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Reading Comprehension as Text Navigation

Erich Beer presented a short seminar titled "Some Practical Considerations Regarding the Teaching of Reading Comprehension," organized by the Language Research Center at King Khalid University, on September 26, 2018. The presentation was based on his experience of teaching reading comprehension in the Faculty of Languages and Translation over the past five years. Beer began his presentation by briefly describing his philosophy of teaching, and explaining the approach to teaching Reading Comprehension he had gradually arrived at. He maintained that teaching students the process of arriving at answers was crucial. He had come to think of reading comprehension as essentially being text navigation – students finding their way around texts and extracting basic meaning with ever greater ease and fluency. He explained that higher-level thinking would spontaneously arise once the necessary conditions for attaining ease and fluency were created. He spent the remainder of the presentation giving pointers for choosing, using and reusing texts. The presentation was thought-provoking, resulting in a lively response afterward. Date: 9/26/2018 Source: Mohammad Adil Siddique