Speech Competition

Public Speaking Competition Draws Large Audience

  The English Department recently hosted an exciting Public Speaking Competition. The audience of over 100 attendees were treated to a magnificent display of talent by the participants. Because of the high standard of all the competitors' presentations, it was extremely difficult for the judges to choose outright winners.   The Dean will be hosting a small prize-giving event for these fantastic competitors in the near future. The Mountain Top Magazine's student journalists will publish a more comprehensive article, and provide related video links about this historic, world-class event, in the next issue. Date: 4/6/2022 Source: Azad Hayat

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أقام نادي { The English club } بكلية اللغات والترجمة - بأبها، بالتعاون مع وكالة عمادة شؤون الطلاب لشؤون الطالبات فعالية Speech Competition. أقيمت فعالية مسابقة إلقاء الخطاب على مرحلتين، بحيث كانت مرحلة تجارب الاداء يوم الاثنين الموافق ١٤٤١/٢/٢٩هـ ومن ثم تم تأهيل ٣ طالبات للمرحلة النهاية والتي كانت في يوم الأربعاء ١٤٤١/٣/٢هـ. بدءاً من الساعه العاشرة إلى ١١ صباحا. حيثُ قام النادي بإعداد الفعالية بناءًا على تنسيق لجنة التحكيم من أعضاء هيئة التدريس والتي لها أحقية ٨٠٪؜ من تقييم أداء المتسابقات، و٢٠٪؜ تصويت الجمهور  والذي بلغ عدده ٤٦ طالبة في كلا اليومين. كما تم حساب نقاط التقييم والتصويت وتتويج المراكز الثلاث الأولى بقسائم شرائية من مكتبة جرير مع شهادات شكر مقدمة من الكلية.  متمنين لهم دوام التوفيق. رائدة النادي : أ / مرام المالكي رئيسة النادي : سهام العبدلي

TOEFL Training

The English Club hosted an English Hour seminar led by Language Instructor, Hassan Costello. The training session was titled, The 60 TOEFL Structure and Written Expression Skills in 60 Minutes. The seminar covered test-taking strategies, a quick review of practice tests, tips to improving your Academic English, and an in-depth session on the Structure and Written Expression section.  Costello: The TOEFL examination is unique as it forces the students to use multiple skills when answering a single question. No matter whether it’s reading, writing, speaking or listening – all of these are strongly bound by time restrictions. You must be aware of the structure of the test, and focus on achieving the structural requirements within the appropriate time limits. I encourage you to use your power of prediction. The TOEFL test is run on computerized software. Keep in mind there are numerous slides and images that will allow you some extra time for planning and to predict some of the vocabulary of the topic coming up.  Date: 11/11/2015 Source: The Faculty of Languages and Translation

Communication Skills Workshop

The English Club in coordination with the Deanship of Student Affairs hosted a workshop titled “How to Improve Your English Communication Skills.” The event occurred on February 18, 2015, in Auditorium 6. It was a lively event that drew a crowd of nearly 500.  Hassan Costello, language instructor, covered different topic areas to include: Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Small Group Communication Public Communication Costello: Practice will build your accuracy. Accuracy will build your confidence. Confidence will build your fluency. Be patient and make many mistakes. Those mistakes are incredibly valuable learning opportunities! Certificates will be distributed to all workshop attendees in the coming weeks. A vote of thanks goes to Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi for facilitating this event. In addition to all members of the English Club, further recognition goes to the following for making this event a success: Ibrahim Al-Asmari, director of student affairs Abdullah Al-Ahmari, student activities president Yusef Al-Shahrani, professional photographer Saeed Al-Ahmari, professional photographer Date: Spring 2015 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation