Academic Development and Quality Committee

Professional Training Workshop on Bloom’s Taxonomy

  With the commitment to advancing the practice of quality assurance, the Academic Development and Quality Committee at the Faculty of Languages and Translation (King Abdullah Road Campus) organized "Bloom’s Taxonomy: Why Use It?" workshop on Monday, October 28, 2019. The workshop was delivered by Dr. Sheila Simpkins and it focused on how Bloom's Taxonomy can facilitate a seamless alignment between learning outcomes, classroom teaching strategies, and assessment. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy allows teaching staff to align course learning objectives, with lesson objectives, and assessment. The workshop encouraged teaching staff to focus on developing high-level skills amongst learners so that learners retain information longer, learn invaluable critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and in-class time is so much more engaging for the students and for teachers! The workshop was well-received by the participants and there was a strong call for more professional training to promote the practice of quality teaching, learning, and assessment. Date: 11/2/2019 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation