the Saudi Arabia Qualifications Framework (SAQF). Vice Rector Al-Shahrani concurred, but he stated that both sets of requirements apply to the undergraduate program. The Vice Rector said that our curriculum must be modified to reflect the current requirements set forth by His Excellency, Minister of Education Dr. Hamad Al-Shaikh. The King Abdullah Road Campus participants made mention of the significant obstacles to overcome in making these changes.   The Bachelor of Arts in English program (BAEP) at the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FLT) is dedicated to providing excellence in all aspects of its education. BAEP, the FLT, its students, and alumni deserve national recognition for the quality of the degree program. The department is determined to reform its curriculum to ensure optimal learning outcomes and better results on standardized national exams. Date: 11/19/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages & Translation

English Club Sponsors E-Reading Workshop

  On November 18, 2019, E-Learning Unit Supervisor Mohsin Khan held a workshop on 'E-Reading'. The workshop, organized by E-Learning Unit of the Bachelor of Arts in English program in collaboration with English Club at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, was for all English language majors. The purpose was to help students improve their understanding of ‘E-Reading’ using a variety of free services available on the internet.   The focus was on reading strategy, and Mr. Khan guided participants through iPad-based interactive exercises. The exercises, composed of e-worksheets, targeted knowledge of reading strategies. More than 20 students ranging from incoming freshmen to juniors participated, and this enabled them to collaborate and enhance their understanding of the topics learned during the presentation.   This workshop was important for all of those majoring in English. Unquestionably, reading is one of the best ways students can increase their vocabulary and consolidate their understanding of grammar. It expedites the normal language learning process, turning passive comprehension into active knowledge. Also, many studies have shown that reading strengthens cognitive abilities. These are some of the reasons that reading is one of the most valuable language skills.   "E-Reading can turn receptive lessons into interactive lessons. With interactive tasks, built-in dictionaries, and audio, students can develop their critical reading skills more effectively," said Mr. Khan. Date: 11/18/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

FLT Vibes Magazine

أقام نادي The English Club بكلية اللغات والترجمة بأبها بالتعاون مع عمادة شؤون الطلاب لشؤون الطالبات بتصميم وطباعة مجلة The Vibes بنسختها الثانية والتي تحتوي على مخرجات الطالبات وبمشاركة بعضاً من أعضاء هيئة التدريس. وذلك يوم الأحد الموافق ١٤٤١/٣/٢٠ هـ.  حيث تم استقبال مشاركات الطالبات منذ بداية الفصل الدراسي الأول إلى منتصف الترم، ثم تم العمل على تنسيق وطباعة المجلة. احتوت المجلة على عدة أقسام من مخرجات الطالبات:  - كتابات أدبية ومقالات انجليزية  - كتابات أدبية ومقالات عربية - ترجمة نصوص عربية إلى اللغة الإنجليزية - رسومات - تصوير فوتوغرافي  رائدة النادي : أ / مرام المالكي  The English Club of Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation conducted the 2nd edition of  'FLT Vibes Magazine' on Sunday, November 17, 2019. Date: 11/17/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

English Club Hits the Pins and the Pool to Celebrate Contest Winners

  The English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program recently hosted the third and final 'Twitter Winners' outing on 11/14/2019. These short trips are rewards to high-performing students who win a variety of language-based competitions.   English Club Director Faisal Al-Fadhil supervised the trip to the Abha Airport Hotel, where the participating students bowled and went swimming. Later they all had dinner together and reflected on their times at King Khalid University and in the English Club. Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, noted that he is thrilled that so many of our students are committed to their education and fully engaged in their college experience. Date: 11/16/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

FLT Students Showcase Their Talents

  The Women's English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized the 'I am Talented Exhibition' on Thursday, November 14, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A room full of exhibits were on display ranging from portrait drawings to fashion design. Faculty members and staff were impressed with the student-led showcase, which included but was not limited to:   Party Organization; Horror Makeup; Instagram Sweets Shop; Abstract Paintings; Portrait Drawings; Writings; Crochet Stitching; Fashion Designs.   The department faculty members and students had an excellent time at the event, viewing and discovering these fantastic hidden talents. Date: 11/15/2019 Source: Ms. Maram Almalki, Student Activities Coordinator