Fall 2019

English Club Hits the Pins and the Pool to Celebrate Contest Winners

  The English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program recently hosted the third and final 'Twitter Winners' outing on 11/14/2019. These short trips are rewards to high-performing students who win a variety of language-based competitions.   English Club Director Faisal Al-Fadhil supervised the trip to the Abha Airport Hotel, where the participating students bowled and went swimming. Later they all had dinner together and reflected on their times at King Khalid University and in the English Club. Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, noted that he is thrilled that so many of our students are committed to their education and fully engaged in their college experience. Date: 11/16/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation

FLT Students Showcase Their Talents

  The Women's English Club of the Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized the 'I am Talented Exhibition' on Thursday, November 14, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A room full of exhibits were on display ranging from portrait drawings to fashion design. Faculty members and staff were impressed with the student-led showcase, which included but was not limited to:   Party Organization; Horror Makeup; Instagram Sweets Shop; Abstract Paintings; Portrait Drawings; Writings; Crochet Stitching; Fashion Designs.   The department faculty members and students had an excellent time at the event, viewing and discovering these fantastic hidden talents. Date: 11/15/2019 Source: Ms. Maram Almalki, Student Activities Coordinator

برنامج دلني

تم تفعيل برنامج دلني بكلية اللغات والترجمة شطر الطالبات خلال ثلاثة ايام، ناقشت فيها الطالبات اهم الظواهر السلبية المنتشرة في المجتمع الجامعي و اثارها وطرق التخلص منها. وقد قد تناول البرنامج السلوك الايجابي من عدة جوانب: نفسية،اجتماعية،فكرية، و تربوية. Date: Fall 2019 Source: Women's English Club

FLT Observes World Mental Health Day

  Under the patronage of Assistant Dean, Dr. Salma Alqhtani, the Unit of Advising and Counseling at the female campus observed World Mental Health Day and launched a fabulous exhibition, which began on October 6, 2019, and ended on October 10, 2019.   The Unit organized a rich program to raise students' awareness of mental health in general and 'suicide prevention' in particular. The students shared their amazing arts and participated in a competition for the best three works of art. The exhibition welcomed all mediums of art.   A group of talented students also participated in the mental health campaign and performed a short silent scene inside the classes during the regular time of the lectures. More than 18 classes viewed performance during two periods; the first period from 8 am to 9 am and the second period from 11 am to 12 pm. Their performance was spectacular, and it encouraged other students and even faculty members and staff members to visit and participate in the exhibition. The program spread positive vibes throughout the week and created a safe place for everyone to learn and talk about the epidemic of mental illnesses.   The purpose of the program was to encourage students to express themselves through art. The topic of 'art therapy' was introduced to the students as a way of treatment for mental health issues. For this reason, the activity room was reorganized to serve the program purpose. There were different sections and corners: Awareness Wall, Mural Corner, Feelings Wheel Corner, Table for Creative Writing, Table for Drawing and Painting, and Corner for Educational Films and Videos.   Dr. Khadijah Almuadi, the Assistant Dean of the Advising and Counseling Center, visited the FLT exhibition, along with other members, and praised the effort and organization of the program.   At the end of the week, three winners were nominated by the students and faculty members. They received gift certificates from Jarir Bookstore. Students had a great time last week, and they shared their joyful moments on the hashtags as follows: #سفيراتالتوجيهوالإرشاد_KKU #مركزالإرشادالنفسي_kku #عمادةشؤونالطلاب Date: 10/16/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation