Incorporating Blackboard in e-Teaching

  A university-wide Blackboard training webinar was held by E-Learning Supervisor at the Faculty of Languages & Translation, Mohsin Khan, on Sunday, December 11, 2016. The webinar was organized by the E-Learning Deanship. It took place as part of a university-wide strategy to increase the amount of instructional design training to enhance the virtual learning environment for both students and teachers alike. The primary objectives of the webinar were to improve student learning, engagement, interaction, and most importantly quality learning. These objectives were solidified by the core foundation of the program that participants would be expected to be able to:   Create content items to present a variety of learning activities to enhance student learning; Deliver authentic assessments to evaluate student knowledge in a variety of meaningful ways; Effectively utilize select collaboration tools to increase student engagement by providing a means to share and create knowledge.   The webinar was an overall success and will continue successively in future webinars as a part of the Tamkeen Team efforts. Special thanks to E-learning Deanship Training Manager, Mohammed Jarallah, and ELC General Coordinator, Javed Ahmad, for their holistic support.   Update: Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan received a certificate of appreciation for his efforts at the beginning of the Spring 2017 Semester. The certificate was presented to Mr. Khan by the E-Learning Deanship.   Date: 12/11/16 Source: Faculty of Languages and Translation Multimedia Contribution: Javed Ahmad